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单词 On the edge of
1 He stood on the edge of the cliff.
2 He glimpsed something on the edge of his vision.
3 He fell, striking his head on the edge of the table.
4 The girl poised the glass on the edge of the table.
5 She had a house on the edge of the town.
6 The standard of living today is on the edge of subsistence.
7 The town is perched on the edge of a steep, precipitous cliff.
8 The company is on the edge of collapse.
9 New housing developments mushroomed on the edge of town.
10 She perched uncomfortably on the edge of the table.
11 Their economy is on the edge of collapse.
12 He hovered on the edge of consciousness.
13 She was perched on the edge of the sofa.
14 Billy sat on the edge of the bed.
15 She sat demurely on the edge of her chair.
16 His voice teetered on the edge of hysteria.
17 He sat nervously on the edge of his chair.
18 They live right on the edge of town.
19 The company is tottering on the edge of bankruptcy.
20 He is teetering on the edge of catastrophe.
21 She sat on the edge of her mother's bed.
22 She parked herself on the edge of the bed.
23 She found herself on the edge of an abyss.
24 She sat on the edge of her bed.
25 The economy is poised on the edge of collapse.
26 She is on the edge of despair.
27 She perched herself on the edge of the bed.
28 The game had the crowd on the edge of their seats.
29 A lot of new homes are being built on the edge of town.
30 The boss sat on the edge of the table dangling his legs.
1 He stood on the edge of the cliff.
2 He glimpsed something on the edge of his vision.
3 He fell, striking his head on the edge of the table.
4 The girl poised the glass on the edge of the table.
5 She had a house on the edge of the town.
6 The standard of living today is on the edge of subsistence.
7 The town is perched on the edge of a steep, precipitous cliff.
8 The wolves have been howling away on the edge of the forest for hours.
31 Her hand was playing on the edge of the bed.
32 She was frightened to death when she saw her small daughter on the edge of the cliff.
33 They built the church on the edge of the village.
34 The film's ending had me on the edge of my seat.
35 The great house stood on the edge of the village.
36 I perched on the edge of his desk to listen to him.
37 The diver poised on the edge of the high board.
38 The soldiers are encamped on the edge of the forest.
39 The hotel is delightfully situated on the edge of the lake.
40 Don't put that glass on the edge of the table; it might fall off.
41 He sat on the edge of an unyielding armchair, a cup of tea in his hand.
42 He stood on the edge of the roof, poised to jump.
43 The country was now on the edge of a precipice .
44 I was on the edge of my seat waiting to find out what happened next.
45 The naughty boy sat on the edge of the fence dangling his legs.
46 He passed to Beckham on the edge of the penalty area.
46 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
47 The wolves have been howling away on the edge of the forest for hours.
48 Wes hunched his shoulders and leaned forward on the edge of the counter.
49 New houses have mushroomed on the edge of the town.
50 Based on the edge of Lake Matt, Sunbeam Yachts started boatbuilding in 1870.
51 New housing estates have mushroomed on the edge of the town.
52 Luton conceded a free kick on the edge of the penalty area.
53 We came upon a little cottage just on the edge of the wood.
54 At that time Bosnia was standing on the edge of an abyss .
55 We were on a hill, right on the edge of town.
56 The cup was poised on the edge of the chair.
57 The stock market is on the edge of a precipice .
58 They were on the edge of the mountain.
59 Stand barefoot on the edge of a step.
60 We're on the edge of our seats.
61 Bosnia-Hercegovina stands on the edge of an abyss.
62 She hesitated on the edge of speech.
63 Fay sat down on the edge of the bed.
64 This keeps you on the edge of your seat.
65 Balfour hovered on the edge of the plot.
66 We are teetering on the edge of farce.
67 Bobbie was perched on the edge of the couch.
68 We lived on the edge of the ditch.
69 Now he was teetering on the edge of the parapet.
70 Perched on the edge of my first alpine bowl, other words came to mind, too.
71 She placed the tray on the floor and sat on the edge of the bed, looking down at her sleeping husband.
72 Not a cosy High Street shop but a hangar-like building on the edge of an industrial estate.
73 She found a bathroom further along, and sat on the edge of the bath.
74 Climbing the hill together. we stopped for a moment to look at the army barracks on the edge of town.
75 People seemed to be living on the edge of their nerves.
76 He lived alone on the edge of a large forest.
77 There's a place on the edge of the town where they'd built a council estate somewhere back in the fifties.
78 She slid out of bed and sat on the edge of his cot.
79 He cast around for a chair,[http:///on the edge of.html] shoved some papers aside with a foot and perched on the edge of an armchair.
80 I saw the frightened horses on the edge of a steep drop.
81 Chesarynth perched on the edge of her seat, fearing a poisoned needle in the cushions.
82 These simple precautions observed, Kirov relaxed and sat down on the edge of his small cot, smiling with relief.
83 The subject is instructed to sit on the edge of the table with legs dangling.
84 Billy and Mary were fooling and rolling about in the sunbeams on the edge of the clearing.
85 It was near his palace, on the edge of the city where all his followers lived.
86 Dumont does not scruple to show the naked corpse, left on the edge of a ploughed field.
87 This dramatic opening had me on the edge of my seat!
88 He moved forward, with leopard-like grace, and stood on the edge of a rock.
89 He later built a chapel for him at Lee on the edge of the Broadlands estate.
90 She lives with her parents in a comfortable house overlooking fields and trees on the edge of a provincial Midlands town.
91 He was waiting for her answer, not exactly on the edge of his seat, though.
92 An international conference, which has been on the edge of collapse for days, finally goes belly-up.
93 The house is right on the edge of the University campus, only about 5 minutes' walk from where we teach.
94 I live in that caravan on the edge of the cliff.
95 Staying on the edge of being a good photographer you felt committed to trying to be there.
96 He was irritated, the chief inspector decided, by her obstinacy, and hovered on the edge of asking her again.
97 He sensed its presence, glimpsed the dark shape only on the edge of his vision.
98 Eastward from Rabat, we explored the Ggantija temples on the edge of Xaghra plateau.
99 If it were as bad as its critics contend, our society would be teetering on the edge of extinction.
100 Although located on the edge of the agriculturally rich Bajio region, the state is primarily mountainous and arid.
101 Riker threw me the box and walked back to sit on the edge of the cargo deck.
102 My uncle's house is on the edge of town near the freeway.
103 He will be staying at a coffee plantation on the edge of town.
104 Occasionally, the figure subjects wobble on the edge of sentimentality.
105 The small jet wallowed in the sky, on the edge of the envelope of control.
106 They were sunfish,[] beautiful gold-and-green fish with a bright red spot on the edge of each gill cover.
107 An up local slows to a halt at the signals on the edge of the woods.
108 While Cookie hovers on the edge of death, Spoon is obliged to fill out an endless, baffling questionnaire.
109 Standing outside the castle, on the edge of the lake, the Garda were dreadfully bitten by midges.
110 And for a while, the world looked terrifyingly on the edge of nuclear war.
111 Above the bare-branched trees on the edge of his vision he could see clouds of smoke.
112 The bottle was in a precarious position on the edge of the table.
113 This offers a fine variety of climbing on the edge of Haskett gully.
114 As the piece opens, he is in an internment camp, and she is teetering on the edge of madness.
115 She sat on the edge of her bed for a few minutes, digging dirt from under her nails.
116 Gretel lives in a simple cottage on the edge of the forest.
117 She'd been sitting on the edge of the bed when they'd arrived, two large uniformed men.
118 McCoist's header fell invitingly to Hateley, who was lurking on the edge of the Leeds penalty area.
119 Renate was sitting on the edge of the king-sized bed with the black sheets, smoking a reefer.
120 He sat on the edge of the bed and removed his shoes, setting them down without a sound.
121 And then as Brett's teeth clinked uncomfortably on the edge of the drinking glass, something strange happened.
122 Mrs Tilling viewed the proceedings with some misgivings, but sat herself down gingerly on the edge of the seat.
123 I sat on the edge of the table, and the whole thing tipped over.
124 He sat on the edge of the bed in his hotel room and waited for the phone to be answered.
125 The citadel's rough, sheer pale-brown outer walls and ramparts resemble a giant sandcastle built on the edge of the sea.
126 Billy sat on the edge of the desk, swinging his legs.
127 Concentration curls Sit on the edge of the bench with your knees apart.
128 Young Paul Collins sat on the edge of a chair in my office in Ada, Michigan.
129 I put down my suitcase and sat on the edge of the bed.
130 An unsuitable Palladian mansion in an unexciting East Anglian village on the edge of the black fens.
131 It's an encounter with women on the edge of transition, discontented and yet disarmed.
132 It lies happily stranded across arable fields, beside deep woods on the edge of Badminton Park.
133 Yet people ignore the plight of, say, the several species of bat which are on the edge of extinction.
134 He sat up on the edge of his bed, tightly clenched together his hands, and began repeating his own name.
135 We lived in a detached three-bedroom house on the edge of the town.
136 Wednesday morning, during an hourlong session with reporters,[http:///on the edge of.html] Forbes appeared to be teetering on the edge of folding his campaign.
137 But from where we stand, they appear to be teetering on the edge of financial -- and societal -- disaster.
138 Now, at twenty-two, I was well aware that stewardess work balanced on the edge of social respectability.
139 On the edge of the crowd a few young men tittered, whistled, applauded and stamped their feet.
140 A glimpse of a tall black-haired man on the edge of the throng sent sudden excitement sky-rocketing.
141 Allowing Manchester United unnecessary free-kicks on the edge of your penalty area is not a good idea.
142 He went over and sat on the edge of the bed.
143 He sped to the line for the try after the ball evaded Packman and Northampton were on the edge of defeat.
144 He taps each envelope on the edge of the door to the open boxes as he searches for the name.
145 Five minutes before the break, Jan Molby's pass gave Rob Jones a chance on the edge of the penalty area.
146 The fourth school is situated on the edge of a large industrial city which operates a completely comprehensive system.
147 I am sitting on the edge of the shakedown bed I had hoped to sleep in.
148 It is a dangerous moment, pregnant with hope teetering on the edge of despair.
149 He sat on the edge of the bed and dialled his office number.
150 That night her father sat on the edge of her bed and stroked her hair, as if she were still a little girl.
151 The small village, no more than 20 wooden and canvas shacks, sat on the edge of a coastal inlet.
152 Jackie sat on the edge of his bed, a tiny, spiky creature, utterly alone.
153 A small deer stood on the edge of the clearing.
154 On the edge of the town we began to climb.
155 She sidled cautiously towards the equipment, and perched on the edge of a deep mahogany box.
156 The sun trembled for an instant on the edge of the distant hills, then started to sink behind them.
157 One could dissolve and still exist ... I hovered on the edge of consciousness, semi-asleep, making nonsense.
158 Banana trees were growing wild on the edge of the forest.
159 From the moment he took the rostrum, Gergiev had his musicians tensely perched on the edge of their seats.
160 By stepping on the edge of the carpet where it was thickest, Lily could get downstairs unheard.
161 Some on the edge of pioneering new work styles have been featured in breathy articles for the popular business press.
162 The house is in Lansdowne Road, on the edge of Notting Hill.
163 We have state-of-the-art shopping developments right on the edge of West Belfast and the promise of jobs for the long-term unemployed.
164 She lived in a small settlement on the edge of the desert.
165 She sat balanced on the edge of the desk, and he faced her, bemused by it all.
166 He was on the edge of the crowd,[http:///on the edge of.html] and not hiding his amusement.
167 Ahead children lay like bundles of clothing on the edge of the road, only rolling away at the last hoot.
168 The movie's last scenes kept us on the edge of our seats.
169 I ran inside to find the house as hot as an oven and Janir on the edge of tears.
170 Tennis: Hard clay courts are available throughout the town, and excellent facilities on the edge of the resort.
171 Red jungle fowl, the ancestors of all our domestic chickens, sun themselves on the edge of the forest.
172 His normal expectation was to live on the edge of starvation.
173 Samandari lives in a small dusty village on the edge of the desert.
174 A hot college hoop dreamer played by Kadeem Hardison dies just as his team is on the edge of an NCAA championship.
175 He swung his legs around so that he was perched on the edge of the bunk.
176 Jen said, sweeping aside the shower curtain and sitting down on the edge of the tub.
177 She sat on the edge of the thing, her back perfectly straight, drinking a cup of tea.
178 Late on there was an incident in on the edge of the Ipswich penalty area, can't remember who fouled who.
179 He got me to sit on the edge of my oak dresser, and then he walked into me.
180 He jerked down his shorts, and sat with legs spread on the edge of a slope-backed chair.
181 Everything blended with everything else, trees and brush and sky, and already he was on the edge of lost.
182 They went so fast sometimes he thought they were on the edge of no-control.
183 He sits on the edge of the bed where Kate lies fenced in by bolsters and proffers it smilingly.
184 It must have been several dances later that she noticed Annie standing on the edge of the dance floor.
185 Inside the briefing room of the Royaume Uni we hovered on the edge of Dunkirk as usual.
186 She and her family live on the edge of poverty.
187 We sat on the edge of the pool with our legs dangling in the water.
188 I teetered across, on the edge of tipping up, a tightrope walk between panic and despair.
189 They made off with £200 cash from Sashless Windows, on the edge of the Standard Way industrial estate.
190 De Nesle sat down on the edge of the desk and picked up the coffee cup.
191 I sit on the edge of the padded table, naked, and stare at the envelope.
192 A single cushion had been hurled across the room and it lay on the edge of the fireplace.
193 It lies unassimilated on the edge of my under-standing; there is something I must learn from it.
194 Emily was sitting on the edge of the bed in one of his shirts, holding a tray.
195 I was taking it slowly when I caught a flash of red on the edge of my peripheral vision.
196 We rented a little cabin on the edge of a secluded lake.
196 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
197 Far from being on the edge of the abyss, we could be on the brink of a long boom.
198 Meir Ahronson led me into his bedroom, sat down on the edge of the bed, and indicated a kitchen chair.
199 He set the ashtray down on the edge of the table.
200 On and on they flew until day turned into dusk and they reached the big supermarket on the edge of the town.
201 We were alone in my room on the fourth floor, sitting side by side on the edge of the bed.
202 I rested for a few minutes, then sat on the edge of the bed and looked around.
203 Nas Imran sat on the edge of an iron bunk in his small cell in a Washington state prison.
204 They live in a middle-class neighbourhood on the edge of town.
205 Berry lives in a white frame home with a brown picket fence on the edge of Newville.
206 It was lying on the edge of the pavement, with one end trailing on to the cobbled street.
207 He scanned the horizon and saw on the edge of the sky the familiar yellowish stain.
208 Today the country totters on the edge of economic disaster.
209 We put up a little prefabricated building on the edge of the airstrip.
210 He swung himself to sit on the edge of the bed, and dropped his head in his hands.
211 A pure white butterfly tossed about in the light on the edge of the lake.
212 He meant: to me, at the department store, and I felt myself teeter on the edge of something.
213 He sat on the edge of the gazebo, wrung out the sock and dried himself as best he could.
214 She perched on the edge of the sofa, gazing into the mock flames from the gas fire.
215 Dunvegan Castle stands on the edge of the sea, and looks up along the long narrow Loch Dunvegan to the north-west.
216 Tom was trembling, sitting on the edge of a chair cracking his knuckles.
217 He perched himself on the edge of the gunwale and took the two ends of the rope in his hands.
218 Apparently I was on the edge of the crater and the main blast had gone over me.
219 A cigarette burn on the edge of the table.
220 His humour Bordered on the edge of being vulgar.
221 Blodgett College is on the edge of Minneapolis.
222 If you put that pot on the edge of the table it will fall off.
223 He sat on the edge of the table dangling his legs.
224 But for sulphur - sensitized emulsion, the developing centres formed preferentially on the edge of octahedral grain.
225 Each autumn, polar bears arrive at the town of Churchill , on the edge of Hudson Bay.
226 They left Succoth and camped at Etham,[] on the edge of the desert.
227 Blue whale of Antarrct has plunged to less than 1% of the original abundance. West Pacific grey whale hovers on the edge of extinction with just over 100 remaining.
228 There is a pumping station on the edge of the lake.
229 Keep soap in a soap dish, not on the edge of the bathtub.
230 The myelin was harder to see a faintly undulating fringe on the edge of the neurons.
231 She came and set on the edge of the chair, hesitantly.
232 He sits on the edge of the table dangle his leg.
233 It'sits on the edge of the European and North American tectonic plates.
234 Taihang Mountain, standing on the edge of Campagna of North - China, is the headstream of Hai River.
235 Margaret was sitting nervously upright on the edge of her chair.
236 Blodgett College is on the edge of Minneapolis it is a bulwark of sound religion.
237 They are like oracular messages, but witty - jaunty at times - and sometimes trembling on the edge of whimsy.
238 He sat on the edge of his cot , running his fingers through his wild hair.
239 After leaving Succoth they camped at Etham on the edge of the desert.
240 They tower above the surface of a molecular cloud on the edge of the nebula.
241 Silent, they loafed on the edge of the wharf, swinging their legs above the water.
242 Putting some nail polish on the edge of the tear can prevent it from getting bigger.
243 This Roman Centurion was at Capernaum a town on the edge of the Sea of Galilee.
244 The Philippine Islands ride on the edge of the Eurasian Plate tongue holding Indonesia.
245 The LandRover turned east towards Mayaro and moments later was passing the cemetery on the edge of town.
246 Peruvian villagers already on the edge of survival are enduring bitter cold linked to climate change.




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