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单词 uncountable
释义 Word family  noun count recount counter adjective countable ≠ uncountable countless verb count recount  Related topics: Grammarun·count·a·ble /ʌnˈkaʊntəbəl/ adjective  SLGan uncountable noun has no plural form and refers to something which cannot be counted or regarded as either singular or plural, for example ‘money’ or ‘happiness’. In this dictionary uncountable nouns are marked [U] 〔名词〕不可数的〔如 money, happiness 等;在本词典中不可数名词以[U]标示〕 OPP countableExamples from the Corpusuncountable• The pop of all Necromunda's hives is uncountable.• Over time, we have had uncountable excesses, broken hearts and homes.• Hale, Arlene Hale has produced uncountable Nurse Romances, most of which are now out of print.• Great things will be learned inside Bio2 about our Earth, ourselves, and the uncountable other species we depend on.• The region has suffered uncountable tragedies.un·count·a·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  plural and noun form uncountable has an Corpus no




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