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单词 unruly
释义 Word family  noun rule ruler ruling unruliness adjective ruling unruly ruled verb rule overrule  un·ru·ly /ʌnˈruːli/ adjective  1  VIOLENTviolent or difficult to control 粗暴的;难驾驭的,难管教的 SYN wild unruly children 难管教的孩子 unruly behaviour 粗暴的行为2. UNTIDYunruly hair is difficult to keep tidy 〔头发〕难梳理的,乱蓬蓬的 —unruliness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusunruly• In recent years, however, the fundamentalist camp has grown unruly.• A family attempts to cope with the eruption into their lives of an unruly aunt.• So in May Disney obtained permission to move 100 of the bald, hunch-backed and unruly birds 60 miles away.• Gardeners regularly stroll the grounds, picking up stray pieces of trash and trimming unruly bushes.• You can spot her by her unruly hair and her shocking-pink work suit.• They recruited their soldiers from the more adventurous or the more unruly on their route.• She cried her heart out, all because of an unruly trouble-making, black-hearted child who was ripping her apart.Origin unruly (1400-1500) ruly “behaving well” ((15-21 centuries)), from ruleun·ru·ly adjectiveChineseSyllable  or to Corpus violent difficult control




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