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单词 birthday
释义  Related topics: Chronologybirth·day /ˈbɜːθdeɪ $ ˈbɜːr-/ ●●● S1 W3 noun [countable]  1  TMCyour birthday is a day that is an exact number of years after the day you were born 生日 It’s my birthday on Monday. 星期一是我的生日。 My aunt called to wish me a happy birthday. 我姑妈打电话来祝我生日快乐。 Anne’s birthday party 安妮的生日派对2  a day that is an exact number of years since an organization was established or an event first happened 〔某一组织的〕诞生日;〔事件〕开始的日子 → anniversary The City of Cleveland Orchestra is celebrating its 200th birthday. 克利夫兰市管弦乐队正在庆祝乐队成立200周年。3. in your birthday suit informalNAKED not wearing any clothes – used humorously 光着身子,赤条条的,一丝不挂的〔幽默用法〕n GRAMMAR: Prepositions with birthday• You say that your birthday is on a particular date: My birthday is on July 22nd. • You say that your birthday is in a particular month: His birthday is in January.• You do something on your birthday: We went out for a meal on my birthday (=to celebrate your birthday).• You get a present for your birthday: My sister bought me a sweater for my birthday. COLLOCATIONSadjectivessomebody’s first/18th/40th etc birthday 某人的1岁/18岁/40岁等生日It’s Mum’s 50th birthday tomorrow. 明天是妈妈的50岁生日。Happy Birthday! (=said to someone on their birthday) 生日快乐!nHappy Birthday, Linda!verbshave a good/nice etc birthday 过一个愉快的生日Did you have a nice birthday? 你生日过得开心吗?get something for your birthday 收到生日礼物What did you get for your birthday? 你收到了什么生日礼物?celebrate somebody’s birthday 庆祝某人的生日He will celebrate his 90th birthday on 25th August. 他将在8月25日庆祝90岁生日。remember somebody’s birthday (=remember to send a card or present) 记得某人的生日nShe always remembers my birthday.forget somebody’s birthday (=forget to send a card or present) 忘记某人的生日nOh no! I forgot his birthday.ngive something to somebody for their birthdayI never know what to give him for his birthday.birthday + NOUNa birthday card 生日贺卡nDon’t forget to send her a birthday card.a birthday present 生日礼物nHave you got Lou a birthday present yet?a birthday party 生日聚会nCan you come to my birthday party next Saturday?a birthday cake 生日蛋糕nShe had a birthday cake with 21 silver candles on it.birthday celebrations 生日庆祝活动nthe president’s 60th birthday celebrationsna birthday treat (=something special you do on your birthday)What would you like to do for a birthday treat?na birthday mealWhere are you going for your birthday meal?the birthday girl/boy informal (=the person whose birthday it is) 【非正式】过生日的女孩/男孩nHere comes the birthday girl!Examples from the Corpusbirthday• It's my 18th birthday next week.• Here the bridge between us is the Society of St Peter Apostle, whose hundredth birthday we celebrate this year.• On my birthday in November we again lobbied the guards to have the radio for the day.• Or rather, they photograph you only on formal occasions: birthdays, weddings, Christmas.• Of about half a million foundlings christened in workhouses after 1728, only 40 percent survived to their second birthday.• It is five years since the settlement was established, and they are celebrating the birthday.• In this case she went back to her third birthday.celebrating ... birthday• It is five years since the settlement was established, and they are celebrating the birthday.• Meanwhile, in May, Darlington Camra will be celebrating its tenth birthday.• Read in studio Next week, the Royal Air Force will be celebrating its seventy-fifth birthday.• From early this morning they've been celebrating their seventh birthdays with cards, sweets and of course plenty of presents.• Jones - celebrating his 21st birthday today - must be tantalising Taylor after three brief Liverpool returns this season.• A good, stiff celebrating birthday martini.• The centre has been a great success since opening its doors a year ago and looks forward to celebrating many more birthdays.• Buddy Benton and his band were celebrating his birthday by playing country-western music in her garage.birth·day noun →n GRAMMAR1 →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  your number birthday an Corpus is day exact a is of that




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