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单词 thorn
释义  Related topics: Plantsthorn /θɔːn $ θɔːrn/ ●○○ noun  1. [countable]HBP a sharp point that grows on the stem of a plant such as a rose 〔玫瑰等植物茎上的〕刺2  [countable, uncountable]HBP a bush or tree that has thorns 带刺的灌木,荆棘 a long, low hedge of thorns 一长排矮矮的荆棘树篱3  a thorn in somebody’s side PROBLEMsomeone or something that annoys you or causes problems for a long period of time 某人的肉中刺〔指长时间让你心烦或给你惹麻烦的人或事〕,使人苦恼[招来麻烦]的人[事] He’s been a thorn in the side of the party leadership for years. 他多年来一直是该党领导人心头的一根刺。Examples from the Corpusthorn• Others carried head-bundles of leaves and grass for the sheep and goats now penned behind thorn fences beside the houses.• Half a dozen thorns and two or three elders grew together above and below a bank.• He reached through brambles lined with blood-drawing thorns thick as knives that cut through his shirt sleeves and trousers.• Whether clipped into shape or left natural, barberry is a formidable barrier thanks to its dense foliage and profusion of thorns.• I called across a tall thorn fence towards the shelter.• The thorn trees crowned the edge of a little valley where ran a track as old as the land itself.Origin thorn Old Englishthorn nounChinese   a grows Corpus on sharp point stem the that




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