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单词 Tax policy
(1) Government tax policy has tilted toward industrial development.
(2) The new tax policy was slated.
(3) The high tax policy is certainly unpopular, although it's unlikely to meet the soaring armament expenditures.
(4) Marginalism also applies to government tax policy.
(5) Tax policy and budgetary decisions still favor the wealthy, and the stock market sets new records every week.
(6) Some, like regulation, tax policy, contracting, and grants, were long established.
(7) Reporters quizzed the President on tax policy and Central America.
(8) Mr Portillo cast doubt over the tax policy as soon as he returned to the shadow cabinet this year.
(9) The distillers believe the EC tax policy is strangling their business.
(10) Tax policy would be ruled by stubborn one-third minorities[sentencedict .com], many among them cruising for policy payoffs to drop their opposition.
(11) Using tax policy is a very blunt instrument.
(12) Which brings us to the dispute about tax policy.
(13) Good jobs depend on sound tax policy.
(14) The same as import tax policy and bonded.
(15) Tax policy research for tax benefit purpose.
(16) Bonded import tax policy and the same.
(17) Can enjoy the back tax policy.
(18) This has nothing to do with tax policy.
(19) To expand the domestic demand, current fiscal and tax policy in our country should be focused on improving social security system and adjusting income distribution.
(20) The current tax policy actively discourages companies from hiring Americans to fill overseas positions, some believe.
(21) A more progressive tax policy could help redistribute some of the gains of trade accruing to those on the top of the income scale.
(22) Play better grasp and use tax policy to tax publicity throughout the story, the fun.
(23) And that means rational tax policy and monetary policy by the host government.
(24) But it does distill the issue to the question on which tax policy should stand or fall: fairness.
(25) Reagan's television appearances furthermore were carefully scheduled to take place just prior to critical votes on his budgetary and tax policy.
(26) Tax principle of E business:neutral principle , finacial revenue principle, equitable principle is expounded, finally, the tax policy to E business is studied.
(27) The paper first introduces the theory of "Laffer Curve", and then analyzes the tax policy on industry of real property in China and finds out the advisable...
(28) And the administration council achieves the combination of sub-enterprises and in-zone enterprises profit system from tax reformation and the supports of tax policy.
(29) From restrictions on bank loans, buyers holding time, the sale of house tax policy, etc. can start.
(30) The paper first introduces the theory of "Laffer Curve", and then analyzes the tax policy on industry of real property in China and finds out the advisable real proper...
(1) The high tax policy is certainly unpopular, although it's unlikely to meet the soaring armament expenditures.
(31) Especially the purchase tax policy adjustments on speculative buying behaviour has played an effective disincentive .
(32) The third part introduces the international experience of agriculture tax policy.
(33) Tax policy may have a profound effect on those on low incomes.
(34) We will increase fiscal and tax policy support and set up a sound system of low-rent housing.
(35) Keywords: Test Mechanism; Price Mechanism; Household Registration System ; Localized Fiscal Tax Policy.
(36) Flexibility in the use of fiscal and tax policy practice, to our clients good economic returns.
(37) How to make full use of national tax policy to plan good tax programs to control tax risk has become an important topic of railway construction businesses.
(38) This tax policy ignited among the public a dislike of the government.
(39) It needs greater support through financing, programs,[http:///tax policy.html] tax policy and technology advancement.
(40) To a certain extent, China's actual tax policy of high-tech industry cannot completely embody the aim of industry policy and cannot speedily accelerate high-tech industry development.
(41) What a commentary on the US approach to tax policy.
(42) Why the New Tax Policy of Renewable Resource Industry Lead to companies be in a Dilemma?
(43) Granting favorable tax policy to low and medium income families.
(44) The disfigurement of market mechanism and the windage of fiscal and tax policy cause huge converse of value and tax burden between middle and west China and east China.
(45) Transfer policy and tax policy are the two main effective tools.
(46) On the one hand corporation reaches its goal of maximal value, on the other hand the national economic target adjusted and controlled by macro-economic tax policy is realized by it.
(47) Carry out a funds congenial strategy, the government revenue from tax policy waits strategy.
(48) The parliament took the president's tax policy under advisement and denied it.
(49) However, with the speeding up of the economy and the improving of the investment environment in China, many experts and scholars began to put forward some dissidence on preferential tax policy.
(50) On this foundation, the income with current to our country article allocated a state to make overall sex assessment, formulated corresponding wealth tax policy.
(51) Export drawback system, as a financial incentive mechanism of export, is a current tax policy with extensive application in many countries and regions around the world.
(52) As the core issue of the state's tax system and tax policy, Macro-tax burden is used to analyze national macroeconomic policies, including both fiscal and tax policy effectiveness.
(53) The experience of western industrial developed countries indicates that tax policy is one of the most effective tools that promote the development of finance leasing.
(54) Suggested our government should adopt in fiscal and tax policy, not only can promote short-term employment at the same time without prejudice to the country's economic recovery and development.
(55) So it"s necessary for us to recognize thoroughly international investment tax policy orientation, to face the present problems in our international investment policy and to seek the solution."
(56) However, the effect of the present fiscal and tax policy in China is very limited and it has enlarged the income difference to some extent.
(57) This paper puts forward and analyses the principle, the tropism and the means of establishing the tax policy in amalgamating the two taxes.
(58) Fiscal and tax policy is an important part of public antipoverty policy system.
(59) Does the party think it is ethical to link tax policy with party fund-raising?
(60) An important intention of the new property tax policy is restraining house price by restraining the speculative demand.
(61) Tax principle of E business:neutral principle , finacial revenue principle, equitable principle is expounded, finally, the tax policy to Eb...
(62) However , this tax policy should be capable to meet the emergency so that it can be on a good wicket in the competition of international revenue .
(63) The paper will study the tax structure of asset securitization, explain the tax function mechanism, analyze the problem of Chinese tax policy, and investigate the optimum path of tax system.
(64) "The payroll tax holiday is the most important new stimulus in there, " said Chuck Marr, the director of federal tax policy at the left-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
(65) These policies include: favourable tax policy, accelerating depreciation policy and investment tax credit policy.
(66) Preferential tax policy has promotive effect on attracting foreign investment.




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