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单词 lively
释义 Word family  noun liveliness living livelihood adjective live lively living liveable verb live outlive relive liven up adverb live  live·ly /ˈlaɪvli/ ●●○ S3 adjective (comparative livelier, superlative liveliest)  1  people 人ENERGETIC someone who is lively has a lot of energy and is very active 充满活力的,生气勃勃的 a lively child 精力充沛的孩子2  place/situation 地方/情形BUSY PLACE a place or situation that is lively is exciting because a lot of things are happening 激动人心的,令人兴奋的〔因有很多事情发生〕 The hotel is situated next to the lively bustling port. 酒店位于那个熙熙攘攘的港口旁。 the city’s lively nightlife 这座城市丰富多彩的夜生活3  movements/music 动作/音乐 lively movements or music are very quick and exciting 轻快的,活泼的 a lively Spanish dance 轻快活泼的西班牙舞蹈4  discussion/description etc 讨论/描述等EXCITED a lively discussion, description etc is very interesting and involves a lot of ideas 生动有趣的 The book offers a lively account of her travels. 书中生动地描绘了她的旅行见闻。 a lively debate on environmental issues 关于环境问题的热烈争论5  mind/thoughts 头脑/思想IMAGINE someone who has a lively mind is intelligent and interested in a lot of things 思想活跃的 Even Paula has shown a lively interest in politics. 就连葆拉也对政治表现出浓厚的兴趣。 Charlie has a very lively imagination (=he often invents stories, descriptions etc that are not true). 查利有非常丰富的想象力。6  colour 颜色BRIGHT very bright 鲜艳的 a lively combination of colours 鲜艳的颜色搭配7  taste 味道 something that has a lively taste has a strong but pleasant taste 浓郁的,味浓的 The wine has a lively fruity flavour. 这葡萄酒有一股浓郁的果香味。8. look lively! British English spoken, step lively! American English spokenHURRY used to tell someone to hurry 赶快! 走快点! —liveliness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpuslively• We got to the disco at about 10 o'clock and it was already quite lively.• She was a lively and adventurous girl - not one for a quiet life.• Her face was lively and animated as she acted out the scene.• As a speaker, he was articulate, lively, and funny.• It was a lively and happy celebration.• But sometimes he seemed unnaturally flushed and lively - and it was not with drink.• It's the liveliest bar in town, very popular with the tourists.• a lively combination of colors• A group of children entertained us with a lively dance called a tarantella.• a lively dance• Any question about taxation is likely to produce a lively debate in parliament.• First, there must be a continuing and lively debate on ethical matters to ensure that ethical guidance is kept up-to-date.• a lively debate• Garvy's novels have interesting characters and lively dialogue.• She sat next to him at dinner that night and engaged him in a lively discussion of rope walking.• All the recordings are sharp and lively, even if in some cases forty years old.• a lively kid• lively Latin rhythms• Hunt and Metta provide some lively moments, but Reed, a fine actor, is mostly reduced to wailing and whimpering.• It also features serious drama festivals, touring shows, lively musicals and pantomime.• the lively swirls of the stream• In all of present-day economics, there is no livelier writer than D. N. McCloskey.lively debate• As others may have different theories a genuine desire to prove a point of view leads to some lively debate.• Needless to say, there is a continuous and lively debate about whose model is the best.• The conference produced some lively debate and occasionally some widely differing viewpoints.• First, there must be a continuing and lively debate on ethical matters to ensure that ethical guidance is kept up-to-date.lively interest• McGregor thought Amelia was particularly suited by temperament for scientific work because she had such a lively interest.• This produces some lively interest-and some illuminating questions once the children overcome their inevitable reticence.• Ella's lively interest in Harold Shoosmith was shared by the rest of Thrush Green.• Though essentially traditionalist, the work shows a critical spirit and a lively interest in recent discoveries and debates.• Cranston's mount became skittish and even Philomel showed a lively interest in the group round the scaffold.• Below him, hand in hand, staring up with lively interest, were Jenny and Antony.From Longman Business Dictionarylivelylive‧ly /ˈlaɪvli/ adjectiveFINANCE if trading on the stock market is lively, people are buying and selling a lot of stocks, shares etcIn Milan, trading was lively for the first time in weeks.Origin lively Old English liflic, from lif; → LIFElive·ly adjectiveChineseSyllable   Business Corpus a has lot of lively is someone who




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