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单词 third degree
释义  ˌthird deˈgree noun  give somebody the third degree informalASK A QUESTION to ask someone a lot of questions in order to get information from them 〔为获得信息而〕严加盘问某人 I got home after midnight and Dad gave me the third degree. 我午夜过后才回家,爸爸严厉盘问了我一番。Examples from the Corpusthird degree• There was no way she'd respond to a third degree, so I was hoping she'd decide I was harmless.• And would Feargal now give him the third degree?ˈthird-degree adjective [always before noun]  1. third-degree burn [usually plural] the most serious kind of burn, that goes right through your skin 三度烧伤2. third-degree murder/burglary/assault etc American English murder etc that is considered by a court to be the least serious of three different kinds 三级谋杀/入室盗窃/人身侵犯等Examples from the Corpusthird-degree• She was hospitalized in a critical condition after suffering third-degree burns, and died 21 days later.• Is it possible to get third-degree burns from a novelty cracker?• She incurred shrapnel wounds as well as third-degree burns.• He was suffering from third-degree ennui, and that was all there was to it.ˌthird deˈgree nounˈthird-degree adjectiveChineseSyllable  ask questions Corpus lot of to someone a order in




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