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单词 vase
释义  Related topics: Householdvase /vɑːz $ veɪs, veɪz/ ●●○ noun [countable]   DHa container used to put flowers in or for decoration 花瓶,〔装饰用的〕瓶 →4  See picture of 见图 JUGExamples from the Corpusvase• It has a smell to it, that word -- musky and oppressive, like dead flowers in a vase.• On the table in front of the sofa was a vase holding four pink roses, the blooms in various stages of uncurled perfection.• From about the time of the invention of red-figure some black-figure vases are given a white slip covering the orange clay.• It is usually used in conjunction with a garden, vase or prayer-rug design.• Tornadoes that spun across the blue sky like vases thrown on some mad potter's wheel.• The same sum secured a 15-inch De Morgan Persian-style vase in the recent sale.• I lifted the vase between my thumb and forefinger.Origin vase (1500-1600) French Latin vas “container”vase nounChinese  a put used Corpus flowers in to container




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