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单词 vaulting
释义  Related topics: Architecture, Buildingsvault·ing1 /ˈvɔːltɪŋ $ ˈvɒːl-/ noun [uncountable]  AATBBarches in a roof or ceiling 〔屋顶、天花板的〕拱;拱形圆顶 Gothic vaulting 哥特式拱形圆顶Examples from the Corpusvaulting• Concrete vaulting supported the tiers of seats as in an amphitheatre and under the vaults were corridors lit by outer arcades.• Since then his heart had not been in the horse vaulting or the running on the spot.• Inside, it is on three-aisled, rectangular plan with Medieval vaulting and walls painted all over in figure compositions.• The nave and choir have the usual Gothic ribbed vault but in the aisles the Piast vaulting can be clearly studied.• On the staircase, Ried's hand can be seen again in the rib vaulting of c.1500.• Inside, the vaulting is quadripartite throughout and all of one height.• The vaulting is once again recognizably his.• The vaulting is ribbed throughout, lofty and well-proportioned.vaulting2 adjective  vaulting ambition literary the desire to achieve as much as possible 远大的志向,勃勃的雄心 a man of vaulting ambition with the talents to match 一个志大才高的人Examples from the Corpusvaulting• The rectangular vaulting bays are mostly star vaulted in many different designs.• In both window tracery and vaulting designs there are, despite many variations, two distinct types of pattern.• Sometimes, unawares, I would see her again suddenly revealed in the vaulting halls of my head.• At the top of the building Chesarynth stepped out under a vaulting skylight.vault·ing1 nounvaulting2 adjectiveChineseSyllable  roof a arches ceiling Corpus in or




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