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单词 victim
释义  Related topics: Crime & lawvic·tim /ˈvɪktɪm/ ●●● S3 W2 noun [countable]  1  SCATTACKsomeone who has been attacked, robbed, or murdered 〔袭击事件、抢劫事件或凶杀案的〕受害者 The victim received head injuries from which she died a week later. 受害人头部受伤,一周后死亡。rape/murder etc victim Most homicide victims are under 30. 大多数凶杀案的受害者不足30岁。victim of victims of crime 犯罪活动的受害者 a credit card fraud ring that stole millions of dollars from unsuspecting victims 从毫无戒心的受害者手中盗取数百万美元的信用卡诈骗团伙2  SUFFERsomeone who suffers because of something bad that happens or because of an illness 〔恶劣情况的〕受害者;〔疾病的〕患者victim of victims of age discrimination 年龄歧视的受害者 He was the victim of an administrative error. 他是行政疏失的受害人。 a massive aid programme for the famine victims 对饥荒灾民的大规模援助计划 AIDS victims and other patients who are terminally ill 艾滋病患者和其他患不治之症的病人 All these people are innocent victims. 所有这些人都是无辜受害者。 He was used to being in charge, not being the victim of circumstance. 他习惯于掌控一切,而不是受制于环境。 Saying that the unemployed ‘don’t want to work’ is a classic case of blaming the victim. 说失业者“不想工作”是典型的归咎于受害人的做法。3  fall victim to somebody/something written a) to be attacked, killed etc by someone, or to get a particular illness, especially one that kills 被某人加害;罹患某疾病;成为某事物的牺牲品 One theory is that the hostages fell victim to bandits. 一种说法是人质落到了土匪手里。 b) to be badly affected or destroyed by a situation 受到…的损害 Many small businesses have fallen victim to the recession. 许多小企业成为经济衰退的受害者。4  be/become a victim of its own success HARM/BE BAD FORto be badly affected by some unexpected results of being very successful 因成功而反受其害 There are now so many tourists that the area has become a victim of its own success. 现在来了这么多游客,使该地区因成功而反受其害。5. sacrificial victim RRa person or animal that is killed and offered as a sacrifice (=gift) to a god 献祭用的人[牲畜];牺牲6. fashion/style victim FASHIONABLEsomeone who always wears the most fashionable clothes even if they do not look good in them 时尚牺牲品〔指不管是否适合自己总是身着最时髦服装的人〕n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: someone who suffers because of something bad that happens or because of an illnessADJECTIVES/NOUN + victim a flood/earthquake/cyclone etc victimEarthquake victims were living in tents in the city's parks.a famine victim (=someone who has had no food to eat for a long time)Aid is being shipped to famine victims.a cancer/AIDS etc victimHe helped raise £2,000 for a dying cancer accident/crash victimThe crash victims were rushed to innocent victimChildren are the innocent victims of unfortunate victimIf you are the unfortunate victim of a tragic accident, this card will tell doctors that you are willing to donate your organs.victim + NOUNa victim mentality (=when someone always thinks of themselves as a victim)Many of us fall into a victim mentality, and blame all our troubles on other people.phrasesa victim of circumstance (=someone who suffers because of something they cannot control)She was a victim of circumstance, as she was born at a time when women had no power.verbsblame the victim (=to say that someone is responsible for their own bad situation )It is blaming the victim to ask the woman what she does that makes her husband lose his temper and hit her.portray somebody as a victim (=to write or talk about someone as though they are not responsible for their bad situation)She was portrayed as the victim of a loveless marriage.Examples from the Corpusvictim• victims of domestic abuse• a victim of circumstance• Is that what you meant by killers and victims?• Heart attack victims stand a better chance if they are treated immediately.• One of the bombing victims was dead on arrival in hospital.• They are launching a massive aid program to help the famine victims.• And the first victims were not black, as you might surmise, but white men.• Our aim is to help victims of crime.• The program was grossly insensitive to Holocaust victims.• We maintain the hope that Gil will be the last victim.• Children, too, are the main victims of landmines.• a murder victim• She had been the victim of a particularly vicious attack.• It is all too common to blame the victim in rape cases.• If the person's heart was heavy with misdeeds, the Devourer would consume the victim and they would never find peace.• He was ordered to compensate all of the victims of the fire and pay a heavy fine.• In most sexual offences, the attacker is known to the victim.• The victim was shaken, but physically unharmed.• The victim still had a small piece of metal from the van in his leg, he added.rape/murder etc victim• In one, blood was seen dripping through the ceiling from a murder victim on to another woman.• But an expert who counsels male rape victims says a change in the law is needed.• A more likely scenario is that male rape victims would be afforded the same shoddy treatment as their female counterparts.• After the furore over the schoolgirl rape victim, he risks having a controversial but respectable viewpoint mistaken for insensitivity.• The emphasis of the research mainly focused on the press reporting of the rape victim.• They serenaded the rape victim inside, cheering a brother on as if it were a football game.blaming the victim• The Employment Training Scheme is a classic example of blaming the victim.• There are a range of behaviours and relationships which provide a variety of ways of blaming the victim.• This is more than blaming the victim, it involves making the victim part of the problem.• When does encouraging women to be appropriately cautious amount to blaming the victim?Origin victim (1400-1500) Latin victima “person or animal killed as a religious offering”vic·tim noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  attacked, who or Corpus robbed, murdered has been someone




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