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单词 thrush
释义  Related topics: Birds, Illness & disabilitythrush /θrʌʃ/ noun  1. [countable]HBB a brown bird with spots on its front 鸫2. [uncountable]MI an infectious disease that can affect a person’s vagina or mouth 鹅口疮,口腔念珠菌病;念珠菌性阴道炎Examples from the Corpusthrush• Blind thrushes in the wood blunder and drop on to the brown needles.• I saw a flock of five bluebirds, a phoebe, and a hermit thrush.• By 8: 25 it is quite dusky, and the hermit thrushes are just coming into stride.• I see only a good case of thrush, minimum.• Human bathers, too, risk viral hepatitis, skin reactions and oral thrush.• A song thrush sang its repetitive phrases from the top of an oak tree.• Walking past trees and hedgerows we heard more bird song, blackbird, song thrush, robin.• A yellow warbler will do just as well as a vireo, a spotted thrush as well as a song sparrow.Origin thrush Old English thryscethrush nounChinese  bird with its spots on a front Corpus brown




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