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单词 hospitable
释义  hos·pi·ta·ble /ˈhɒspɪtəbəl, hɒˈspɪ- $ hɑːˈspɪ-, ˈhɑːspɪ-/ adjective  1  FRIENDLYfriendly, welcoming, and generous to visitors 好客的,殷勤的,热情友好的 OPP inhospitable The local people were very kind and hospitable. 当地人非常友好热情。► see thesaurus at friendly2  used for describing an environment in which things can grow 〔环境〕适于生长的,适宜的 OPP inhospitable The Sahara is one of the world’s least hospitable regions. 撒哈拉沙漠是世界上最不适宜植物生长的地区之一。 —hospitably adverbExamples from the Corpushospitable• The cold vast house became warm in atmosphere and hospitable.• The spirit of the people remains genuinely friendly, very hospitable.• Most of the people I met in Laos were very hospitable and kind.• Two friendly, hospitable brothers own and run the Hotel Gallini and regard both the hotel and their guests with great affection.• Most technology companies put their stock offerings on hold, hoping for a more hospitable climate, but not TriTeal.• a hospitable climate• A hospitable host, full of charm and not jumpy, in spite of the scare.• Southerners are some of the most hospitable people we've ever met.• These, I realized, were not the thoughts of a naturally hospitable person.• This is in large part by design, to make the system more hospitable to women.• So many meetings and partings must have taken place beneath his roof, so many dark plots hatched between his hospitable walls.Origin hospitable (1500-1600) French hospiter “to receive a guest”, from Latin hospes; → HOST1hos·pi·ta·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  to Corpus and welcoming, friendly, visitors generous




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