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单词 thinkable
释义 Word family  noun think rethink thinker thinking the unthinkable adjective thinkable ≠ unthinkable thinking ≠ unthinking verb think rethink adverb unthinkingly  think·a·ble /ˈθɪŋkəbəl/ adjective [not before noun]  able to be thought about or considered 可想象的,想象得出来的 SYN possible At that time, it would not have been thinkable to openly criticize the government. 在当时,公开批评政府是不可思议的。Examples from the Corpusthinkable• A crash is a moment of panic when events are out of control and outlandish predictions become thinkable.• Perhaps, in some future haunted by scarcity, the unthinkable may be thinkable after all.• It would not have been thinkable to criticize a Soviet leader before these changes came about.think·a·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  thought Corpus about considered be to or able




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