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单词 touchstone
释义  touch·stone /ˈtʌtʃstəʊn $ -stoʊn/ noun [countable]  TYPICALsomething used as a test or standard 试金石;检验标准touchstone of Pupil behaviour was seen as ‘the touchstone of quality’ of the school system. 学生的行为被看作是学校制度的“质量试金石”。Examples from the Corpustouchstone• I have believed that since my earliest days, and I have used it as a touchstone in all my leadership endeavors.• It is a touchstone for legal definitions and rulings.• At its core would be using inflation-adjusted interest rates on short-term credit as its touchstone in setting policy.• We had to rethink the issues and create new touchstones...• I knew one little poem by her, when I was very small, and it became a kind of touchstone.• Tested against the touchstone of Scripture, his speculations would reduce the Bible to the size of a slim paperback.• They tend to regard grammar as the touchstone of all language performance.• The touchstone of the relationship is commercial.touchstone of• Motherhood is seen as a touchstone of female identity.Origin touchstone (1500-1600) touchstone “stone used for testing the quality of gold and silver” ((16-21 centuries))touch·stone nounChineseSyllable  test or a something Corpus standard as used




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