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单词 popularize
释义 Word family  noun popularity ≠ unpopularity popularization adjective popular ≠ unpopular verb popularize adverb popularly  pop·u·lar·ize (also popularise British English) /ˈpɒpjələraɪz $ ˈpɑː-/ verb [transitive]  1  POPULARto make something well known and liked 使受欢迎;宣传,推广 Bob Marley popularized reggae music in the 1970s. 鲍勃·马利在20世纪70年代让雷鬼音乐流行了起来。2  CLEAR/EASY TO UNDERSTANDto make a difficult subject or idea able to be easily understood by ordinary people who have no special knowledge about it 使通俗化,使大众化,使易懂,使普及 Skinner was the psychologist who popularized behavior modification. 斯金纳就是那位使行为矫正概念得到普及的心理学家。 —popularization /ˌpɒpjələraɪˈzeɪʃən $ ˌpɑːpjələrə-/ noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuspopularize• Post-war architects, amongst whom Frederick Gibberd was soon prominent, popularized a style which drew on many influences.• They went on to popularize bluegrass, becoming favorites on the college circuit.• Self-service supermarkets were first popularized by businessman Clarence Saunders.• Self-service shopping was popularized by Clarence Saunders.• Frozen food has greatly increased in popularity ever since Clarence Birdseye popularized frozen peas during the 1920s.• The protein-sparing modified fast was popularized in the form of liquid protein diets.• What Watergate did do, though, was to popularize investigative reporting and bring it into the mainstream.• Architects and critics with purist views were suspicious of Hill, but he helped to popularize the modern style.• They are especially skilled at popularizing the technical aspects of genetics.• To help popularize them, he was sending specimens to a few lucky customers for showroom display.pop·u·lar·ize verbChineseSyllable  make and liked Corpus well known to something




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