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单词 knock
释义  knock1 /nɒk $ nɑːk/ ●●● S1 W3 verb  1  door 门 [intransitive]HIT to hit a door or window with your closed hand to attract the attention of the people inside 敲门[窗] I knocked and knocked but nobody answered. 我把门敲了又敲,但无人回应。knock at/on We knocked at the door but there was no one there. 我们敲了门,但里面没人。 Wilson went up and knocked on the door. 威尔逊走上前去敲门。► see thesaurus at hit2  hit and move STH 碰撞并移动某物 [transitive always + adverb/preposition]HIT/BUMP INTO to hit something with a short quick action so that it moves or falls 碰撞;碰倒,撞倒knock something out of/from something As I got up, I knocked a pencil out of its holder. 我站起来时,碰掉了笔架上的一支铅笔。 He knocked the knife from my hand. 他打落我手中的刀。knock something over At that moment, Sally knocked over her glass of wine. 就在那时,萨莉把她那杯酒碰翻了。knock something aside She tried to knock the gun aside but she was not fast enough. 她试图把枪推开,但来不及了。3  hit SB hard 猛击某人 [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to hit someone very hard 猛击 He knocked her to the ground and kicked her. 他把她打倒在地,还踢她。knock somebody unconscious/cold/senseless (=hit someone so hard that they fall unconscious) 击昏某人 Simon could knock a man unconscious with one punch to the jaw. 西蒙往人下巴上打一拳就能把人击昏。 Garry answered the door only to be knocked flying as two policemen came rushing in. 加里去开门,结果被冲进来的两名警察撞出老远。4  hit part of your body 撞击身体的某一部位 [transitive] to hit something with part of your body 〔用身体的某部位〕撞,敲,击knock something against something Morse knocked his shin against a suitcase that had been left just inside the door. 莫尔斯胫部撞到了横在门内的手提箱上。knock something on something She knocked her head on a stone. 她的头碰到了石头上。5  knock on doors to go to every house or apartment in an area asking the people who live there for information or support 〔为获取信息或寻求帮助〕挨家挨户敲门 Gathering that information means knocking on doors and asking people questions. 收集那样的信息就意味着要挨家挨户敲门,向人们提问题。6  be knocking on the door to be wanting to join a group or team – used in news reports 要求加入某团体[小组]〔用于新闻报道中〕 Five countries have permanent seats on the UN Security Council, but Germany and Japan, among others, are knocking on the door. 有五个国家拥有联合国安理会常任理事国席位,但包括德国、日本在内的其他国家也要求加入进来。7  remove wall 把墙拆毁 [transitive] to remove a wall or part of a building in order to make a bigger room or space 拆除…的墙,打通knock something into something We could make a bigger living space by knocking two rooms into one. 我们可以把两个房间打通,增大客厅空间。knock something through The wall between the kitchen and the dining room has been partially knocked through. 厨房和饭厅之间的墙已被部分打通。8  knock a hole in/through something to make a hole in something, especially a wall 在某物〔尤指墙〕上打洞 We could knock a hole through the wall into the cupboard. 我们可以在墙壁上打个洞通到壁橱里。9  criticize 批评 [transitive]CRITICIZE to criticize someone or their work, especially in an unfair or annoying way 挑剔,非难,无端指责 The British press always knock British winners at any sport. 不管是何种体育项目,英国新闻界总是对获胜的英国选手吹毛求疵。 ‘Designer fashion is silly.’ ‘Don’t knock it; it’s an important industry.’ “名牌时装傻得很。”“别挑刺了,那可是个重要的行业。► see thesaurus at criticize10  ball 球 [transitive always + adverb/preposition]KICKHIT to kick or hit a ball somewhere 踢〔球〕;击〔球〕,打〔球〕 The aim is to knock the ball into the opposing goal. 目标是把球踢进对方的球门。11  knock somebody for six British English informal to shock or upset someone very much or make them physically weak 使某人大为震惊[担心];使某人浑身无力 This flu has really knocked me for six. 这场流感使我浑身乏力。12  knock the stuffing out of somebody informalCONFIDENT to make someone lose their confidence 使某人气馁 Suzanne was very upset when her mother left home. It knocked the stuffing out of her. 母亲离家出走使得苏珊娜苦恼不已,整个人变得萎靡不振。13  knock somebody sideways British English to upset someone so much that it is difficult for them to deal with something 使某人目瞪口呆,使某人不知所措 His daughter’s death knocked Tom sideways. 女儿的去世使汤姆大受打击。14  knock some sense into somebody/into somebody’s head informalSENSIBLE to make someone learn to behave in a more sensible way 让某人汲取教训/懂事一些 The struggle to build up her own business had knocked some sense into her. 创业的艰难经历使她得到了一些教训。15  knock (somebody’s) heads together informalANGRY to tell people who are arguing that they must stop and behave more sensibly 制止(某人)争吵,使(某人)恢复理智 None of them can agree and it needs someone to knock heads together. 他们各持己见,需要有人出面让他们别再吵了。16  knock something on the head British English informalPREVENT to stop something happening 阻止某事发生 We wanted to go for a picnic, but the rain’s knocked that on the head. 我们原本打算去野餐,但是那场雨使计划泡汤了。17  knock somebody’s socks off  (also knock somebody dead) spokenSURPRISEDHAPPY to surprise and please someone by being very impressive 令某人又惊又喜 With that dress, you’ll knock him dead. 你穿上那件连衣裙,准会给他一个大大的惊喜。18  knock somebody off their pedestal/perch to stop admiring someone that you previously thought was perfect 使某人不再受崇拜,使某人威信扫地 The press were determined to knock the princess off the pedestal that they had put her on. 新闻界决心把被他们捧上天去的王妃拉下来。19  knock spots off somebody/something British English spokenBETTER to be much better than someone or something 比某人/某物强得多,远远胜过某人/某物 The new computer system knocks spots off the old one. 新的计算机系统比起旧的要好得多。20. knock on wood American English used to say that you hope your good luck so far will not change 但愿好运持续 SYN British English touch wood21. knock it off spokenSTOP DOING something used to tell someone to stop doing something, because it is annoying you 〔因受干扰而叫某人〕停下来22. make a noise 发出噪声 [intransitive]SOUND if an engine or pipes etc are knocking, they make a noise like something hard being hit, usually because something is wrong with them 〔发动机、管道等因故障而〕发出爆震[碰撞]声23. heart 心脏 [intransitive] if your heart is knocking, it is beating hard, especially because you are afraid 〔心〕怦怦跳〔尤因害怕〕 SYN pound24  I’ll knock your head/block off spoken used when threatening to hit someone very hard 我要好好揍你一顿 If you say that again, I’ll knock your head off! 如果你再说那样的话,我就把你打个半死!25  knock the bottom out of something informalCHEAPREDUCE to make something such as a market or industry fail suddenly 使〔市场或行业等〕骤然疲软[不景气] A sudden drop in supplies of certain chemicals could knock the bottom out of the engineering industry. 某些化学品供应的突然减少会造成工程行业一时间的不景气。 → knock/beat somebody/something into a cocked hat at cocked hat(1), → knock somebody into shape at shape1(3), → knees knocking (together) at knee1(4) PHRASAL VERBS26 knock around (also knock about British English) phrasal verb informal a) HIThit SB 打某人 knock somebody around to hit someone several times 多次打某人 My father used to knock me around. 父亲以前经常打我。b) SPEND TIMErelax 放松 knock around (something) to spend time somewhere, without doing anything very serious or important (在某处)悠闲地度过 SYN hang around On Saturdays I knock around with my friends. 周六我都是和朋友们在一起玩。 We spent the day just knocking around the house. 我们就在家里悠闲地过了一天。c) TRAVELtravel 旅行 knock around something to travel to different places 在某地四处旅行,漫游某地 SYN kick around For a couple of years we knocked around the Mediterranean. 我们在地中海一带漫游了几年。d) DISCUSSideas 观点 knock something ↔ around to discuss and think about an idea, plan etc with other people 讨论,商讨〔想法、计划等〕 We’ve been knocking around a few ideas. 我们一直在讨论一些想法。e) PLAY A GAME OR SPORTball 球 knock something around British English to play a game with a ball, but not in a serious way 玩球 SYN kick aboutf) HEREbe somewhere 在某处 British English if something or someone is knocking around, it is somewhere but you are not sure exactly where 在什么地方,在某处 Is there a screwdriver knocking about anywhere? 哪儿有螺丝刀吗?27 knock somebody/something back phrasal verb informal a) knock something ↔ backDRUNK to quickly drink large quantities of a drink, especially an alcoholic drink 狂饮,豪饮〔尤指酒精饮料〕 Brenda knocked the brandy back quickly. 布伦达一口气喝光了白兰地。b) knock somebody back somethingCOST to cost you a lot of money 使某人花费〔大笔钱〕 His new car knocked him back several thousand dollars. 那辆新车花了他好几千美元。c) knock somebody back British EnglishSURPRISEDSHOCK to make someone feel upset, shocked, or physically weak 使某人感到生气[震惊,疲劳]28 knock somebody/something down phrasal verb a) hit/push SB 打/推某人 knock somebody ↔ down to hit or push someone so that they fall to the ground 把某人打倒[推倒]在地 Something hit him from behind and knocked him down. 有什么东西从后面击中了他,把他打倒在地。 → knockdown2b) hit SB with a vehicle 用车辆把某人撞倒 knock somebody ↔ down to hit someone with a vehicle while you are driving, so that they are hurt or killed 〔车辆〕把某人撞倒 A child was in hospital last night after being knocked down by a car. 昨晚有个小孩被车撞倒,进了医院。c) destroy 摧毁 knock something ↔ downDESTROY to destroy a building or part of a building 摧毁,拆毁〔建筑物或其中一部分〕 SYN demolish They want to knock the house down and rebuild it. 他们要把这房子拆除重建。d) reduce price 降价 knock something ↔ down informalREDUCE to reduce the price of something by a large amount 使某物大幅降价 The new stove we bought was knocked down from $800 to $550. 我们新买的灶具从800美元降到了550美元。 → knockdown1e) ask SB to reduce price 要求某人降价 knock somebody down to something informalREDUCE to persuade someone to reduce the price of something they are selling you 说服某人降价,杀某人的价 She’s asking for £150 but I’ll try to knock her down to £100. 她要价150英镑,但我会想办法压到100英镑。29 knock something into somebody phrasal verb to make someone learn something 强行灌输,强行教导 Parsons must knock these lessons into the team before Saturday. 帕森斯必须在星期六之前对球队灌输这些教训。30 knock off phrasal verb informal a) stop work 停止工作STOP DOING something knock off (something) to stop working and go somewhere else 停止(工作);下班 There was no one in the office because they’d all knocked off for lunch. 办公室里没人,因为他们都下班吃午饭去了。 Do you want to knock off early today? 今天你想早些下班吗? We usually knock off work at about twelve on Saturday. 星期六我们一般12点左右下班。b) reduce a price 减价 knock something ↔ offREDUCE to reduce the price of something by a particular amount 〔从价钱中〕减去某数额 I’ll knock off £10. 我愿意降价10英镑。knock something off something Travel agents are knocking £50, and sometimes £100, off the price of holidays. 旅行社正在把旅游报价调低50英镑,有些甚至降价100英镑。c) reduce amount 减少量 knock something ↔ offCOUNT/CALCULATE to reduce a total by a particular amount 〔从总量中〕减掉某数量knock something off something Moving house will knock an hour off Ray’s journey to work. 搬家将使雷的上班路程缩短一小时。d) produce 制作 knock something ↔ offMAKE to produce something quickly and easily 〔快速轻松地〕做出某物,做完某事 Roland makes a lot of money knocking off copies of famous paintings. 罗兰靠快速仿制名画赚大钱。e) murder 谋杀 knock somebody ↔ offKILL to murder someone 杀害某人f) steal 偷窃 knock something ↔ off British EnglishSTEAL to steal something 偷窃某物31 knock out phrasal verb a) unconscious 昏迷不醒 knock somebody ↔ outUNCONSCIOUS to make someone become unconscious or go to sleep 使某人失去知觉;使某人睡着 The champion knocked Biggs out in the seventh round. 那位冠军在第七回合把比格斯打得失去了知觉。knock yourself out His head hit a table as he fell and he knocked himself out. 他跌倒时头撞在桌子上,昏了过去。 The nurse gave me some medicine which totally knocked me out. 护士给我用了些药,我就昏睡过去了。 → knockout1(1)b) defeat 击败 knock somebody/something ↔ outBEAT/DEFEAT to defeat a person or team in a competition so that they can no longer take part 淘汰某人/某物 The German team were knocked out in the first round. 德国队首轮即遭淘汰。knock somebody/something out of something He first hit the headlines when he knocked Becker out of the French Open Tournament. 他在法国网球公开赛上淘汰了贝克尔,第一次上了头版头条。 → knockout1(3)c) destroy 摧毁 knock something ↔ out to damage something so that it does not work 摧毁,破坏 The air raids were planned to knock out communications on the ground. 计划中空袭是为了摧毁地面通信。d) admire 赞赏 knock somebody out informalADMIRE if something knocks you out, it is very impressive and surprises you because it is so good 使某人倾倒,使某人大为赞赏 She loved the movie. It knocked her out. 她非常喜欢这部影片,对它赞叹不已。 → knockout1(2)e) produce 制作 knock something ↔ out informalMAKE to produce something easily and quickly 〔快速轻松地〕做出某物,做完某事 Paul has been knocking out new songs for the album. 保罗在为这张专辑写出一首又一首新歌。f) knock yourself out informalWORK HARD to work very hard in order to do something well 〔为做好某事而〕苦干32 knock somebody/something ↔ over phrasal verb a)HIT SB WITH A VEHICLE 用车辆把某人撞倒 HIT/BUMP INTOto hit someone with a vehicle while you are driving, so that they are hurt or killed 〔车辆〕撞倒〔某人〕 A woman was knocked over by a bus last year. 去年有个女人被一辆公共汽车撞倒了。b) American English informalSTEAL to rob a place such as a shop or bank and threaten or attack the people who work there 抢劫〔商店、银行等〕33 knock something ↔ together phrasal verb informal MAKEto make something quickly, using whatever you have available 〔以现有材料〕匆匆拼凑 We should be able to knock something together with what’s in the fridge (=make a meal from items of food in the fridge). 用冰箱里现成的东西,我们应该能凑出几道菜。34 knock somebody/something ↔ up phrasal verb informal a) MAKEto make something quickly and without using much effort 仓促制成,赶做 Michael knocked up a shed in the back garden. 迈克尔在后花园里匆匆搭了个棚屋。b) British EnglishWAKE UP/GET UP to wake someone up by knocking on their door 敲门把〔某人〕唤醒 What time do you want me to knock you up in the morning? 你想让我早上几点敲门叫醒你?c) informal not politeSEX/HAVE SEX WITH to make a woman pregnant 把〔女人〕肚子搞大,使〔女人〕怀孕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusknock• Cheap gasoline will make your engine knock.• I waited a moment, then knocked again.• The heavy video camera knocked against his hip as he walked.• Lula knocked at the back door and he appeared, dressed in pyjamas.• After I had rung several more times and knocked at the door, I heard hesitant footsteps.• Would you mind knocking before you come in?• You should knock before you come in.• Yet no one who knew the man disputes that Robey might well have knocked down the self-proclaimed king of rock & roll.• Some movie reviewers seem to knock every picture they see.• It's hard to knock Gordon because he always works so hard.• It was a pity perhaps that the car had not knocked her down.• I looked around and I hit her such a bloody fourpenny one that I knocked her flying.• Critics knocked his latest film for its portrayal of women.• She turned and ran, knocking into bystanders as she went.• Hey, don't knock it! It's the only suit I've got!• She knocked me with her elbow as she passed.• 'Mattie?' called Jerry, knocking on the door.• Even knock out a mouthful of teeth?• But former boxing world champion Barry McGuigan was knocked out of the event with a blown engine on his Vauxhall Nova.• And he pushed Philip, knocking the polythene bag of grain out of his hand.• One of the movers knocked the sofa against a doorway.knock at/on• I knocked at Florence's door.• Suddenly I heard a violent and repeated knocking at my window.• While Greg waited on the landing she knocked on one of the bedroom doors.• I think somebody's knocking at the door.• I walked into the house, and just as I put down my bags, there was a knock at the door.• I knocked at the first house, wanting to ask if I could sleep in the courtyard.• I was waiting for him to knock on the front door, I guess, and just say, Here I am.• He went to her house and knocked on the green door.• A knock on the slightly open door woke him only minutes later.knock something out of/from something• It was like a bolt of lightning knocked me out of bed and threw me to the floor.• It had knocked the breath out of him when it hit.• There were times he ran the ball, we should have knocked the hell out of him.• Then I came across a line in my property law textbook that nearly knocked me out of my seat.• The shooting has already knocked him out of the playoffs.knocked flying• Six-year-old Garry answered it, only to be knocked flying as two policemen came crashing in.knock2 ●●○ noun  1  [countable]SOUND the sound of something hard hitting a hard surface 敲击声,碰撞声 a loud knock at the door 很响的敲门声 a knock in the engine 发动机的爆震声2  [countable]HIT the action of something hard hitting your body 撞击 He got a knock on the head when he fell. 他跌落时撞到了头。3  take a knock informalUNLUCKYPROBLEM to have some bad luck or trouble 倒霉,遇到麻烦 Clive’s taken quite a few hard knocks lately. 克莱夫近来碰到不少倒霉事。Examples from the Corpusknock• I had just turned out the lights when I heard a knock at the door.• And this man ensconced in his warm living room with a fireplace hears a knock at the door.• There's a knock on the door.• There was a knock at the door.• If that happened, however, confidence would take another knock.• We were woken by a frantic knocking at the door.• Tatica will have to pound hard with strength she does not have so her knock will be heard.• Within the legal container of marriage, the idealization and illusion so characteristic or the in-love state can take a nasty knock.• The only knock against Whitney is his defensive playing.From Longman Business Dictionaryknockknock1 /nɒknɑːk/ verb [transitive]1FINANCE if something knocks the price of shares, stocks etc, the price changes very quickly and unexpectedlyTalk of easing the US credit policy knocked prices higher in light trade.Its shares were knocked by the Kuwait Investment’s Office’s decision to sell 10% of its stake.2knock on/at the door to make it clear that you want to join something or want help from someoneA number of countries are knocking at the European Union’s door. → knock something → down → knock something off (something) → knock something → out→ See Verb tableknockknock2 noun [countable] something which suddenly makes a product fail or makes prices fallThe US is likely totake a series of knocks from discounting in the car market.a 612-point knock to the FTSE-indexOrigin knock1 Old English cnocianknock1 verb →10-25 →20-25 →PHRASAL VERBS1knock2 nounChinese  to door Business Corpus a window with or hit




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