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单词 unhook
释义  un·hook /ʌnˈhʊk/ verb [transitive]  to unfasten or remove something from a hook 从钩子上取下→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusunhook• Currently such research is obliged to have only one aim - unhooking existing addicts.• I stood on the low wall and tried to unhook the basket.• I heard footsteps and then Sonya opened the door without unhooking the chain, just enough to check me out.• She unhooked the chair, dusted it off and carried it back to the front lawn.• I begin to unhook the keys.• He unhooked the tag from his jacket and held it out to Jen.• Can you unhook this necklace for me?un·hook verbChineseSyllable   Corpus from remove hook to a unfasten something or




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