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单词 unholy
释义  Related topics: Religionun·ho·ly /ʌnˈhəʊli $ -ˈhoʊ-/ adjective [no comparative]  1. an unholy alliance UNUSUALan agreement between two people or organizations who would not normally work together, usually for a bad purpose 邪恶的同盟2  [only before noun] informalANNOY bad and extreme 可怕的;极端的;令人无法容忍的 An unholy row broke out between two of the men drinking in the bar. 酒吧里有两名喝酒的男子大吵了起来。 an unholy mess 一团糟3. RRADMIRE#not holy, or not respecting what is holy 不神圣的;不虔敬的;亵渎神灵的4  unholy amusement/delight/pleasure pleasure etc that you get from someone else’s suffering 幸灾乐祸 He was taking an unholy delight in humiliating Sarah. 他正在幸灾乐祸地羞辱着萨拉。Examples from the Corpusunholy• Smith particularly feared unholy alliances between business and government.• Eating flesh was unholy, and blood would stain an altar; only meal and grain were acceptable for food and sacrifice.• But the edges of her symbol were darkened by the unholy fires of self-doubt.• What are you making such an unholy fuss about?• Meanwhile over the top sings Mel, clearer and truer than before, apparently blissfully unaware of the unholy mayhem beneath her.• We were the most unholy trinity on the face of the earth, or else the most holy.• The unholy triumvirate of developer, planner and architect had maimed it for ever in the sixties and seventies.unholy mess• As far as he was concerned she was up to her gorgeous neck in this unholy mess.• From the unholy mess that was the latter-day Smiths, to a period of hope and promise.un·ho·ly adjectiveChineseSyllable  between Corpus two or people who agreement an organizations




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