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单词 Lava
1. The city was entombed in volcanic lava.
2. Lava from the volcano was flowing down the hillside.
3. A volcano emits smoke, lava and ashes.
4. The volcanic lava solidifies as it cools.
5. Lava boiled up from the crater of the volcano.
6. An immense volume of rocks and molten lava was erupted.
7. The thicker lava would have taken two weeks to solidify.
8. Molten lava erupted from the top of the volcano.
9. The volcano erupted molten lava.
10. Lava ejected from the volcano.
11. Rivers of molten lava flowed down the mountain.
12. Flows of lava radiated out from the volcano's crater.
13. The volcano spurted molten lava.
14. Molten volcanic lava solidifies as it cools.
15. The volcano spewed molten lava.
16. His anger spilled out like lava.
17. The lava slurped and bubbled down the mountainside.
18. The volcano was spurting out rivers of molten lava.
19. The lava flowed down the sides of the volcano.
20. The lava will just ooze gently out of the crater.
21. Lava bubbled a few feet below the lip of the crater.
22. Lava poured out of the volcano, glowing like the fires of hell.
23. Volcanoes usually ooze rivers of lava rather than exploding.
24. Red-hot lava flowed down the sides of the volcano.
25. Thick rugs, beaded curtains, lava lamps, colored lights.
26. The underlying molten lava drains back into the crust.
27. A dazzling fountain of lava burst from the volcano.
28. The ground had opened to disgorge a boiling stream of molten lava.
28. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
29. Substrate can consist of fine gravel, aquarium sand or powdered lava.
30. He thought of Carey and fury bubbled up in him again like black lava.
1. The city was entombed in volcanic lava.
2. Lava from the volcano was flowing down the hillside.
3. The volcanic lava solidifies as it cools.
4. Lava boiled up from the crater of the volcano.
5. An immense volume of rocks and molten lava was erupted.
6. The thicker lava would have taken two weeks to solidify.
7. Lava ejected from the volcano.
8. The volcano spewed molten lava.
9. His anger spilled out like lava.
10. The volcano was spurting out rivers of molten lava.
11. The lava flowed down the sides of the volcano.
31. The feldspars in volcanic lava flows can also be problematic.
32. Half a million fossil bones of reptiles and birds have been found in the lava tubes scattered across the landscape.
33. As the lava reached the surface, much of the water escaped as hot vapor clouds.
34. The readings suggest Barnacle Bill is a form of lava called andesite, typically loaded with quartz.
35. Torrents of lava would not tumble out to force fire down his throat, torch his tongue.
36. This is where that small mound of lava on Bezymianny comes in.
37. Her great horsy face had turned the colour of molten lava and her eyes were glittering with fury.
38. She just wanted to be on her own so that the lava of tears could flow unchecked, melt it all away.
39. Meanwhile, powerful United States Army helicopters continued dropping massive concrete blocks to hinder the lava flow.
40. But where the lava erupted, whole communities have been vaporized.
41. Basalts are the dark lava rocks that fill mare basins.
42. BIn the far distance, the flames licked their way toward the beach like lava coming down the mountainsides.
43. The whole mountain chain originated from this cleft as lava surged up and spilled down on both sides.
44. Professor Brown had developed an expertise for predicting how much lava is stored in a volcano.
45. These depths consist of vast mountain ranges, deep canyons, mighty steaming lava flows.
46. When lava flows are erupted at the surface, they are necessarily rapidly chilled, and volcanic glasses are common.
47. In a few rare cases, lava flows on land have taken place just as the magnetic field was undergoing a reversal.
48. Unfortunately it is not easy - for obvious reasons - to study modern submarine lava flows in their proper environment.
49. Before the landing, geologists thought Mars' crust was relatively simple, made up mostly of ordinary basaltic lava rock.
50. As the lava flowed down the volcano it solidified, forming strange shapes.
51. Here you can travel a river longer than a thousand Amazons, or risk your life rafting on molten lava.
52. Where the ocean crust is young, lava flows dominate the landscape.
53. The town was buried under a river of molten lava.
54. A Plate Tectonic Re-cap Rather a lot has been said in this chapter about the minor details of lava flows.
55. The lamp, also called the lava lamp, was launched in 1963 but as fashions changed its popularity declined.
56. A main feeder lava tunnel often branches towards the terminus of a flow rather like the distributaries of a river delta.
57. Hot water poured out the tops of basalt pillars that normally stand as cold obelisks in the middle of drained-back lava ponds.
58. Since they were erupted so low down, it was not long before the rivers of lava were flowing through inhabited areas.
58. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
59. And I bet no man has ever appreciated the lava flow of sensuality so near your ice-perfect surface.
60. Above, where hot lava erupted from the crust to be chilled by cold sea-water are purple, bulbous pillow lavas.
61. Then just be-fore the continent broke into two, Tristan erupted on to the surface, leaving a massive flood of lava.
62. The giant bivalves jammed the cracks between the black tufts of lava that covered the ocean floor.
63. About a million tons of lava are pouring every day from the fissure which opened on the Sicilian volcano in December.
64. Small domes composed of viscous lava may form within craters.
65. Lava from the volcano is pouring down the mountain towards the town.
66. The lava not only filled the basins, it also covered up any old craters that had been formed in the area.
67. These lumps can become somewhat rounded through rolling and they are piled up on top of each other to create pillow lava.
68. The seas were hot, volcanoes spouted ash and lava, and electrical storms crackled across the skies.
69. I felt full of energy suddenly, and the strength and power of the gods burned like lava in my veins.
70. The same is true of lava flows which are actually extruded under water.
71. Golden brown mussels covered the walls of the main fissure and were heaped in mounds over smaller cracks between lobes of lava.
72. From its floor rose several lava pillars; eroded, contorted shapes brooding in the deep pit.
73. In my audio record of the dive, I run out of adjectives to describe the subtle variations in the lava morphologies.
74. Suddenly, the immense wall of molten lava bearing down from Mount Etna on to their doorsteps came to a halt.
75. This crater often gets filled with lakes of lava which remain molten for amazingly long periods.
76. The flowing lava of need spread throughout her loins, making her a strong forceful Amazon,() bending the girl at will.
77. Instead we did the trail just south of Reykjahlid, climbing a lava mound overlooking the great lake.
78. It consisted of a cruciform church whose stone was hewn from hardened lava.
79. Three cavalry companies gave pursuit, but were scattered when the warriors turned to defend a lava escarpment.
80. A strong anomaly near Broadclyst is probably caused by the northern edge of a concealed southward-dipping lava sheet.
81. We land on fresh lava and first drive east to the contact between new and old lava.
82. Lumahai is a perfect cove of white sand bordered by black lava rock.
83. Their film shows the steep underwater flow front of a lava flow which was being erupted from a vent on Hawaii itself.
84. The lava had already damaged a tourist complex and put a cable car out of action.
85. A red-hot finger of lava was slowly advancing toward the house, lapping the edge of the back lawn.
86. As the viscosity increases, the lava flows more slowly and smoothly, not as boisterously as at first.
87. For many experts, the unusually heavy and dense lava may continue to be churned out of Etna for a further year.
88. Lava erupted underwater cools very rapidly with a plastic skin forming around lumps of still molten material.
89. The rock is a very compact andesite lava, generally sound[/lava.html], with a reasonable degree of friction.
90. Residue fell to the bottom of the sea, and lava later pushed the particles back up.
91. Although it is one of the most widely-known volcanic rocks, obsidian lava flows are rare.
92. The discovery of lava flows that cover vast distances on the Moon provided an interesting clue to their composition.
93. Lava lamps adorned the stage, while watery, pulsating lights flashed behind them.
94. Trickles of blood like lava seen at night run down my body.
95. As the Earth warmed and partial melting occurred, water was released and carried to the surface along with lava.
96. Crimson plumes bloom atop long white tubes that emerge from cracks in glossy black lava.
97. He is like the Roman sentry who stayed at his post when the volcano erupted and poured lava over him.
98. Lava has been erupting from Unzen since mid-1991, causing much death and destruction in the process.
99. When lava solidifies, its tiny ferrous particles align themselves, like magnetic needles, with the earth's magnetic field.
100. He was airlifted on to the mountain as molten lava threatened to swamp the village of Zaffarana.
101. Lava was spouting from the vocano.
102. A volcano spouts flame and lava.
103. An active volcano vomits forth smoke and lava.
104. Lava is extruded from the volcano.
105. Snake dance performer on Vanua Lava Island.
106. This glyph increases coefficient on Lava Burst by 0.1.
107. There are infiltration center on lava and agglomerates.
108. Boulders of hardening lava can rain down on villages.
109. The molten lava ran down the mountain.
110. This smooth flowing lava is known as pahoehoe.
111. The hot lava overspread the mountainside.
112. Pahoehoe lava flows are highly fluid, flowing easily.
113. Geology To cause ( molten lava ) to pour forth from a volcanic vent.
114. Design and develop ceramic product, including Bowl , Lava , Urinal.
115. Alkali mafic subvolcanic body occurring in Bijiashan-Tongdongwan consists of clastic rock and lava.
116. Lava flows can then build new land in the ocean—as in the case of Hawaii—or entomb whole cities, as in the case of Pompeii in A. D.
117. Reaching the summit rim of Nyiragongo was straightforward: Sims and Tedesco followed the lava.
118. Based on the Middle-Late Paleozoic pillow lava and Permian-Triassic tectonic melange, this paper shows that there is a melange zone along Qinzhou-Cenxi-Luoding-Yunfu.
118. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
119. Lava Lash: Now deals 125% off-hand weapon damage, damage is no longer affected by Flametounge.
120. The extrusion of silica - rich lava, the Rooiberg felsite, occurred on a grand scale.
121. A whisk fern grows from recently cooled lava in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii.
122. With a four-kilometer drop, this high cliff surrounding Echus Chasma , near an impressive impact crater, was carved by either water or lava.
123. As this lava began to crystallize, it would have differentiated to produce a more silicic melt that was enriched in thorium.
124. He said once the lava begins flowing "it becomes an almost unlivable situation, even if you're a little bit farther away. The gases and ash become very, very bad."
125. Although this volcano began by erupting lava, the eruption actually began on the edge of the icecap during March.
126. Situated along the Great Rift Valley, Nyiragongo had a lava lake in its summit crater, which burst during the night in January 1977.
127. The lava cooled and hardened , it formed layers of basalt rock to become The Giant's Causeway.
128. Few people have been harmed physically by molten lava flowing from volcanoes.
129. The park's most awe-inspiring feature is its lava tubes, underground passageways created by hardened molten rock.
130. The molten rock in the Earth that can either rise to the surface as lava and form extrusive igneous rock or cool within the Earth to form plutonic igneous rock.
131. On the third evening a stream of lava boil up from the centre of the volcano.
132. The island is of volcanic origin, made of basaltic tuff and lava dating from the Miocene epoch.
133. Fiery red lava streamed down the side and into the water.
134. The lava wall is literally filled with hiding places for Kona's famous ula (Spiney Lobster)and(although they are being overharvested) you just may glimpse one or two peeking out at YOU!
135. The molten lava got into every nook and cranny on its downward path.
136. The volcano disgorges lava.
137. Photo Gallery: Rocks Cooled lava lies in icing - like ripples in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.
138. Subaerial volcanic rocks mainly comprise lavas, clastic lava, pyroclastic rocks and sedimentary pyroclastic rocks.
139. To cause ( molten lava ) to pour forth from a volcanic vent.
140. The hot lava glows orange-red, fading to black as it cools.
141. in California's Lava Beds National Monument, are found throughout the world.
142. Chemical evidence also revealed a sharp up-tick in atmospheric carbon at the time, possibly spewed into the atmosphere when lava infiltrated and cooked pre-existing coal seams.
143. To be stood right in the action and watching the volcano spew out lava and growling with the peaceful Northern Lights flickering was just incredible.
144. Dried and shriveled cacti trunks dot a bleak lava landscape so broken with razor-sharp edges that moving across it is glacially slow.
145. The static charge inverts the elements of air water fire and earth along with inverse elements of ether, lava, smoke and vapor in the field of all around the television along with the land.
146. The last time Krakatau was put on alert status was in 2000, when it emitted lava.
147. To explain the ongoing mystery, I beg an working on an alternative hypothesis for lava transport in the melting region.
148. A moon scape of lava rock contrasted against the brilliant blue of the Pacific Ocean.
148. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
149. Its forested slopes are streaked with the scars of old lava flos.
150. The ledge was covered with heavy ash, called tephra, and speckled with droplets of volcanic glass and delicate lava threads known as Pele's hair.
151. The hot ash the lava from the volcano Etna brought total destruction to the village.
152. He said once the lava begins flowing "it becomes an almost unlivable situation, even if you're a little bit farther away."
153. Columnar joint structure, as considered by various researchers long since, is only possible to develop in basic lava with low viscosity and high nuidity.
154. Located on the Big Island of Hawaii, the beach gets its rare color from eroded black sand particles that were created by volcanic lava flowing into the ocean and then cooling.
155. US firm Clio Designs has launched a range of men's toiletries in packaging that resembles a lava lamp, the International Herald Tribune reports.
156. Explanation: Anchored in the vast lava flows of the Moon's Oceanus Procellarum lies the Aristarchus Plateau.
157. Two volcanic structures, hornitos and accretionary lava ball, were wrongly named as "fumaroles" and "volcanic bomb" respectively in the Geopark.
158. Thediscovery of the pillow lava provides the evidence for the origin of the Early Proterozoicmetamorph...
159. According to the National Park service, pahoehoe, "a relatively smooth lava, takes its name from the Hawaiian word for 'ropy."
160. If a volcano erupts here, will you stop up the lava?
161. Geological and geochemical characteristics show that they are formed in back-arc environment, matching Carboniferous pillow lava from Jianshui area.
162. A usually black or banded, hard volcanic glass that displays shiny, curved surfaces when fractured and is formed by rapid cooling of lava.
163. Lava spews from a new cone on Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy.
164. Rising gas bubbles explode, splattering lava up to 60 feet in the air over Nyiragongo's fiery lake.
165. Lava Burst: You hurl molten lava at the target, dealing 888 to 1132 Fire damage.
166. Of these contemporaneous lava extrusions the so - called Ongeluk Lava Zone is most widespread.
167. Magma churns and gushes in the lava lake of Mount Nyiragongo, one of Africa's most active volcanos, in Goma, Congo.
168. In Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Kilauea erupts sending lava high into the air.
169. Steam rises ominously as flowing lava hits the sea off the Italian island of Stromboli.
170. ROME (AP) — Remnants of the first known surviving Roman throne have been discovered in the lava and ash that buried the city of Herculaneum in the first century,() archaeologists said Tuesday.
171. Seamounts form from magmatic eruptions, which occur when lava seeps up to the crust through the partially-melted sub-layer, known as the asthenosphere, in the mantle.
172. Many wild animals in the forests around Congo's Nyiragongo volcano are likely to be harmed by the torrent of lava, ash and sulfurous gas pouring from the crater, wildlife experts said on Saturday.
173. Glyph of Lava: Glyph of Earth Elemental removed and replaced with this glyph.
174. For starters, one crucial source of information is what's known as a zero-age sample: a chunk of lava fresh from the lake.
175. Besides lava flows, Etna produces an almost constant, rhythmic discharge of steam, ash and molten rock.
176. A hornito is a small rootless spatter cone that forms on the surface of a basaltic lava flow (usually pahoehoe).
177. Basaltic lava first erupted from the center and built up the volcano.
178. Their duel continued on these cooled repulsorlift surfaces before ending abruptly on the black sand shores of the lava river.
179. One of the characteristics of lava and debris valleys is a U - shaped transverse profile.
180. On the Elysium Planitia region of Mars, near the planet's equator,[http:///lava.html] two distinct types and ages of lava are visible.
181. The western slopes are streaked with innumerable gray-brown gullies, the paths of lava and mudflows (lahars).
182. Surface temperature and spectral measurements at Santiaguito lava dome, Guatemala.
183. These ridges formed by glaciers or lava flows are called moraines.
184. The hot ash and the lava from the volcano Etna brought total destruction to the village.
185. Cradling one of the world's largest and least studied lava lakes—more than 700 feet across and possibly miles deep—Nyiragongo has twice sent molten rock racing toward residents of Goma.
186. The study on petrology, lithochemistry and geo-chemistry of the pillow lava shows that it is the product of submarine basalt.
187. The rover's photographs showed only dust and sand and bone-dry volcanic lava rocks.
188. As two brave souls gaze on, red ash and lava billow nearly a mile (1.6 kilometers) into the sky from Mount Etna in July 2001.
189. We decorated the room with flower power, lava lamps, slogans from the 60's like "Make Love Not War", "Peace", and other Hippie stuff!
190. A stream of neon - orange lava cascades down Ol Doinyo Lengai, in Tanzania's Great Rift Valley.
191. Actually, I am still more annoyed by those lava lamps and balls, and now Google's aren't-we-kooky-as-ever dinosaur statue on its campus.
192. Vents such as those on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, for example, are not likely to be frequently overrun by lava and are relatively far apart, suggesting they may be less resilient.
193. The oceanic island basalt is represented by the Nonghuai pillow lava, which is, originally Hawaii type one in the Paleotethyan ocean, an allochthon in the Indosinian foreland fold and thrust belt.
194. Perched above the lighted city of Catania, Italy, Mount Etna hurls a fountain of fire skyward as rivers of lava spill down its flanks.
195. In the novelization to Return of the Jedi, there are brief descriptions of Vader being exposed to molten lava.
196. This image shows ropy pahoehoe, a type of basaltic lava that forms when solidifying lava meets an obstruction.
197. When an eruption in 1977 drained the crater of its lava lake, Nyiragongo flooded 20 square kilometers in an hour and killed around 70 people.
198. Although the amygdaloidal native copper aggregate was known in vesiculate lava at the top of the Emeishan basalts, economic copper ore deposits had not been discovered until two years ago.
199. The eruption opened a 500-meter (2,000-foot) fissure, and also produced lava fountains that built several hills of bubble-filled lava rocks (scoria) along the vent.
200. Two explorers are silhouetted by the glow of lava in a volcanic crater.
201. Combine all ingredients except 151% Rum, and Sloe Gin, in a highball glass over crushed ice. Stir gently. Top with sloe gin for lava color. Then top with 151 and ignite.
202. The transportation and transformation of 14 C phenanthrene in a closed 'plant lava nutrient solution air' chamber system was studied by using radioactivity technology.
203. There are 59 Cenozoic cones, the volcanic texture of which may be classified into cone, dome, lava lake and maar.
204. We're also paving over large swathes of the Earth's land with concrete and asphalt, something akin to resurfacing by lava.
205. Lights illuminate the Thurston Lava Tube in the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.
206. Light brown ash covers the snow above the flow deposits, and a tiny plume rises from Shiveluch's growing lava dome. Vegetation surrounding the volcano is colored dark red.
207. A geyser of lava erupted, dropping molten rock on one of the outrigger collection arms of the facility where Obi-Wan and Vader dueled.
208. If you're passionate about golf, Hawaii is a working vacation. The Pacific Ocean is your water hazard. Lava fields define the rough.
208. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
209. Not all volcanoes shoot forth smoke and ashes. (4) Some simply pour out lava.
210. Contemporaneous volcanic activity is represented by basic to intermediate lava and tuff.
211. Pahoehoe lava flows on Kilauea volcano in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.
212. The researchers analyzed sediment layers at sites in New Jersey, Connecticut and England, where lakes had been swallowed by lava at different times after the break up of Pangea.
213. A stream of neon - orange lava cascades down Ol Doinyo Lengai, in Tanzania Great Rift Valley.
214. Its lava, called carbonatite, is nearly free of silicon oxide, which in sufficient quantity produces the blazing-hot, flame-red flows people typically associate with volcanoes.
215. North of the city limits seethes Nyiragongo volcano, which last erupted in 2002, when its lava roared through town and wiped out Goma's commercial district.
216. There had been an eruption from the side of the mountain and red hot lava was fountaining hundreds of metres into the air.
217. The main rocks types of the late Jurassic volcanic rocks in Genhe terrain, Daxinganlin are volcanic lava and volcanic rubbishy rocks.
218. A photographer captures the action as lava shoots the air from Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy.
219. This is an active volcano which spews out lava every year.
220. A centuries-old illustration shows Etna's deadliest known eruption, which sent rivers of lava streaming into the Ionian Sea in 1669.
221. Natural Lava Rock Pumice Exfoliates . Exfoliates and smoothes rough skin.
222. Indeed, there is so much molten lava and sulphurous ash around that some of the world's biggest companies have been covered in it.
223. It was the end of the aptly named Hadean eon: Volcanoes spewed lava across rock baked by ultraviolet radiation; asteroids blasted craters into the landscape.
224. Mauna Loa awoke from a 25 year silence in July 1975, filling its summit - pit crater with lava.
225. Shooting Lava - Once volcano is ready, Drag it down to shoot the Lava.
225. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
226. Lava strata are most easily seen at the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, where the Yellowstone River continues to carve into the ancient lava flows.
227. In the case of Vesta, telescopes have spied evidence for the eruption of lava (basalt) on its surface.




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