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单词 unattended
释义  un·at·tend·ed /ˌʌnəˈtendɪd◂/ adjective  ALONEleft alone without anyone in charge 无人照看的,无人看管的 an unattended vehicle 一辆无人看管的汽车 Children should not be left unattended in the playground. 不可以把儿童留在游乐场无人照管。Examples from the Corpusunattended• Despite his precautions, he sometimes loses track of her and she is left unattended.• Furthermore, if necessary they can be left unattended.• He walked over to the shop but it was unattended.• Saconi had left the car stereo and speakers unattended.• And what kind of future will their children -- unattended by doctors and uneducated by the system -- come to expect?• If the room has to be unattended, lock the door.• unattended luggage• I didn't like the idea of leaving them unattended overnight.• Electronic records or resources can not be left to languish unattended, they require continual attention.left unattended• Despite his precautions, he sometimes loses track of her and she is left unattended.• Furthermore, if necessary they can be left unattended.• It is essential to use proper secure fittings especially if the unit is to be left unattended.• It can be devastating if left unattended, but modern white spot cures can clear it up without too much trouble.• A horse van was left unattended by the driver in an area with three schools.• This is extremely useful if the office has to be left unattended for any period of time.• Whenever your computer is going to be left unattended for some time simply run Blaze.• Rubber Girl can burst if left unattended in sun.un·at·tend·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable  anyone charge left without alone Corpus in




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