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单词 trappings
释义  trap·pings /ˈtræpɪŋz/ noun [plural]  SHOW/BE A SIGN OFthings such as money, influence, possessions etc that are related to a particular type of person, job, or way of life 〔象征身份、职业或生活方式的〕标志trappings of the trappings of power 权力的标志Examples from the Corpustrappings• The large Palace library, Victorian in its solid mahogany trappings, was lightly clad with the Bishop's books.• But this was a warrior king who had all the trappings but little of the reality of war.• The rescue was launched early Friday with all the trappings of a crack military operation.• Freed from the trappings of conventional morality, Van Ness is at liberty to invent his own.• I had the trappings of success, of social acceptability.• The trappings of prominent elected offices do not shield the occupants from the challenges, temptations and failures of daily life.• Such companies are leaving the traditional trappings of corporate existence behind.trappings of• He never got used to the trappings of fame.Origin trappings (1500-1600) trap “to decorate” ((14-20 centuries)), from trap “cloth” ((14-18 centuries)), from Old French drap; → DRAPEtrap·pings nounChineseSyllable  money, etc such Corpus are as things influence, that possessions




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