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单词 birth
释义  Related topics: Birth, Nationality & racebirth /bɜːθ $ bɜːrθ/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  give birth (to somebody) MBif a woman gives birth, she produces a baby from her body 生孩子;生下(某人) Patsy was celebrating last night after giving birth to twins. 帕齐生下一对双胞胎,昨天晚上在庆祝。2  [countable, uncountable]MB the time when a baby comes out of its mother’s body 出生;分娩 Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! 恭喜你生了个女儿! He only weighed 2 kilos at birth. 他出生时体重只有两公斤。 Henry has been blind from birth. 亨利先天失明。 What’s your date of birth? 你的出生日期是哪一天? The exact place of birth is not recorded. 确切的出生地没有记录。 They believe that the position of the planets at the time of birth determines the fate of the individual. 他们相信,出生时的星象决定了一个人的命运。 More and more women are choosing to have home births. 越来越多的女性选择在家分娩。 Smoking in pregnancy has been linked to premature birth. 孕期吸烟已被认为与早产有关联。 the association between birth weight and blood pressure 出生体重和血压的关系 The drug was found to cause serious birth defects. 这种药被发现可造成严重的先天缺陷。3  [singular]BEGINNING the time when something new starts to exist 〔新事物的〕诞生,出现birth of the birth of a nation 一个国家的诞生 The film gave birth to a TV show of the same name. 这部电影催生了一部同名的电视剧。► see thesaurus at beginning4  [uncountable]SANCOME FROM/ORIGINATE the character, language, social position etc that you have because of the family or country you come from 出身;血统;家世,家系 a woman of noble birth 一位出身于贵族的女子French/German etc by birth 法国/德国等血统n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: the time when a baby comes out of its mother’s bodyphrasessomebody’s date of birth especially British English, somebody’s birth date especially American English (=the day, month and year you were born)Please give your name, address, and date of birth.somebody’s place/country of birthI wanted to find out my father’s place of birth.birth +NOUNbirth weight (=a baby’s weight when it is born)Many factors may affect a baby’s birth weight.a birth certificate (=an official document showing when and where you were born)the birth rate (=the number of babies born somewhere)The country’s birth rate has decreased dramatically.a birth defect (=something wrong with a baby when it is born)About 11% of babies have birth defects.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + birth a premature birth (=when a baby is born before the normal time)Many babies survive premature births.a multiple birth (=when a woman has two or more babies at the same time)The chance of a multiple birth is about 1 in 100 for the average woman.a home birth (=when a woman gives birth at home, not in a hospital)I decided I wanted a home birth for my second child.Examples from the Corpusbirth• Most birds cannot identify their parents at birth and simply follow the first moving object they see.• Childless, they were free, not constrained - constraining - links between birth and death.• It was a very difficult birth.• Two months later she gave birth to a female child who was born with club feet.• In a large sample of adolescents low birth weight was associated with increased prevalence of asthma.• Low birth weight is another measure of the well-being of infants and children.• It's quite common now for fathers to be present at the birth of their babies.• This causes temporary softening of the ligaments in preparation for the birth.• Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!• the birth of a nation• the birth of photography• That your children love you back is nearly as miraculous as their birth.• There have been three births in our family this of birth• It was in a box and marked with 66-year-old Beryl's name, address and date of birth.• During the 5 minute hearing Mr Yates spoke twice, to confirm his name and date of birth.• You must give your correct date of birth, because in many cases it will affect the validity of your licence.• The databases often contain Social Security numbers, dates of birth and current and prior addresses.• His origins, date of birth, and education are unknown.• They represent a man's date of birth, a driving licence number and an identity number.• Please show date of birth for Junior Championship contenders.• Um, and I need your date of birth.gave birth to• The era also gave birth to a whole array of new social problems.• The woman later gave birth to a healthy baby in a subsequent pregnancy.• The 35-year-old gave birth to his son a year ago and stood up for her husband during his trial.• Two months later she gave birth to a female child who was born with club feet.• They bought a home in suburban Maryland, and a year later she gave birth to their daughter, Patricia.• And when she gave birth to an eight-pound baby boy the whole family expressed amazement at such a miracle.• A checkered garter snake gave birth to three baby snakes in the ginger belt at the edge of the rain forest.• C., where last month his wife gave birth to their third child.Origin birth (1200-1300) Old Norse byrthbirth noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  she from if a baby her a birth, Corpus produces gives woman




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