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单词 tucker
释义  tuck·er1 /ˈtʌkə $ -ər/ verb  1 tucker somebody out phrasal verb American English informalTIRED to make someone very tired 使非常疲乏 By the end of the day, we were all tuckered out. 一天下来,我们都累得筋疲力尽。n Grammar Tucker out is usually passive.→ See Verb tabletucker2 noun [uncountable] AusE informal  1.FOODfood 食物 → your best bib and tucker at bib(3)Examples from the Corpustucker• He puts on his best bib and tucker and books a top restaurant for a romantic dinner.• Instead he will, in best bib and tucker, be performing his last official act as the Masters champion.Origin tucker (1800-1900) tuck “to criticize angrily” ( → TUCK1) + -er (as in batter)tuck·er1 verb →n GRAMMAR1tucker2 nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  to someone very Corpus tired make




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