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单词 Pressed
1. A volunteer is worth twenty pressed men. 
2. One volunteer is worth ten pressed men. 
3. He pressed my arm back.
4. She pressed him to her bosom.
5. He inserted the cassette and pressed the 'play' button.
6. She pressed herself against the wall.
7. He pressed his nose up against the window.
8. The children pressed close to their mother.
9. The shoe pressed painfully against her big toe.
10. The driver must have pressed on the accelerator.
11. The policeman pressed him with questions.
12. I pressed out the rest of shampoo by force.
13. I put my money in the slot and pressed the button but nothing came out.
14. The fuse blew as he pressed the button to start the motor.
15. The harder the brake pedal is pressed, the greater the car's deceleration.
16. We pressed the buzzer in our cabin and a steward arrived instantly.
17. It was pouring with rain, but we pressed on regardless.
18. He pressed the doorbell.
19. She pressed her foot down sharply on the brake pedal.
20. I'm pressed for time.
21. The intercom buzzed and he pressed down the appropriate switch.
22. The crowd pressed together so tightly that we could hardly breathe.
23. The fans pressed round the rock band.
24. That suit ought to be pressed.
25. The police pressed on with the investigation.
26. He pressed the lid firmly shut.
27. We are pressed for time; we must hurry up.
28. He pressed heavily on his companion's wrist.
29. The grapes are hand-picked and pressed.
30. A microwave oven can be a real lifesaver when you're pressed for time.
1. He pressed my arm back.
2. She pressed him to her bosom.
3. He inserted the cassette and pressed the 'play' button.
4. She pressed herself against the wall.
5. He pressed his nose up against the window.
6. The children pressed close to their mother.
7. The shoe pressed painfully against her big toe.
8. The driver must have pressed on the accelerator.
9. The policeman pressed him with questions.
10. I pressed out the rest of shampoo by force.
11. I put my money in the slot and pressed the button but nothing came out.
12. The fuse blew as he pressed the button to start the motor.
13. The harder the brake pedal is pressed, the greater the car's deceleration.
14. A microwave oven can be a real lifesaver when you're pressed for time.
15. We pressed the buzzer in our cabin and a steward arrived instantly.
16. It was pouring with rain, but we pressed on regardless.
17. He pressed the doorbell.
18. She pressed her foot down sharply on the brake pedal.
19. I'm pressed for time.
20. The intercom buzzed and he pressed down the appropriate switch.
21. The crowd pressed together so tightly that we could hardly breathe.
22. He pressed heavily on his companion's wrist.
23. He pressed hard on the brake but nothing happened.
24. He pressed down the accelerator pedal of his car.
25. The hostess pressed fish on her guests.
26. Jacelin pressed Cage to him and kissed her.
27. Pressed beyond the limits of forbearance, our army fought back resolutely and dealt telling blows to the enemy.
31. He reached out and pressed her to him.
32. She pressed a coin into the little girl's hand.
33. He pressed hard on the brake but nothing happened.
34. The children pressed some flowers.
35. He pressed a card into her hand before leaving.
36. They pressed gifts on their benefactors.
37. She pressed the button but nothing happened.
38. He pressed his way through the crowd.
39. The police pressed the crowd back behind the barriers.
40. She is pressed with sorrows.
41. Bella pressed her face into the pillow.
42. The photographers pressed around the royal visitors.
43. He pressed her hand against his heart.
44. I selected a file and pressed the Delete key.
45. I pressed the accelerator until the engine screamed.
46. She pressed her guests to stay a little longer.
47. The children pressed about her and made a ring.
48. I pressed a dime into his grubby mitt.
49. She pressed on the doorbell.
50. Her face was pressed against the pane.
51. She pressed his hand softly.
52. I pressed control Alt Delete but nothing happened.
53. She felt something being pressed into her hands.
54. Reporters pressed him for an explanation.
55. She pressed her lips together.
56. The girl pressed close to her mother.
57. I could have pressed charges against him.
58. The realities of the present pressed on them.
59. The people pressed round the royal visitors.
60. The man was pressed to pay off his debt.
61. He pressed his back against the door.
62. He locked the door and pressed the bolt home.
63. Drago pressed a button and the door closed.
64. He pressed the money on me.
65. She pressed on the accelerator,roaring the engine.
66. I pressed 'return' and an error message was displayed.
67. Charlie pressed his nose against the window.
68. The police pressed her to remember all the details.
69. The weather was dreadful but we pressed on regardless.
70. Manville kept his back pressed flat against the wall.
71. They pressed boldly on with their plan.
72. I am pressed for a reply.
73. She pressed her face against the window.
74. She pressed the baby on her husband.
75. The iron hissed as it pressed the wet cloth.
76. She smiles coyly when pressed about her private life.
77. I'm really pressed for cash at the moment.
78. She pressed her palms together.
79. He pressed down the plunger of his cafetiere.
80. He pressed down the accelerator pedal of his car.
81. He pressed a handkerchief to his nose.
82. Though they were extremely tired, they still pressed on.
83. They pressed the silver knife into the cake.
84. Jane slammed the door and pressed the bolt home.
85. The union pressed for a superannuation scheme.
86. She pressed down hard on the gas pedal.
87. The weight of irrational guilt pressed on her.
88. The boy pressed his ear against the door.
89. I'm very pressed for cash at the moment.
90. The child pressed her nose against the window.
91. When pressed they knock off 10 per cent.
92. Please hurry we're a bit pressed for time.
93. The hostess pressed fish on her guests.
94. She pressed the child to her.
95. She wore a brown shirt pressed without a wrinkle.
96. The juice of the grapes was pressed out.
97. He pressed a finger gently to her lips.
98. He pressed his face against the window.
99. At that time we were pressed for money.
100. Jacelin pressed Cage to him and kissed her.
101. The new taxes pressed heavily on the people.
102. I inadvertently pressed the wrong button.
103. At this stage the grapes have to be pressed.
104. Tourists pressed their faces against the palace railings.
105. I stopped the tape and pressed rewind.
106. Poland pressed on with economic reform.
107. The debts pressed on him.
108. He pressed me to join his gang.
109. He was pressed with hunger.
110. Adam pressed a button and waited for the lift.
111. The engine stalled. He pressed the accelerator hard.
112. The responsibilities pressed heavily on him.
113. He pressed his ear to the instrument.
114. I've pressed your trousers with the iron.
115. Leona put some detergent into the dishwasher, shut the door and pressed the switch.
116. The grass had been pressed down in place where people had been lying.
117. All I had was money, which I pressed on her reluctant mother.
118. When pressed, he skates around the subject of those women who he met as a 19-year-old.
119. The prime minister pressed the panic button yesterday as Britain's economy plunged deeper into crisis.
120. She pressed his hand. "I know, " she said softly.
121. Too many people were pressed into the room, and I could hardly breathe.
122. I pressed the juice of half a lemon into a glass of water.
123. Sometimes he was too ill to speak, and just pressed my hand.
124. Vera pressed his shirt.
125. I pressed the starter and the engine caught first time.
126. I felt that if I had pressed him he would have lent me the money.
127. The crowd pressed against the locked doors trying to get into the building.
128. She pressed a kiss on my cheek then hared off.
129. The National Union of Mineworkers pressed the party to support a total ban on imported coal.
130. I pressed my palm to the wound to stop the bleeding.
131. I didn't want to take the money but he pressed it on me.
132. She pressed her skirt to try to remove all the wrinkles.
133. I'd love to stop and chat but I'm rather pressed for time.
134. I am pressed for time as I have a lot of work to do.
135. I pressed the buzzer and after a while someone came to the door.
136. Simon saw she was hesitating and pressed home his advantage.
137. I pressed my parents until they finally gave in and registered me for skating classes.
138. The army was pressed into service to fight the fires.
139. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone better for the job.
140. Overcome with emotion, he pressed her hand and left her.
141. I pressed money on him, but he refused to take it.
142. He pressed a coin into her hand and moved on.
143. Are you pressed for time, Mr Bayliss? If not, I suggest we have lunch.
144. I considered turning back, but it was getting late[Sentence dictionary], so I pressed on.
145. Mike pressed hard on the wound and staunched the flow of blood.
146. Her whole family were pressed into service when the shop was busy.
147. The shopkeeper pressed the panic button and the police arrived in minutes.
148. Lily pressed the switch and plunged the room into darkness.
149. She pressed back against the door until it swung inwards.
150. The machinist pressed his ear to the instrument in order to listen and tell where the abnormal sound came from.
151. Every type of boat was pressed into service to rescue passengers from the sinking ferry.
152. All the children had sweets and presents pressed on them by the visitors.
153. The bell on the hotel receptionist's desk went ting when I pressed it.
154. The children pressed around him eagerly, overwhelming him with questions.
155. She told us how easy it was to use the computer, then by way of demonstration simply pressed a few keys on the keyboard.
156. Manville peeled off a twenty, and pressed it into the man's hand.
157. Mr King seems certain to be pressed for further details.
158. Old buses were pressed into service as emergency housing for the refugees.
159. He racked his camera and pressed down the shutter release.
160. Over 3000 copies of the CD were pressed and sent some out to college radio stations.
161. I'm a bit pressed for time - could we meet later?
162. The car bodies are pressed out of sheets of metal.
163. A large crowd of basketball fans pressed about the basketball star and asked him to sign for them.
164. If pressed, he will admit that he knew about the affair.
165. They pressed themselves flat against the tunnel wall as the train approached.
166. I pressed the gas pedal, and slowly the wheels began to churn.
167. Bombers pressed home their attack, causing severe damage to harbour installations.
168. The crowd pressed forward.
169. The car rocked as the crowd pressed hard against it.
170. As the hot metal passed between the huge rollers it was pressed into thin sheets.
171. Pressed beyond the limits of forbearance, our army fought back resolutely and dealt telling blows to the enemy.
172. She pressed the gas pedal and the car leapt forwards.
173. He reached for the remote control and pressed the "play" button.
174. He pressed up closer against the wall, terrified of being seen.
175. In the interview he strongly pressed his point of view.
176. She held Tom close and pressed her cheek to his.
177. I'm very pressed for cash at the moment can I pay you next week?
178. The little girl pressed her nose against the shop window.
179. They had pressed for their children to be taught French.
180. He pressed the button and reversed the direction of movement of the machine.
181. The Maldives pressed its claim to hold next year's summit.
182. She became very tearful when pressed to talk about it.
183. Something cold and hard pressed into the back of his neck.
184. He bore down again, pressed himself against my back.
185. So she pressed down on the button more firmly.
186. The cold pressed into his rib cage.
187. He thought: we could have pressed the brake pedal.
188. Please ring. - so she pressed the button.
189. I gingerly pressed the buzzer, embarrassed.
190. He pressed the buzzer to be let out.
191. This prospect pressed a peril button in Yeremi's brain.
192. Karr muttered something, then pressed a second tiny bundle into the man's hand.
193. She reached for her packet of Soviet-made Marlboros, noticed the full ashtray and pressed a bell on her desk.
194. Wycliffe pressed a bell push in a door with stained glass panels.
195. Less than half an hour later she cleaned the brush in white spirit and pressed the lid of the tin noiselessly down.
196. Richard now pressed on to Salerno, where he wanted to discuss a recurrent ague with the city's famous doctors.
197. Tommy is pressed face up against the wall, arms handcuffed behind his back.
198. The bombardier beetle's ancestors simply pressed into different service chemicals that already happened to be around.
199. He was pressed against the wood face, his hips hard on to the letter box, and he cursed the slow reaction.
200. A reset button is also provided, which is pressed if the charging light fails to illuminate.
201. He pressed the button controlling the trolley and moved forward again, feeling ill at ease and claustrophobic.
202. As the kiss lingered, she was made aware of his hardness as he pressed himself against her.
203. The corned beef that we are familiar with is a cured beef which is then boiled and pressed before being canned.
204. The driver pressed the switch fully down and the beam became of blinding intensity.
205. I pressed the buzzer, pressed both buzzers,[http:///pressed.html] pressed all the buzzers for the entire building-complex in desperation.
206. She pressed the accelerator and the sports car picked up speed.
207. Double-click - A mouse procedure where the left-hand mouse button is pressed twice in quick succession.
208. When he was sure that there had been no modifications since his last trip, he pressed the START button.
209. The firm knew its value to the project and pressed for every advantage it could.
210. A cook from the kitchens took one in the eye and stumbled backwards with his hands pressed to his temples.
211. He gestured to me to push my way up to the front and then pressed a precious boarding pass into my hand.
212. She pressed a hand to her bosom to try to still the wild fluttering of her heart.
213. Zaborski closed the file and pressed a button under his desk.
214. An otherwise respectable middle-aged woman pressed the thing to her bosom and trotted back to her seat, aglow.
215. He pressed the bell and waited, half hoping that it wouldn't ring or no one would come.
216. When biker chic turned up at ladies' luncheons, the young were pressed to find a new look.
217. Unlike some other units, this charger has a start button: charging begins when the red start button is pressed.
218. Most smoke alarms have a test button which sets off the alarm when pressed.
219. He pressed the button at the pelican crossing and waited.
220. As they hit the grass, Rory pressed the accelerator hard down, wrestled with the wide black wheel.
221. Not crouched down into the starting blocks with her fingertips pressed so lightly on to the oven red brick track.
222. In that wrong gear, he pressed the accelerator, ran over Harvey and broke both his legs.
223. She put her arms around his neck and pressed her face against his chest.
224. Labour had pressed for a programme to boost jobs and investment.
225. Instead of using both part buttons, one part and one tuck button are pressed.
226. I look like I have been pressed into this against my wishes though I wear a phony smile.
227. Below: Whole freesia flowers should be arranged on a sheet of blotting paper before being pressed in a book.
228. I must be brave for Perdita's sake, said Daisy through chattering teeth as she pressed the door bell.
229. S/he then pressed the button to present the stimulus card and start the timer.
230. He pressed the snow to make a mound, a burial mound.
231. Solids can release gases back into the atmosphere when heated and pressed by volcanic activity.
232. Martin pressed himself back into the burial plot, his fear of it temporarily forgotten in the face of this new terror.
233. Nearly all blue cheeses are scalded and lightly pressed and tend to crumble.
234. A perfectly normal canine went barking mad with lust when Lizzy pressed the printer.
234. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
235. I found that out when I'd pressed the bell and no one came.
236. He had refused to buy any new clothes for the wedding but the brown suit had been brushed and pressed.
237. I Pressed home the usual arguments about duty and not fighting the war for the privilege of going to the cinema.
238. In their place a solid row of brick facades pressed the old building tightly on each side.
239. All adjoining panels should be pressed evenly together ensuring all the panels are aligned squarely to each other.
240. Somewhat nervously, she pressed the button for the elevator that would take her up to the sixteenth floor and Adrienne.
241. Another gift that was well received was a book of poetry for which I made a pressed flower bookmark.
242. He pressed the button at intervals for about five minutes, but there was no reaction.
243. Moving himself as little as possible, Chick leant forward and pressed a button.
244. It is also found pressed into clarified butter atop p t s and terrines, adding flavour and decorative value.
245. Young elder tree and ash tree leaves can also turn black sometimes once they have been pressed.
246. And why have governments in the region not pressed the panic button?
247. When Schmidt tapped the chauffeur's arm, the man pressed a button that raised a glass panel at his back.
248. Other days, she would draw the curtains in their room and lie in bed with a cloth pressed to her forehead.
249. Only months before he had held me like this and pressed his bristly mouth against mine.
250. He pressed a button and somewhere high above machinery clunked into life.
251. The developing countries are pressed to eliminate trade barriers, which can lead to local producers being undermined by cheaper imports.
252. As instructed, he got out and pressed a bell in the wall, and after a moment the gates opened.
253. A curl of green pressed powder was burning on the table, attached to a wire stand.
254. Pressed against me, the women stitched, blew snot out of their noses, spat and belched.
255. She took out a handkerchief and pressed it against her eyes, then blew her nose.
256. Even the hounds sensed something was amiss and became still, tails pressed between hind legs, watching.
257. I said, Listen, man, the broken record was pressed by somebody else,(http:///pressed.html) not me.
258. He pressed on in the hope that a few others would join him. The tactic paid off.
259. He pressed for a full investigation, but was warned off.
260. They urged reduced utility rates for hard - pressed residential users.
261. The anvil onto which the staples are pressed was not assemble correctly.




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