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单词 times table
释义  times tablena list that young children learn, in which all the numbers between 1 and 12 are multiplied by each other SYN multiplication tablethree/four etc times table He’s 12 years old and still doesn’t know his three times table. → tableExamples from the Corpustimes table• She knew her times tables and her Catechism.• For Peter, puzzles are great fun; he likes to learn such details as state capitals and the times tables.• I expect to recycle our work on the times tables.• And I don't really know my Two Times Table.ˌtimes ˈtable noun [countable]  a list, used especially by children in school, that shows the results when each number between one and twelve is multiplied by each number between one and twelve 乘法表 Do you know the eleven times table? 你知道11的乘法表吗?Examples from the Corpustimes table• And I don't really know my Two Times Table.• The education system was so different: the two times table, for instance - same tune, different lyrics.times tableˌtimes ˈtable nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  all young children that a learn, which the Corpus in list




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