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单词 snip
释义  snip1 /snɪp/ verb (snipped, snipping) [intransitive, transitive]  CUTto cut something by making quick cuts with scissors 〔用剪刀〕迅速地剪 I snipped the string and untied the parcel. 我剪断绳子,解开包裹。snip something off (=remove it by snipping) 剪掉某物 Snip the ends of the beans off before you cook them. 先把菜豆两头剪掉然后再煮。► see thesaurus at cut→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussnip• Andrews snipped and sewed the masterpiece into one-piece garments.• He stepped forward and allowed him to snip away at the stitching.• She snipped crisp green stalks with a pair of scissors.• Carefully snip into the paper along its length, to form a row of thin strands joined at one end.• If you snip off one leg of a cockroach, it will shift gaits with the other five without losing a stride.• They are all currently at a loose end, and loose ends are so easily snipped off.• She has even been snipped out of a photograph taken after her wedding.• She snipped the thread which held the two pieces of cloth together.• Lois snipped the wires before loosening the screws.snip2 noun [countable]  1. CUTa quick small cut with scissors 〔剪刀的〕一剪2  be a snip British English informalCHEAP to be surprisingly cheap 极其廉价 At £20 for a dozen, they’re a snip. 20 英镑一打,真便宜。Examples from the Corpussnip• For Diana, a heavy tweed jacket for draughty Balmoral would be a snip at £9.95.• Below: S. brichardi - a snip at Where to start?• But she carried in her purse a snip from a London newspaper.• But you and I both know all it would take to wreck your career is one errant snip of the scissors.• It merely made a quick snip.• In this case, the husband had searched the garden on his hands and knees, clipping the longer grass with snips!• But he talked about the garden and the way Colette attacked the roses with snips.From Longman Business Dictionarysnipsnip /snɪp/ noun be a snip British English informal to be surprisingly cheapAt £20 for twelve, they’re a snip!Origin snip2 (1500-1600) Dutch and Low Germansnip1 verbsnip2 nounChinese  cuts with to something quick Corpus by making scissors Business cut




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