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单词 tug-of-war
释义  Related topics: Other sportsˌtug-of-ˈwar noun [singular]  1. DSOa test of strength in which two teams pull opposite ends of a rope against each other 拔河赛2  FIGHTa situation in which two people or groups try very hard to get or keep the same thing 激烈的争夺 There was a constant tug-of-war between the military and the president. 军方和总统之间的竞争无时不在。Examples from the Corpustug-of-war• Two people pulling in opposite directions have a tug-of-war.• Rather, what seems to be happening is a tug-of-war over where exactly the bipartisan centre stands.• Often, several make contact with the wall and then there is a tug-of-war between them.• She heard the break before she actually saw the child who had fallen at the winning end of a tug-of-war rope.• The children are trapped in an emotional tug-of-war between their parents.• They have intricate games of tug-of-war with anything long enough to pull.• Opposing forces were in precarious balance, and resolving their tug-of-war was his prime concern.ˌtug-of-ˈwar nounChineseSyllable  a test which strength in of Corpus two




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