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单词 type
释义 Word family  noun type typology adjective typical ≠ atypical typological verb typify adverb typically  Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishingtype1 /taɪp/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  [countable]TYPE one member of a group of people or things that have similar features or qualities 类型,种类of this/that/each etc type I’ve already seen a few movies of this type. 我已经看过几部这种类型的影片了。type of What type of music do you like? 你喜欢什么类型的音乐? There are two main types of sleep. 睡眠主要有两种类型。5 GRAMMAR 语法: type, kind, sort• Type , kind , and sort are countable nouns, and they should be plural after plural determiners. type,kind和sort为可数名词,在复数限定词之后用复数形式Many sorts of jobs (NOT 不说 Many sort of jobs) require computing skills.许多工种要求会使用电脑。• Use a singular or uncountable noun with no determiner after type/kind/sort of . type/kind/sort of之后接不加限定词的单数或不可数名词children who attend the same type of school上同一类学校的小孩• Use a singular, plural, or uncountable noun with no determiner after types/kinds/sorts of . types/kinds/sorts of之后接不加限定词的单数、复数或不可数名词This sort of behaviour is totally unacceptable.这种行为完全不能接受。• In informal speech, people sometimes use these/those type of before a plural noun, but do not use this in writing. 在非正式讲话中,人们有时在复数名词之前用these/those type of,但在书面语中不要这样用。How common are these types of illness OR illnesses?这类疾病常见不常见?n GRAMMAR: Countable or uncountable?Type is a countable noun and should be plural after words such as ‘these’, ‘those’, and ‘many’: this type of buildingthese types of building ✗Don’t say: these type of building2  [singular] a person who has, or seems to have, a particular character 某种类型的人 Jo’s not really the sporty type. 乔可不是那种喜欢运动的人。 Beth is not the type to make a fuss. 贝丝不是那种小题大做的人。3  be somebody’s type especially spokenSEXY to be the kind of person someone is sexually attracted to 是某人喜欢的类型 He wasn’t my type really. 他并不是我所喜欢的那种人。4  [uncountable]TCN printed letters 印刷字体 italic type 斜体字5. [countable, uncountable]TCN a small block with a raised letter on it that is used to print with, or a set of these 〔印刷用的〕活字 COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + typethis/that type 这种/那种He is not suited to this type of work. 他不适合这种工作。a particular type 特别的一种Have you flown this particular type of aircraft before? 你以前开过这种特别的飞机吗?the same type 同一种They use the same type of axe as a tool and a weapon. 他们用同一种斧子作工具和武器。a different type 不同种类I’ve learned to work with different types of people. 我学会了与不同类型的人打交道。a new type 新的一种These architects felt the time had come for a new type of public building. 这些建筑师认为一种新型公共建筑的时代到来了。the main type 主要的一种Methane is the main type of gas produced. 甲烷是产生的主要气体。skin/hair type 皮肤/头发类型The best cleanser for you depends on your skin type. 哪种洁肤产品最适合你取决于你皮肤的类型。blood type American English (=one of the classes into which human blood can be separated) 血型Mother and child had the same blood type. 母亲和孩子血型相同。personality type (=with a particular type of character) 个性类型Find out your personality type by answering our simple questionnaire. 回答简单的问卷,了解自己的个性类型。soil type (=for example, sandy soil or clay soil) 土壤类型nThe plant thrives in a wide range of soil types.n THESAURUStype/kind/sort one member of a group of people or things that have similar features or qualities. Type is the usual word to use in scientific or technical contexts. In everyday English, people usually use kind or sortWhat type of fish is this?There are two main personality types.kind a type of person or thing. Kind is less formal than type, and is used especially in everyday EnglishWhat kind of food do you like?There were all kinds of people there.The study is the first of its kind in Ireland.sort especially British English a type of person or thing. Sort is less formal than type, and is used especially in everyday British EnglishWhat sort of person is she?I like all sorts of music.form one type of something from all the ones that are possible – used especially when things have different physical characteristics, or in certain fixed phrasesThere are many forms of heart disease. Melanoma is a form of skin cancer. The first primitive life forms consumed various materials, including hydrogen sulfide, and released oxygen. In those days, horses were the commonest form of transport.We need to use alternative forms of energy.a popular form of entertainmentvariety a type that is slightly different from others in the same groupThe French make many varieties of cheese.This is a new variety of apple.species a type of plant or animal, which can breed together to produce plants or animals of the same typeThese forests contain many species of trees. The giant panda is an endangered species.of a ... nature formal used when talking about a particular type of thingMany people find it embarrassing to discuss problems of a sexual nature.Minor incidents of this nature normally occur about once a month.category a group of people or things that are all of the same type – used when there is a clear system for deciding which group something belongs toThe three major categories of rock are: igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary.She won the best actress category at the Oscars.brand used when talking about the particular way that someone does something or thinks about something, when this is very different from that of other peopleShe has her own special brand of humour.He has called for a more positive brand of politics.genre formal a type of art, music, literature etc. that has a particular style or featureHe has written novels in several genres, most notably science fiction.a type of productbrand the name of a type of product made by a company, especially one that you use every day such as food or cleaning productsa survey to find out which brand of toothpaste people prefer advertising for a well-known brand of cigarettesmake a type of product made by a particular company – used especially about things such as machines, equipment, or cars‘What make of car do you drive?’ ‘A Ford.’model one particular type or design of a vehicle, machine etcThe new models are much faster.Examples from the Corpustype• the artistic type• bold type• His colleague Gwyn Meirion-Jones, had been working on various building types beginning with peasant houses.• Here again, there are many quite ordinary terms for the internal parts of discourse types.• As a result, several general types of college of higher education evolved.• We need a secretary with good typing speeds.• The second woman was a grandmotherly type.• Sam hoped he wasn't one of those New Age mystical types.• Today, a well-known, but primitive, type of ego-defence exists, termed identification with the aggressor.• Soon she pulled into the driveway of her house, a modest brick ranch type fringing the edges of her voting district.• Rosa has trouble finding cosmetics for her skin type.• Marion says she'll do some typing for us.• Does the organization have a track record of success in initiatives of this type?• Hutchins has been writing novels of this type for years.of this/that/each etc type• We must protect children from abuse of this type but we must also protect them from abuse by the system.• The differences between and the characteristics of each type of search is outlined below.• The first was the feeling that I was not at all fatigued after an hour of this type of running-walking.• We will see more of this type of automated and instantaneous feedback in Workplace 2000.• It certainly demonstrates the power of conjugation and provides a definite guide for further puzzles of this type.• Already one firm has developed a 30 W source of this type which gives a light like a 100 W light bulb.• The civil service had several advantages for a study of this type.• Lexical variation of this type is widespread in Durham and is not restricted to items belonging to any particular grammatical not the type to• He isn't the type to be tied down, even by the flimsiest of bonds.• He is not the type to go to the pub and just pick some one up.• Jamie is not the type to tuck himself in bed early.• Van Orton, the super-controlled business man, is not the type to go in for bungee jumping.type2 ●●● S2 W3 verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]WRITE to write something using a computer or a typewriter 〔用计算机或打字机〕打,打字 He types with two fingers. 他用两个手指打字。 Type your password, then press ‘Return’. 输入密码,然后按“回车”键。type something up (=type a copy of something written by hand, in note form, or recorded) 把…打字成文 I went home to type up the report. 我回家把报告打出来。type something in (=write information on a computer) 把…键入〔计算机〕 Please wait while I type in your details. 请稍候,我来输入你的个人信息。2  [transitive] technicalHBFIND OUT to find out what group something such as blood, cells, or a disease belong to 找出〔血液、细胞或疾病〕的类型,把…分类 DNA typing 脱氧核糖核酸分类→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustype• I don't know how to type.• These letters still need to be typed.• I had no idea what I was typing and would leave the office each day disorientated and dizzy with the effort.• Bring up the customer database, and type in the amount on the invoice.• She complies, and the marketing firm has her answers typed into a computer.• We'll have someone type it out and put it in alphabetical order.• So: you type it out on an electric typewriter on A4 or A5 size paper.• A young policeman in a leather jacket painfully, letter by letter, typed my losses on an ancient machine.• Please type or print your letters and keep them brief.• Press Tab to indent the first line, then type the following paragraph.• Could you type those letters for me?• I asked Michelle to type up my assignment so I could mail it in today.• I'm afraid I don't type very fast.From Longman Business Dictionarytypetype /taɪp/ verb [intransitive, transitive] to write something using a typewriter or WORD PROCESSORDoes the report need to be typed?How fast can you type?→ See Verb tableOrigin type1 (1400-1500) Latin typus “image”, from Greek typos “act of hitting, mark made by hitting, model”, from typtein “to hit”type1 noun →5 GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2 →COLLOCATIONS1 →n THESAURUS1type2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese   Corpus people of Business things of or member a group one




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