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单词 thieving
释义  thiev·ing /ˈθiːvɪŋ/ noun [uncountable]  British English informalSTEAL the act of stealing things 偷窃,偷窃行为 —thieving adjective thieving pirates 强取豪夺的海盗Examples from the Corpusthieving• What he said about thieving - it's important.• I suspected about his thieving, but I couldn't prove it at that stage.• He supplemented his income by poaching, gambling and out-and-out thieving.• Some are drawn into a life of crime: petty thieving, drugs trafficking etc.• What income he has comes from heroin, extortion and other people's thieving.• She gave examples of their thieving, drinking, and other bad habits.Origin thieving (1500-1600) thiefthiev·ing nounChineseSyllable  the Corpus stealing things of act




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