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单词 touchy
释义 Word family  noun touch untouchable adjective touched untouched touching touchy untouchable verb touch adverb touchingly  touch·y /ˈtʌtʃi/ adjective  1  OFFENDeasily becoming offended or annoyed 过分敏感的;易动怒的 SYN sensitivetouchy about She is very touchy about her past. 她对她的过去十分敏感。2  touchy subject/question etc DIFFICULTa subject etc that needs to be dealt with very carefully, especially because it may offend people 敏感的话题/问题等 SYN sensitive Asking about a reporter’s sources can be a touchy business. 询问一名记者的消息来源有时是个敏感问题。 —touchiness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpustouchy• She was sensitive, but not this touchy.• He's a great manager, he is very touchy about his lack of qualifications.• He's a little touchy about how you pronounce his name.• Try not to look at his scars - he can be really touchy about it.• He could be touchy and irritable.• Some authors get very touchy if you make even the slightest alteration to their work.• But this raises the politically touchy issue of corporate welfare.• The touchy Mr K turned on his heel in disgust and departed the scene.• Now I want to be fair, even with the bankers, for they are pretty touchy now.• Most committees ignore touchy problems until they go away of their own accord.• This situation can be touchy, since the financial markets usually like stability.• Until now both candidates have avoided talking about the touchy subject of health care reform.• Why are you so touchy today?touch·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  annoyed Corpus or easily offended becoming




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