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单词 vertigo
释义  Related topics: Illness & disabilityver·ti·go /ˈvɜːtɪɡəʊ $ ˈvɜːrtɪɡoʊ/ noun [uncountable]  MIHIGHa feeling of sickness and dizziness caused by looking down from a high place 〔因从高处俯视而产生的〕眩晕,头晕Examples from the Corpusvertigo• He saw her and felt - as only once before he had felt - the dizzy vertigo of a fathomless falling-away.• Just the thought of standing on the balcony gave her vertigo.• At this point I am getting that sense of logical vertigo that will become my companion throughout this journey.• Looking down through the iron grids of the stairway, I had to fight back a helpless feeling of vertigo.• But this was a real vertigo of despair.• But for the vertigo shot alone, a horizontal miniature was built to avoid counter-weighting the heavy VistaVision camera.• The vertigo faded last fall, when a doctor in West Palm Beach, Fla., began treating her.• The vertigo is less severe than that due to end-organ disease, and visual fixation inhibits neither the nystagmus nor the vertigo.• They may have symptoms of vertebrobasilar insufficiency with vertigo or drop attacks and may have signs of myelopathy.Origin vertigo (1400-1500) Latin vertere; → VERSEver·ti·go nounChineseSyllable  caused by a dizziness looking Corpus feeling sickness of and




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