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单词 unimpressive
释义 Word family  noun impression impressionism impressionist impressiveness adjective impressionable impressive ≠ unimpressive impressionistic unimpressed verb impress adverb impressively impressionistically  un·im·pres·sive /ˌʌnɪmˈpresɪv◂/ adjective  IMPRESS#not as good, large etc as expected or necessary 给人印象不深的;不惹人注意的,平淡的 unimpressive test results 平平的测试结果Examples from the Corpusunimpressive• The best the team could come up with was an unimpressive 1-1 tie.• Marie's performance in the last exam was unimpressive.• When you think how much has been spent on research, the results are sadly unimpressive.• Despite a large amount of research into automatic speech recognition the results have been unimpressive.• The exterior of Linköping Cathedral is unimpressive.• She had found it in the dray horses and in Barney, who was a singularly unimpressive animal except for his listening skills.• Are the unimpressive crowd totals merely a reflection of the teams' win-loss records?• After all, you never want to begin a piece with a boring or unimpressive point.• This led them to replicate policies and strategies that were either outmoded or unworkable, and to achieve predictably unimpressive results.un·im·pres·sive adjectiveChineseSyllable  as necessary etc as good, or expected Corpus not large




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