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单词 reign
释义  Related topics: Officialsreign1 /reɪn/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1  PGOthe period when someone is king, queen, or emperor 〔某君主的〕统治时期reign of changes that took place during Charlemagne’s reign 查理曼大帝统治时期的变革 the reign of James I 詹姆斯一世统治时期2  the period when someone is in charge of an organization, team etc 领导期;任期 during his reign at the Education Department 在他担任教育部领导期间3  PERIOD OF TIMEa period during which something is the most powerful or most important feature of a place 主宰期,支配期,极盛期reign of5the reign of Stalinism in the Soviet Union斯大林主义主导苏联的时期n the reign of Stalinism in Russia4. reign of terror a period when a ruler or a government kills many of their political opponents 恐怖统治时期Examples from the Corpusreign• But he will be given free reign over the selection and training of his team.• A higher synthesis, one ushering in a new reign of peace and harmony, under a benign and ever just science.• One explanation, at least, can be dismissed: Gloucester was not reacting against his position in the previous reign.• They say that relics of Hitler's reign should be destroyed, not sold for profit.• That's the view of the man who signed many of the cheques during Souness's reign at Rangers.• Important reforms were initiated during the reign of Nicholas II.• It was a struggle which came to a head in the reign of Edward the Confessor, which began in 1042.• In one significant way, it is true, the reign of Joseph marked a distinct break with the past.• the reign of Henry VIII• James ended Woodson's six-year reign as driving champion last night.Related topics: Officialsreign2 ●○○ verb [intransitive]  1  PGOto rule a nation or group of nations as their king, queen, or emperor 为王,为君 George VI reigned from 1936 to 1952. 乔治六世于1936年至1952年在位。reign over Pharaohs reigned over Egypt for centuries. 法老在埃及统治了几个世纪。2  literaryIMPORTANT if a feeling or quality reigns, it exists strongly for a period of time 支配,盛行 For several minutes confusion reigned. 有好几分钟场面大乱。 Silence reigned while we waited for news. 我们在等待消息的时候鸦雀无声。3  reigning champion DSthe most recent winner of a competition 现任[本届]冠军 Can he defeat the reigning Wimbledon champion? 他能否击败现任温布尔登网球赛冠军?4  reign supreme if someone or something reigns supreme, they are the most important part of a situation or time 主宰;称雄;呈极盛之势 It was a time when romance reigned supreme. 那是一个极为浪漫的时代。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusreign• In the cities and towns now, a hideous vulgarity reigned.• If he died on 14 December 705 he would have reigned a full twenty years and probably several months as well.• The meritocracy that reigned among students thus functioned hardly at all within the faculty.• Robert II reigned for 19 years and died in Dundonald Castle on 13th May, 1390.• King George VI reigned from 1936 to 1952.• Hyperinflation reigned in Argentina during the 1980s.• Isolationism reigned in the Congress, reflecting a national mood.• Similar panic was reigning in the kitchens.• Penda was king from 633 to 655, but it is not known who had reigned over the Mercians in the period before.• The wide-cut style still reigns supreme over slimmer styles, and are easier to wear.• And it is not only in Washington that this belief reigns supreme.• The last Moorish king reigned there until 1492.• For he must reign until he has put all enemies under his feet.confusion reigned• And it was true, as Christians never tired of pointing out, that a painful spiritual confusion reigned.• Meanwhile, confusion reigned at Barnet yesterday just as the club seemed to have got over its recent problems.• But confusion reigned over the idea of the menstrual cycle.Origin reign1 (1200-1300) Old French regne, from Latin regnum, from rex “king”reign1 nounreign2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  is someone Corpus queen, or the king, when period




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