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单词 unsafe
释义 Word family  noun safe safety adjective safe ≠ unsafe adverb safely  un·safe /ˌʌnˈseɪf◂/ ●○○ adjective  1  dangerous or likely to cause harm 危险的,不安全的 The building is unsafe. 那栋大楼不安全。 water that’s unsafe to drink 不能安全饮用的水► see thesaurus at dangerous2  likely to be harmed 处于危险中的 Many people feel unsafe walking alone at night. 很多人觉得一个人走夜路不安全。3  British English an unsafe judgment in a court of law is based on facts that may be wrong 证据不可靠的 an unsafe conviction 证据不足的定罪4. unsafe sex sex without using a condom 不安全的性行为Examples from the Corpusunsafe• The boiler burst and the balcony was declared unsafe.• The reasons for the new tunnel were that the old one was a terrible bottleneck, and that it was unsafe.• They feel the world is unsafe and their child needs to be protected.• In many developing societies the lack of basic amenities, such as clean water and proper sanitation, produces an inherently unsafe environment.• If you work in a home office, children may be another source of unsafe noise.• Lots of workplaces seem unsafe or out of control because of these and other kinds of behaviors and situations.• unsafe products• Which is why a society that blithely accepts this included / excluded ledger is an unsafe society.un·safe adjectiveChineseSyllable  or to harm Corpus cause dangerous likely




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