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单词 tumultuous
释义  tu·mul·tu·ous /tjuːˈmʌltʃuəs $ tuː-/ adjective  1  EXCITEDfull of activity, confusion, or violence 混乱的,骚乱的,乱哄哄的 the tumultuous years of the Civil War 内战的动荡年代2  LOUD/NOISYvery loud because people are happy and excited 嘈杂的,吵闹的,喧哗的 He received a tumultuous welcome. 他受到了热烈欢迎。 tumultuous applause 热烈的掌声Examples from the Corpustumultuous• Norman stepped on to the mat amidst tumultuous applause.• Backstage was satisfyingly mysterious and full of a tumultuous, different kind of life.• This quartet session, recorded live at Birdland, has an often tumultuous intensity.• There the continuing tumultuous interest initially stunned Amelia.• The prisoners were brought in by train to tumultuous shouts of revenge.• It had been designed in a period of relative economic stability and was not fitted for such tumultuous times.• 1961 was a tumultuous year for Alvin.tu·mul·tu·ous adjectiveChineseSyllable  of or full confusion, Corpus violence activity,




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