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单词 times
释义  Related topics: Mathstimes1 /taɪmz/ preposition  HMCOUNT/CALCULATEmultiplied by 乘,乘以 two times two equals four (2 x 2 = 4) 二二得四Examples from the Corpustimes• Five times six equals thirty.• What is eight times twelve?• two times two equals fourtimes2 verb [transitive] spoken  to multiply a number 乘,乘以 Then you times that by 1,000. 然后你把它乘以1,000。→ See Verb tablenThe TimesTimes, The trademark  n1. an old and famous British daily newspaper. The Times is a serious paper, and generally supports quite right-wing political ideas. At one time, especially before television and radio, it had great influence on British political life, and many important people used to give their opinions by writing letters to The Times. It is now owned by Rupert Murdoch.n2. the Los Angeles Timesn3. the New York Timestimes1 prepositiontimes2 verbTimes, TheLDOCE OnlineChinese  multiplied by Corpus




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