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单词 training
释义 Word family  noun trainee trainer training retraining adjective trained ≠ untrained verb train retrain  Related topics: Training, Other sportstrain·ing /ˈtreɪnɪŋ/ ●●● S2 W1 noun  1  [singular, uncountable]SET the process of teaching or being taught the skills for a particular job or activity 训练,培训;受训 → traintraining in On the course we received training in every aspect of the job. 在课程中我们接受了全面的岗位培训。 Police drivers have to undergo intensive training. 警察驾驶员都得接受强化训练。 a rigorous training session 一节严格的训练课 On-the job training will be supplemented by classroom lectures. 除了在职培训,还将有课堂授课作为补充。 The shop opens late on Fridays because of staff training. 因为员工培训,这家商店周五较晚开门营业。2  [uncountable]DSOEXERCISE physical exercises that you do to stay healthy or prepare for a competition 〔保持健康或准备参赛的〕训练,锻炼 → train Lesley does weight training twice a week. 莱斯利一周进行两次举重训练。be in training for something She’s in training for the Olympics. 她正接受训练,备战奥运会。 → spring trainingn COLLOCATIONSverbsgive somebody/provide trainingEmployees should also be given adequate training in fire safety precautions.receive/have/undergo trainingA small group would receive intensive training, and then would train others.need/require trainingThe team will need extra software + NOUNa training course/programmeAll staff are invited to take any training course at company expense.a training sessionMake sure you attend the computer training sessions.a training manualShe has written a training manual for social workers.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + training on-the-job training (=while doing a job rather than in a classroom)On-the-job training was seen as more important than formal training (=while working for an employer)Most employees take advantage of our in-service training program.formal trainingVaughan had no formal training in art.staff trainingInsufficient priority is given to staff training.teacher trainingApplications for postgraduate teacher training have increased by nearly 50%.job/vocational trainingThe college provides vocational training for nurses and theatre technicians.basic trainingAll navy cooks undergo basic training as sailors.Examples from the Corpustraining• Training sessions are on Saturdays at 10 a.m.• a training manual• However it does give very authoritative descriptions of fighting aircraft, training, tactics and war reports.• She enjoys it, but training is hard work.• It will give you the opportunity of turning your idea into commercial reality with a comprehensive training programme.• All new staff should be given computer training.• The team captain got a knee injury during training.• All the children do football training at least once a week.• I do two hours' training every evening -- an hour running or swimming, and an hour in the gym.• She's in training for the New York Marathon.• They often involve large investments of time spent in training and practice, and these processes can perhaps be simplified.• Have you had any medical training?• Boxing almost fortnightly demanded minimum training and Lynch thrived with this pattern of exercise.• Nevertheless within most jobs there are at least some tasks which are amenable to this kind of training and the benefits are considerable.• We all had to go on a special training course to learn new sales techniques.• Currently no further formal specialist training is required for solicitors in commerce and industry.• A developmental progression of toilet training emerges during the first four years of life.• The sports centre offers such activities as dance classes, aerobics and weight training.• Weight training has built up his upper in• We received training in several different teaching in training for something• He was speeding through the big loop on his bike; he was in training for a triathlon.• Des was telling me about when they were in training for the Commandos.From Longman Business Dictionarytrainingtrain‧ing /ˈtreɪnɪŋ/ nounHUMAN RESOURCES [singular, uncountable] the process of training someone or of being trained30 workers are being sent to Japan for training.90% of the graduates were offeredon-the-job training (=training while working for an employer). – There are many different types of training. On-the-job training or in-service training is when someone is taught the skills and knowledge needed to do a particular job while they are working. Employees may be sent on a course especially British English (=a series of classes in a particular subject) or have to attend a training session on subjects such as health and safety (=protecting employees from illness or injury at work), time management (=controlling the way you spend your time in order to work as effectively as possible), presentation skills (=how to explain something in a talk to a group of people), computer skills, or project management (=controlling resources so that a project is done successfully within time and cost limits). In some jobs, employees can gain a basic professional qualification, such as an NVQ in the UK, or an advanced professional qualification, such as one of the examinations required to qualify as a chartered accountant, through part-time study (=studying at the same time as working). Day release is an arrangement in which a worker is allowed time away from work to go to college. → assertiveness training → computer-based training → management training → sensitivity trainingtrain·ing noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  of teaching Business process being Corpus or the




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