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单词 stand-offish
释义  stand-of·fish, standoffish /ˌstænd ˈɒfɪʃ $ -ˈɒːf-/ adjective informal  PROUDrather unfriendly and formal 不友好的;冷淡的 SYN aloof She was cold and stand-offish. 她态度冷漠,不甚友好。 —stand-offishly adverb —stand-offishness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusstand-offish• We sociologists have had good reason to be stand-offish.• You're not so stand-offish after all.• Without wishing to be over-familiar but not to be stand-offish either, I put one hand on her shoulder.• Would he think her very rude and stand-offish now?• Many may interpret such a self-centred approach as selfish or stand-offish - that is too bad.stand-of·fish adjectiveChineseSyllable  and rather formal unfriendly Corpus




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