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单词 sum
释义  Related topics: Maths, Numberssum1 /sʌm/ ●●○ W2 AWL noun [countable]  1  money 钱MONEY an amount of money 金额,款项 He owes me a large sum of money. 他欠我一大笔钱。sum of the sum of £4,000 4,000 英镑金额large/substantial/considerable etc sum Bill wants to spend a large sum on modernizing the farm. 比尔想花一大笔钱将农场现代化。small/modest/trifling etc sum We should be happy to buy it for a modest sum. 要是能花不太多的钱就把它买下来,我们会很高兴。 → lump sum, → princely sum at princely(1)2  the sum of something HMthe total produced when you add two or more numbers or amounts together 和;总和,总数 You will have to pay the sum of the two sets of costs. 你得支付那两笔费用的总和。3  greater/more/better etc than the sum of its parts EFFECTIVEhaving a quality or effectiveness as a group that you would not expect from the quality of each member (总体)大于部分之和,个体相加不如集体的力量大 The team is greater than the sum of its parts. 球队只有团结起来才最强大。4. calculation 计算HM a simple calculation by adding, multiplying, dividing etc, especially one done by children at school 简单的计算,算术〔尤指小学生的加减乘除运算〕5  do your sums British English informalCOUNT/CALCULATE to calculate whether you have enough money to do something 算一算你的钱是否够 Do your sums first before you decide how much to spend. 算一算你有多少钱再决定花多少钱。6  in sum MAIN formal used before a statement that gives the main information about something in a few simple words 总之,简而言之 In sum, soul music is important to the record industry. 总之,灵乐对于唱片业十分重要。 → sum totaln COLLOCATIONSphrasesa sum of moneyWe urge people not to keep large sums of money in their houses.adjectivesa large/considerable/substantial sumHe lost a substantial sum of money on the deal.a huge/enormous/vast sumThe company has invested huge sums in research.a five-figure/six-figure/seven-figure etc sum (=an amount in the ten thousands, hundred thousands etc )The newspaper paid a six-figure sum for the photograph of the princess.a small sumEach year the inhabitants had to pay a small sum for the use of the pasture.a modest sum (=not a very big amount of money)She had paid a modest sum for the undisclosed sum (=an amount that is being kept secret)He sold the company for an undisclosed sum.a tidy sum informal (=a large amount of money)I had managed to save a tidy sum.the total sumThe total sum lost is believed to be around £2 million.the princely sum of ... (=a large amount – often used humorously to mean a small amount)They were surviving on the princely sum of £50 a week.For the princely sum of $8 million you too could live in a mansion like this.Examples from the Corpussum• a lump-sum payment• But when all had been settled, it seemed that Phil could expect a sum of only about six thousand pounds.• This procedure applies to actions brought for the recovery of a sum, in either contract or tort, not exceeding £1000.• The apartment cost over $25,000, which was an enormous sum in those days.• Stars like Chaplin earned $2000 a week, which was an enormous sum in those days.• We had to do some really hard sums today.• Apple has spent huge sums in its drive to penetrate new markets.• You can receive your bonus in monthly instalments, or as a lump sum.• If it is less than £1.05 a week, it will be paid as a lump sum once a year.• Instead of paying him a regular pension, they gave him a lump sum when he retired.• A lump sum would be paid to a trade association or similar body.• Take your pension in lump sum rather than in monthly checks.• She and the other workers received the princely sum of $14 for the evening's work.• A purse containing a small sum of money was found at Guildhall Square on March 20.• She left a small sum of money to her two granddaughters.• My uncle left me a small sum of money when he died.• She puts away small sums of money when she can afford to.• He offered to purchase the estate for the sum of $80,000.• They are asking $40 for the new software, almost twice the sum it costs when bought via the Internet.• It'll be quicker if I use a calculator for these sums.• This sum will be doubled up to £80,000, if both husband and wife die as a result of the same accident.• The case was settled for an undisclosed sum last year.sum of money• Increase or decrease a sum of money by a given percentage.• The firm had just paid him a fantastic sum of money.• In response, Red offered the companies huge sums of money, which Blue then had to top.• Particularly if a large sum of money is involved, it could pay you to get the advice of a pension consultant.• The possession of a requisite sum of money entitles the individual to purchase goods and services.• They stole his watch and a small sum of money.• The field officer, after all, has the power to make a discharger spend a substantial sum of money.• As you would expect, a project of this kind requires substantial sums of money to set up.sum2 ●○○ AWL verb (summed, summing)  1 sum up phrasal verb a) SUMMARIZEto give the main information in a report, speech etc in a short statement at the end 概括,总结,概述 SYN summarize Gerald will open the debate and I will sum up. 杰拉尔德将第一个开始辩论,而我将进行总结。to sum up To sum up, for a healthy heart you must take regular exercise and stop smoking. 总之,为了心脏健康,你必须经常锻炼并戒烟。sum something ↔ up In your final paragraph, sum up your argument. 在最后一段,总结一下你的论点。b) when a judge sums up or sums up the case at the end of a trial, he or she explains the main facts of the case 〔法官在庭审结束前〕概述 → summing-upc) sum something ↔ up to describe something using only a few words 简而言之 SYN summarize The city’s problem can be summed up in three words: too many people. 这个城市的问题可以用三个字来概括: 人太多。d) sum something ↔ up to show the most typical qualities of someone or something 说明某事物的典型特征 That image sums up the whole film. 那幅画面概括了影片的全部内容。e) sum somebody/something ↔ upJUDGE to form a judgment or opinion about someone or something 对某人/某事物作出判断;对某人/某事物形成意见 SYN assess Pat summed up the situation at a glance. 帕特一眼就看清了当时的情势。f) that (about) sums it up spokenFINISH/COME TO AN END used to say that a description of a situation is correct 主要情况 (差不多)就是这样 ‘So you want us to help you change but you don’t believe change is possible?’ ‘That about sums it up.’ “这么说你是想让我们帮助你改变,却又觉得不可能改变,是吧?”“差不多就是这个意思。”→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussum• Three words to sum up the feelings of the Hereford fans on Saturday.• It is possible to sum up the Pauline arguments in terms of two directives.• Ask the task orientated member to regularly sum up where the meeting has reached.From Longman Business Dictionarysumsum1 /sʌm/ noun [countable]1an amount of moneyLarge sums of money are spent on advertising campaigns.The company was sold for a sum estimated at $2.3 billion. → capital sum → lump sum2the sum ofACCOUNTING the total produced when you add two or more numbers togetherThe sum of the loans was nearly 360 billion yen.3British English a simple calculation done by adding, multiplying, dividing etcYou will have to do your sums (=calculate all the amounts involved), because interest-free credit may not be the cheapest way to buy. → see also sum of the digitssumsum2 verb (summed, summing) → sum up→ See Verb tableOrigin sum1 (1200-1300) Old French summe, from Latin summa, from summus “highest”sum1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1sum2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  amount Business of money Corpus an




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