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单词 string
释义  Related topics: Daily life, Computersstring1 /strɪŋ/ ●●● S3 W2 noun  1  thread 线 [countable, uncountable]D a strong thread made of several threads twisted together, used for tying or fastening things 〔由几股合成的〕线;细绳;带子 → rope Her key hung on a string around her neck. 她的钥匙穿了根绳子挂在脖子上。 a ball of string 一团细绳 I need a piece of string to tie this package. 我需要一根绳子来捆这个包裹。 →5 see picture at 见图 rope12  group/series 组/系列 [countable] a) SERIESa number of similar things or events coming one after another 一连串,一系列〔事件等〕 SYN seriesstring of a string of hit albums 一系列热门专辑 b) GROUP OF THINGSa group of similar things 一系列〔类似的事物〕string of She owns a string of health clubs. 她拥有多家健身俱乐部。 c) technicalTD a group of letters, words, or numbers, especially in a computer program 〔尤指计算机程序中的〕字符串3  no strings (attached) CONDITION/something THAT MUST BE DONEhaving no special conditions or limits on an agreement, relationship etc 〔协议、关系等〕无附带条件的,无任何限制的 The policy offers 15% interest, with no strings attached. 这份保单提供 15% 的利息,没有任何附带条件。4. string of pearls/lights/beads etc DCJDFseveral objects of the same type connected with a thread, chain etc 一串珍珠/灯/珠子等5  music 音乐 a) [countable]APM one of the long thin pieces of wire, nylon etc that are stretched across a musical instrument and produce sound 〔乐器的〕弦 b) the strings/the string sectionAPM the people in an orchestra or band who play musical instruments that have strings, such as violins 〔管弦乐团或乐队的〕弦乐器部,弦乐器组 →4  See picture of 见图 PIANO 1 →5 see picture at 见图 piano16  first-string/second-string etc relating to or being a member of a team or group with the highest, second highest etc level of skill 最高水平的/次高水平的等 a first-string quarterback 一个一流的四分卫7  have somebody on a string informalOBEY to be able to make someone do whatever you want 操纵[支配]某人 Susie has her mother on a string. 苏茜竟能任意支使她的妈妈。8. have more than one string to your bow British EnglishGOOD AT to have more than one skill, idea, plan etc that you can use if you need to 有两手准备 → G-string, → how long is a piece of string? at long1(9), → pull strings at pull1(8), → pull the/somebody’s strings at pull1(9), → the purse strings at purse1(5)Examples from the Corpusstring• The pen was hanging from a string on the wall.• Is this a string of isolated anecdotes or a pattern of substandard care?• Almost every trainer with a string of 20 horses shares the same ultimate ambition - to win the Cheltenham Gold Cup.• It will give that tight West Coast strum with the bass strings becoming almost percussive.• I need a piece of string to tie this package.• She pulled the string tight, strangling him.• The strings vibrate again, underscoring my panic.piece of string• It attracted everyone from stunt flying professionals to kids with an old plastic carrier bag and a piece of string.• A weight suspended on the end of a piece of string and then set in motion acts as a pendulum.• The pendulum consists of a weight on the end of a piece of string, thread or chain usually a few inches long.• You can use your tie, your belt or a piece of string.• Almost falling out, he tied the door to one of the gas cans with a piece of string.• When she got flirting around with a twig or piece of string in her bill she was not to be balked.• Lay several pieces of string across a board; put the lamb on top of them, skin side downwards.string of• Jackson was imprisoned in 1934 for a string of sensational crimes.• O'Neill had a string of successes with his first four plays.• They asked me a string of questions about Gerald and Bob.• She owns a string of health clubs.• a string of tiny islands off the coast of FloridaRelated topics: Musicstring2 verb (past tense and past participle strung /strʌŋ/) [transitive]  1  PUTto put things together onto a thread, chain etc 用〔线、链等〕穿起来 beads strung on a silver chain 穿在银链上的珠子2  [always + adverb/preposition] to hang things in a line, usually high in the air, especially for decoration 悬挂〔尤指作为装饰〕string something along/across etc something Christmas lights were strung from one end of Main Street to the other. 梅因街从这头到那头都悬挂着圣诞节彩灯。3  be strung (out) along/across etc something written to be spread out in a line 沿某物排成一列 the houses and shops were strung out along the bay 住宅和店铺沿海湾排成一行。4. APMto put a string or a set of strings onto a musical instrument 给〔乐器〕装弦 → highly-strung at highly PHRASAL VERBS5 string along phrasal verb informal a) string somebody alongTRICK/DECEIVE to deceive someone for a long time by making them believe that you will help them, that you love them etc 哄骗某人;愚弄某人 He’s just stringing you along. 他只是哄哄你而已。b) British EnglishWITH to go somewhere with someone for a short time, especially because you do not have anything else to do 〔尤因没有别的事情干而〕跟随,暂与〔某人〕结伴 with If you’re going into town, I’ll string along with you. 如果你要进城,我就跟你去。6 string something ↔ out phrasal verb informalLONG TIME to make something continue longer than it should 使拖长,拉长 Rebel leaders attempted to string out negotiations to avoid reaching a settlement. 叛军首领企图拖延谈判,避免达成协议。7 string something ↔ together phrasal verb a) string words/a sentence togetherLOGICAL to manage to say or write something that other people can understand 说出[写出]让人听懂的话/句子 He was so drunk he could hardly string two words together. 他醉得几乎说话都不成句了。b) to combine things in order to make something that is complete, good, useful etc 把…拼在一起 They string together image after image until the documentary is completed. 他们把画面一幅一幅拼接起来,直到做成完整的纪录片。8.string somebody ↔ up phrasal verb informal KILLto kill someone by hanging them 绞死,吊死 → strung-up→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusstring• He strung a rope from the roof of the family barn to the ground and practiced aerial feats.• The 200 houses are strung along a narrow 5-mile road.• Alma made them string clothesline around so she could stretch blanketing over him and down to the floor without its touching him.• You're not just stringing me along?• She distrusted the offer of talks which had no other purpose than to string out negotiation.• Help me string the popcorn to hang on the Christmas tree.• If there was ever a task that wanted teamwork, it was stringing tree lights.• Awake all night, Jimmy was bleary-eyed but too strung up on his nerves to notice he was tired.Origin string1 Old English strengstring1 nounstring2 verb →PHRASAL VERBS1Chinese  thread a strong several Corpus made of




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