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单词 tilt
释义  tilt1 /tɪlt/ ●○○ verb [intransitive, transitive]  1  MOVE/CHANGE POSITIONto move a part of your body, especially your head or chin, upwards or to the side (使)〔头、下巴等〕倾斜,(使)倾侧 SYN tip My mother tilted her head and smiled. 我妈妈歪着头笑了。 Ned’s mouth tilted upwards slightly at the corners. 内德的嘴角微微翘起。2  MOVE/CHANGE POSITIONto move or make something move into a position where one side is higher than the other (使)〔物体〕倾斜 SYN tip As it came in to land, the plane tilted sideways. 飞机降落时有点侧偏。 The man was tilting his chair back. 那男人往后翘着椅子。3  CHANGE/MAKE something DIFFERENTif an opinion or situation tilts, or if something tilts it, it changes so that people start to prefer one person, belief, or action to others (使)倾向于,(使)偏向于 Crisis situations tend to tilt the balance of power in favour of the president. 危急形势总是会把权力天平倾向于总统。tilt toward/towards Government tax policy has tilted toward industrial development. 政府的税收政策已经向工业发展倾斜。4 tilt at somebody/something phrasal verb a) CRITICIZEto attack someone in what you say or write 抨击〔某人〕b) tilt at windmills to waste time and energy attacking an enemy that is not real 攻击幻想的敌人,庸人自扰→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustilt• She tilted her chin upwards and put on her loftiest expression.• Carl tilted his head and looked sideways at her.• Yet even as I watched, the gold leaf tilted slowly down toward the vertical, at ever-increasing speed.• He made another round of the tower, standing on tiptoe to tilt the angle of the glasses downward toward the valley.• The Senate may tilt the odds even further this week.• Tilt the pan so that the sauce covers the bottom.• Interlink hands and stretch up, tilting the pelvis.• Without speaking a word, the collective keeps tilting the plane.• When you have reached the lees, leave the pot on the table with the lid overturned or tilted to one side.tilt toward/towards• Scrubbing my mouth with my sleeve, I feel the Cathedral lurch beneath me, tilt towards a new trajectory.• Moreover, the actual spending will be tilted toward groups that wield the most political power.• She immediately came closer and wound her arms around his neck, pressing herself against him, her pelvis tilting towards his.• The ruddy desert loam tilts toward ridges to the east and falls to the yellow-white valley bowl to the west.• For years, the female tilt toward the Democrats was balanced by disproportionate white male support for Republicans.• She vanished at full tilt towards the kitchen-garden and the orchards.• Last week, legislators tilted toward the schools.• They throw to the backs so often in the flat that their field tilts toward the sidelines.tilt2 noun  1  (at) full tilt FAST/QUICKas fast as possible 全速地 He charged full tilt down the slope. 他全速冲下斜坡。2  [countable, uncountable]VERTICAL# a movement or position in which one side of something is higher than the other 倾斜,倾侧 a slight tilt of the head 头的微侧3  [countable] a preference for one person, belief, or action over others 〔对某人、某信仰或某行为的〕倾向,偏向tilt toward/towards the recent tilt toward the Democrats 最近向民主党倾斜的民意4  [countable] British English an attempt to win something 〔意欲赢得某物的〕企图,尝试tilt at The team is preparing for another tilt at the European Cup. 球队正在为再一次问鼎欧洲杯备战。5. [countable]CRITICIZE a spoken or written attack on someone or something 〔口头或文字的〕抨击,攻击Examples from the Corpustilt• We're seeing a tilt in the balance of military power.• The dance of the bees has a repertoire of wiggles and tilts and speeds.• For years, the female tilt toward the Democrats was balanced by disproportionate white male support for Republicans.• And the postwar generation of faculty generally had a strong leftward tilt.• And then he noticed the step-ladder, abandoned quickly, left in a precarious tilt against a column of boxes.• a questioning tilt of the head• He noticed the change of pitch in the engine noise and the slight tilt of the aircraft as it began its descent.• As the boats have got shorter the directional instability increased but our ability to correct it with tilt decreased.tilt of ... head• Often this is modified or informed by a tilt of the head affecting the character of the whole figure.tilt toward/towards• Moreover, the actual spending will be tilted toward groups that wield the most political power.• For years, the female tilt toward the Democrats was balanced by disproportionate white male support for Republicans.• They throw to the backs so often in the flat that their field tilts toward the sidelines.• She vanished at full tilt towards the kitchen-garden and the orchards.• Last week, legislators tilted toward the schools.• The ruddy desert loam tilts toward ridges to the east and falls to the yellow-white valley bowl to the west.• Scrubbing my mouth with my sleeve, I feel the Cathedral lurch beneath me, tilt towards a new trajectory.• She immediately came closer and wound her arms around his neck, pressing herself against him, her pelvis tilting towards his.Origin tilt1 (1300-1400) Perhaps from a Scandinavian languagetilt1 verbtilt2 nounChinese  to your body, move Corpus a of part especially




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