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单词 vexatious
释义  vex·a·tious /vekˈseɪʃəs/ adjective old-fashioned  ANNOYmaking you feel annoyed or worried 令人恼火的;令人烦恼的 —vexatiously adverbExamples from the Corpusvexatious• No doubt it was very vexatious to Lanfranc, especially since he doubted whether their so-called saints deserved this title at all.From Longman Business Dictionaryvexatiousvex‧a‧tious /vekˈseɪʃəs/ adjectiveLAW vexatious legal actions are not serious or based on the truth, but are done only to annoy someoneWe may have found a way to get aroundvexatious shareholderlitigation.vex·a·tious adjectiveChineseSyllable  worried Business or making annoyed you feel Corpus




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