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单词 tobacco
释义  Related topics: Tobaccoto·bac·co /təˈbækəʊ $ -koʊ/ ●●○ noun [uncountable]  1. DFTthe dried brown leaves that are smoked in cigarettes, pipes etc 烟叶,烟草2. the plant that produces these leaves 烟草属植物;烟草Examples from the Corpustobacco• Taxes on alcohol and tobacco could be justified on these grounds.• Alcohol and tobacco accelerate epidemics, such as tuberculosis and drug abuse.• In tobacco there are no less than eight such pairs of genes.• Out comes the cigar: the consolation of tobacco bears all our cares away.• The largest declines were in textiles, tobacco, chemicals, rubber, paper and food.• In the 1630s the tobacco boom showed signs of having reached its peak.• Men, however, do not tend to kick the tobacco habit.• The tobacco industry has never paid damages or settled a liability case.Origin tobacco (1500-1600) Spanish tabaco, probably from Taino, “tobacco leaves rolled up and smoked”to·bac·co nounChineseSyllable  are brown Corpus leaves dried the smoked that cigarettes, in




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