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单词 hospitality
释义  hos·pi·tal·i·ty /ˌhɒspəˈtæləti $ ˌhɑː-/ ●○○ noun [uncountable]  1  FRIENDLYfriendly behaviour towards visitors 好客,殷勤 Thanks for your hospitality over the past few weeks. 感谢你几周来的热情款待。 RegisterIn everyday English, when thanking someone for their hospitality, you usually say thanks for having me/us: 在日常英语中,对别人的热情款待表示感谢一般说thanks for having me/usThanks for having us. We had a great time. 谢谢你(们)的款待,我们过得非常愉快。2  services such as food and drink that an organization provides for guests at a special event 〔款待客人的〕饮食;款待 the use of a yacht for corporate hospitality 公司在游艇上款待客人 There was a reception in the hospitality suite before the game. 比赛开始之前在迎宾套房内举行了一场招待会。 → corporate hospitality at corporate(1)Examples from the Corpushospitality• The atmosphere and hospitality of the Orkneys made a great impression on all our crews.• All bedrooms are of a high standard offering private facilities, satellite colour television, in-house movies and hospitality tray.• This buys them a livery package, plus use of the yacht for corporate hospitality and during Land Rover Cowes Week.• Then I paid the woman the five shillings she asked for her hospitality and went on my way.• Sir James attempted to exchange light bantering talk, asking Corbett if he wanted to experience his hospitality once again.• So, in future editions, you will find a far greater emphasis on international hospitality management and education issues.• Throughout these changes, the people of Miyako had continued their relaxed lifestyle and kept up a tradition of hospitality.• The hospitality room is crammed with more new faces.• Samoans are renowned for their hospitality.corporate hospitality• We have agents and corporate hospitality.• Sailing as corporate hospitality took off about a decade ago, with companies looking for a new way of hosting events.• The page following features a big and bold advertisement for corporate hospitality and entertainment.• This buys them a livery package, plus use of the yacht for corporate hospitality and during Land Rover Cowes Week.• A new concept in corporate hospitality is roadshows.From Longman Business Dictionaryhospitalityhos‧pi‧tal‧i‧ty /ˌhɒspəˈtælətiˌhɑː-/ noun [uncountable] MARKETINGservices such as food and drink that an organization provides for guests at a special eventThere was a reception in the hospitality suite before the game. → corporate hospitalityhos·pi·tal·i·ty noun →REGISTER1ChineseSyllable   Corpus behaviour friendly towards visitors Business




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