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单词 revolt
释义  Related topics: Groupingsre·volt1 /rɪˈvəʊlt $ -ˈvoʊlt/ ●○○ noun [countable, uncountable]  1  DISOBEYa refusal to accept someone’s authority or obey rules or laws 〔对权威、规定或法律的〕反抗,违抗 SYN rebellion The prime minister is now facing a revolt by members of his own party. 首相现在面临着党内倒戈。revolt against a revolt against authority 对权威的反抗revolt over a revolt over the proposed spending cuts 对缩减开支提案的反对in revolt French farmers are in revolt over cheap imports. 法国农场主正在抵制廉价的进口产品。► see thesaurus at revolution2  PPGPMstrong and often violent action by a lot of people against their ruler or government 反叛,叛乱;造反,起义 SYN rebellion, → revolution the Polish revolt of 1863 1863年的波兰起义revolt against a revolt against the central government 对中央政府的反叛revolt of the successful revolt of the American colonies 美洲殖民地的成功反抗put down/crush a revolt (=use military force to stop it) 镇压叛乱 Troops loyal to the president crushed the revolt. 忠于总统的军队镇压了叛乱。n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: strong and often violent action by a lot of people against their ruler or governmentverbsa revolt breaks out (=starts)In 1821 revolts broke out in Moldavia and Wallachia.people rise in revolt (=start to take part in a revolt)At a word from Gandhi, India would have risen in revolt.lead a revoltHe led a revolt against Constantine and acclaimed Maximus as emperor.suppress/crush/put down a revolt (=end it by force)The Russians speedily crushed the revolt.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + revolta peasant revolt (=by people who work on farms)This was the best-known peasant revolt in Soviet history.a popular revolt (=one involving a lot of ordinary people)Opposition groups had called for a popular revolt against the revolt (=not hidden or secret)She faced open revolt from her Cabinet colleagues.armed revolt (=one in which weapons are used)Somalis living just across the Ethiopian border rose up in armed revolt. Examples from the Corpusrevolt• Only a matter of time until he leads a revolt of angels..• Instead townspeople speak of Maan's glorious role in sparking another great rebellion, the Arab revolt against the Ottomans.• Mayhew's remarks represented the first American call for revolt against England.• At a word from Ghandi, India would have risen in revolt.• The inevitable revolt shows only too plainly the helplessness of the seamen against the power of authority.• There was open talk of revolt in sections of her party.• In 1880, a peasant revolt swept the country in protest at the tax on salt.• But as Lucy Re-Bartlett asserted, chastity was part of women's revolt against false social conditions.• The Confederate government provided troops to suppress slave revolts.• When Wittikind and his warriors capitulated, the revolt began to collapse.• Army forces crushed the revolt, forcing many to flee the country.• Herrera knew that if his government failed to put down the revolt, it would spread to outlying areas.• A politicisation of the thinking classes has taken place in the Thatcher years, echoing the revolt of intelligence in the 1930s.• Louverture headed the revolt of the slaves in the French colony of San revolt• The whole city is in revolt about the new curfew.Related topics: Groupingsrevolt2 verb  1  [intransitive]PPGPM if people revolt, they take strong and often violent action against the government, usually with the aim of taking power away from them 反叛,叛乱;造反,起义 SYN rebel, → revolutionrevolt against It was feared that the army would revolt against the government. 有人担心军队会挥戈反对政府。2  [intransitive]DISOBEY to refuse to accept someone’s authority or obey rules or laws 反抗,拒绝服从〔权威、规定或法律〕 SYN rebelrevolt against Some members of the government may revolt against this proposed legislation. 一些政府成员可能会反对这项拟议中的法规。3  [transitive]DISGUSTING if something revolts you, it is so unpleasant that it makes you feel sick and shocked 使作呕;使反感;使震惊 → revulsion He was revolted by the smell. 那气味让他恶心。n Grammar Revolt is usually passive in this meaning.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrevolt• I think the huge scale massacre of pheasants is revolting.• When Napoleon won control of the region and attached it to Bavaria, the Tiroleans revolted.• News reached the capital that two garrisons in the south had revolted against the government.• However, ordinary people are beginning to revolt against this.• Some of the Arab tribes were persuaded to revolt against Turkish rule.• The community revolted at the proposal to move the bank downtown.• It may have been revolting but the effect was wonderful.• I revolted by becoming a Sensitive person, which I am not.• Unless they are sadists, military pros are revolted by that.• I opened the door and was instantly revolted by the smell.• I don't wear fur, I was so revolted by what I saw at a fox farm once.• Sadly, she never carries cash, so any hope of seeing her choose something unusually revolting for daughter-in-law Fergie soon faded.• He kissed her full on the lips in a way that revolted her.• If the army revolted or went over to the opposition, all was lost.• Such a scene does seem too revolting to record.Origin revolt2 (1500-1600) French révolter, from Old Italian rivoltare “to defeat and remove from power”, from Latin revolvere; → REVOLVEre·volt1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1revolt2 verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  authority or someone’s refusal accept Corpus a obey to




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