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单词 uncanny
释义  un·can·ny /ʌnˈkæni/ adjective  STRANGEvery strange and difficult to explain 离奇的,不可思议的 an uncanny coincidence 不可思议的巧合► see thesaurus at strange —uncannily adverbExamples from the Corpusuncanny• It was the quietness that was so uncanny.• He has an uncanny ability to guess what you're thinking.• And he has this uncanny ability to synthesize concepts from a few isolated observations.• In one of the tales of the Arabian Nights the sovereign has the uncanny experience of meeting himself.• He was dressed in the garb of a Catholic priest and he bore an uncanny resemblance to the now legendary Spencer Tracy.• The rumors bore an uncanny resemblance to whatever people feared most.• Republicans concede that the president has an uncanny rhetorical talent that he has used effectively to put congressional leaders on the defensive.• Recovering his balance with uncanny speed, he snarled and launched himself after the still tumbling figure of his intended victim.• He had an uncanny way of making me feel simple.un·can·ny adjectiveChineseSyllable  to Corpus explain very strange difficult and




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