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单词 Specialized
1. The article uses rather specialized musical terminology.
2. Most of these specialized schools are provided by voluntary organizations.
3. Specialized vocabulary is used in all the major disciplines.
4. Simmons specialized in contract law.
5. There are many specialized agencies in the United Nations.
6. At nursing college, she specialized in midwifery.
7. These tools are very specialized.
8. My work is very specialized in nature.
9. Specialized software adds up the statistics.
10. Many specialized institutions now equal the university in repute.
11. Cocaine addicts get specialized support from knowledgeable staff.
12. I specialized in the restoration of old houses.
13. He specialized in treatment of cancer patients.
14. Most technical jobs use a specialized vocabulary.
14. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
15. She was a scholarly woman who had specialized in Italian literature at university.
16. The soldiers specialized in going out in small groups, to kill with a very high degree of selectivity.
17. How much experience does he bring this specialized work to?
18. The hospital is unable to provide the highly specialized care needed by very sick babies.
19. The agency helps businesses fill highly specialized positions.
20. Specialized practice teaching; Social work education.
21. My history professor specialized in Russian history.
22. He specialized in criminal law.
23. Humans are specialized in vindictive behavior.
24. In large organizations, their duties may be highly specialized.
25. Although of a somewhat specialized nature, with certain modifications.
26. Many administrators develop great expertise within their specialized areas.
27. Many of the employees receive specialized training in programing.
28. Although there is little agreement about their role, they seem to have had slightly more specialized duties.
29. In his heyday a driving but discreet drummer, he specialized in playing with brushes rather than sticks.
30. The family doctor advised them to try a well-known rehabilitation unit, not realizing that it specialized in orthopaedic rather than neurological cases.
1. The article uses rather specialized musical terminology.
2. Most of these specialized schools are provided by voluntary organizations.
3. There are many specialized agencies in the United Nations.
4. These tools are very specialized.
5. Many specialized institutions now equal the university in repute.
6. She was a scholarly woman who had specialized in Italian literature at university.
7. How much experience does he bring this specialized work to?
31. Critics of the democratizing vision of the corporation contended that specialized technical knowledge would substantially enhance the power of management.
32. A few living jawless fish are the only remnant of this ancient group, and they are highly specialized forms.
33. Such as: If your needs are more specialized try a search engine, or scan for an appropriate newsgroup.
34. The present book is the joint effort of our chosen specialized fields.
35. There also exist many handbooks containing valuable data on more specialized subjects, such as the League of Nations economic reports.
36. The sixth and oldest, a 9-year-old boy, currently is in specialized foster care because of emotional problems.
37. We must forget the notion that the highest intellectual achievement is that of specialized and detailed knowledge.
38. Its connection with the keep of Keep your money is obvious, but it has been specialized.
39. Having a specialized unit will make it possible to pursue more cases, he said.
40. There are also specialized agencies that deal with nursing, catering and more manual occupations.
41. Over the millennia, creatures which live in the specialized conditions of rivers have evolved by adapting to these conditions.
42. Students take a sequence of two or three specialized courses together each semester.
43. Salespeople must also have a complete understanding of the enterprise's capacity to design and deliver specialized products.
44. Some principals and central office administrators have a doctorate or specialized degree in education administration.
45. Like at boot camp,[Sentencedict] soldiers going through specialized training are completely dependent on their drill sergeants and instructors.
46. She speaks several languages and partakes of many specialized vocabularies in the context of her daily existence.
47. I had a lot of seniority, and expertise in a specialized body of nursing.
48. Indeed, they must be just about the most individually specialized operating team in any transportation system.
49. Jochen Schleese might be described as a highly specialized custom tailor.
50. In both cases the sounds are audible to humans, not ultrasonic like the more specialized bat clicks.
51. Today the business holds its head high and is a world leader in its specialized fields.
52. The cells in the embryo are initially much less specialized and differ from each other in more subtle ways.
53. Specialized apodemes may be developed in connection with the ovipositor and the male copulatory organs.
54. Each tends to become specialized and is not readily integrated with the others.
55. In no other field of human activity is there such a proliferation of specialized physiques.
56. These leguminous plants have the capacity to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere through their specialized root nodules.
57. He specialized in finding stolen luxury cars, developing excellent contacts with both police and criminals.
58. At one time he had specialized in outplacement counseling; now he was in the business of helping organizations deal with change.
59. The programs are simply too expensive, too specialized for their demands to be met from limited resources.
60. Many had livestock pens and some had specialized functions connected with a local firm or factory.
61. One ran a cooked-meat shop and dining-room; another specialized in funeral teas.
62. With specialized medical care, the current life expectancy of persons with Down syndrome has risen to 55 years.
63. Paperbacks in general had pushed aside the hardback, except for the specialized and coffee table markets.
64. In especially difficult or puzzling cases, a more specialized evaluation may be conducted by an occupational or physical therapist.
65. Among them: A specialized Police Department investigation unit would be designated to verify the disability claims.
66. The same held true for Volunteers in a number of other relatively specialized skills or trades.
67. Being a good manager requires a number of highly specialized skills.
68. A wide variety of jobs are undertaken, ranging from 100,000 copy reprints of dictionaries, to specialized runs of a few hundreds.
69. There are many specialized bibliographies published on limited subject areas.
70. As Trantor becomes more specialized, it becomes more vulnerable, less able to defend itself.
71. These specialized functions create dependency among those less able to cope.
72. Oxygen and specialized breathing equipment are delivered at home to patients with asthma, emphysema, sleep apnea and other breathing disorders.
73. They were partners in an art gallery that specialized in avant-garde paintings by young artists.
74. He specialized in wristwatches,[ ] which filled the athletic bag he always had sitting at his side on the train.
75. After interviewing numerous consultants, the glass company selected a firm that specialized in systematic performance improvement.
76. There were still no stations aimed exclusively at blacks and no stations that specialized in forms of black music besides swing.
77. There are no real department stores as such, most shops being small and specialized.
78. With a heavy workload and few specialized staff, for some councils conservation has taken second place.
79. Some companies prefer that their top executives have specialized backgrounds and hire individuals who are managers in other organizations.
80. A joint EC-ACP committee would be set up to discuss co-operation on international commodity agreements and specialized working parties.
81. None of the committee members in these crucial years specialized in criminal law or family law.
82. Specialized intertidal communities of enormous significance are the mangrove forests of the tropics.
83. It takes a bit of time to learn to use these more specialized sorts of graph paper but it is worth the effort.
84. The range of a specialized creature may be extensive, but it is usually controlled by one or more precise factors.
85. Power and prestige differentials are essential for the coordination and integration of a specialized division of labour.
86. Integer performance shows up in all software, whereas floating point performance is primarily reflected in specialized mathematical operations.
87. In a few years it will be clearer whether specialized network computers really do offer any other advantages.
88. It is interesting that such distinctions are most clearly and most confidently made in relatively complex and highly specialized societies.
89. That will require significant investment in specialized accommodation, social work input and health care.
90. Amongst the term's more specialized medieval uses, however, is a sense that it shares with its Latin ancestor fabula.
91. The increasingly specialized worlds of business, medicine, politics and technology are fueling the explosion of abbreviations.
92. He practiced law in a large mid-western city and specialized in the defense of medical malpractice suits.
93. Their members were more specialized: a growing proportion of them had no medical background.
94. In the last years of his reign a tendency towards the creation of specialized departments within the ministry had become visible.
95. Cox specialized in assisting borrowers who didn't qualify for bank loans.
96. MontBell markets specialized outdoor clothing, often designed for subzero weather or other extreme conditions.
97. If Nietzsche was to come to terms with a specialized academic career, his need of a compensatory allegiance was extreme.
98. The 1990s have been characterized by record-breaking growth in most wireless segments, including cellular, paging, and specialized mobile radio.
99. Reviews in specialist journals For academic and special librarians the most useful reviewing sources are the specialized journals.
100. Within large companies the need for in-house, highly specialized computer expertise is waning.
101. But publishers of blockbusters and mass retailers may gain if they can shift demand away from less-popular titles and specialized bookshops.
102. The rudimentary division of labour of the hunting and gathering band was replaced by an increasingly more complex and specialized division.
103. Instead of being a development of an inherent or generally available faculty, it is a specialized technique wholly dependent on specific training.
104. One reason Smith Barney trails in sales is that the firm has long specialized in selling stocks[ ], not taxable bonds.
105. Anderson specialized in eye diseases, becoming consulting ophthalmic surgeon at York County Hospital.
106. Essentially, each code word is a separate, highly specialized entity.
107. The corporation provides travel agents with specialized services that can be configured according to the needs of the marketplace or the customer.
108. Later he specialized in war photography for magazines such as Life, Time, and Newsweek, winning a number of awards.
109. The Commission retains the services of consultants in specialized fields.
110. The tropical forests can provide a home for such a specialized and diverse fauna because they undergo very little seasonal change.
111. Does the future lie with diversified financial conglomerates or with highly specialized financial institutions?
112. This is particularly important in a field where many of the demands made by users are highly specialized in nature.
113. The former are oriented to specialized resources while the latter focus on outputs.
114. But the company, which specialized in minicomputers, failed to capitalize on the switch to personal computers.
115. The two hemispheres of the brain become more different and more specialized in boys.
116. Poets whose work was not specialized, however, also wrote poetry.
117. Data subjects could include sports, stocks, weather, traffic, entertainment listings and narrower topics for specialized audiences.
118. Today, as activism becomes more and more specialized, the danger is of connections disappearing.
119. There has been research which suggests that moderately strong automatic stemming can be applied in specialized online reference retrieval searching.
120. The first provides a more general form of academic course than the specialized academic degrees described above.
121. Only a third of the curriculum is devoted to more specialized training for specific occupations or companies.
122. Which of these specialized directories from Oxbridge Communications would solve a reference problem for you?
123. Students are studying with the help of specialized computer reading programs.
124. The occupations divided and specialized, replacing self-sufficient ways of life.
125. From the 1920s sports reporting and photography was accepted as a crucial and specialized component of popular journalism.
126. Cosmopolitans were defined as showing higher levels of commitment to specialized skills and professional peer group judgement than to the employing organization.
127. Specialized practice, particularly child care, metal health, gerontology and residential work.
128. These reagents, as well as reference procedures for specialized diagnostic and molecular epidemiologic approaches, are usually not produced commercially.
129. There is an erosion of the specialized character of regional economies and redundancy of big plants and associated big industrial cities.
130. The single-subject academic course is largely confined to the universities, reflecting their traditions of specialized scholarship and their stronger research orientation.
131. To achieve a more uniform instruction set, such specialized registers are replaced by the use of accumulators in the array.
132. Two specialized weapons, designed primarily for antitank warfare, were quite common, al-though they often stayed in camp.
133. The Division of Labor expounds Durkheim's theory about the development of specialized work in society.
134. Generally,[] a contractor is the firm under contract to provide specialized construction services.
135. To keep track of all the various product lines, companies structured according to specialized functions.
136. For example, area V4 in monkeys is specialized for processing colour information but doesn't encode other attributes like motion or position.
137. That automatically takes it out of the realm of a mass-market film to something more specialized.
138. The growth of industry requires more specialized scientific and technical knowledge which results in the development of professions such as science and engineering.
139. Payne specialized in converting apartments to condominiums when it was considered cutting edge in the residential real estate market.
140. So they diversified abroad, or into specialized publishing and books, recorded music, radio and leisure activities.
141. By the 1700s, there were no less than seven annual fairs which mainly reflected the specialized industries that had developed.
142. One after another, various State enterprises in charge of importing foreign produce collapsed: Alimag, which specialized in food.
143. Voluntary certification can attest to professional competence in a specialized field of accounting and auditing.
144. In this era of specialized travel, arguably the most entertaining new publications take a different approach.
145. Some of the more robust products offer specialized services for businesses, such as direct payroll deposit and cash concentration.
146. Specialized cultural orientation and marketing running plan.
147. Currency and Accounting offer specialized formatting for monetary value.
148. He sell very specialized equipment for the electronics industry.
149. This company specialized management kitchen utensil, environmental protection cookware.
150. Banks have developed along specialized lines.
151. Commando: This is GDI's specialized unit. Can tear through enemy infantry and blow up buildings.
152. The measures for reducing the incidence of operative complications are specialized training, meticulous operating, adopting local anaesthesia and so on.
153. The carbon cord of 2 is specialized in iso - ionic discharge conducting wire.
154. In a sperm cell, a specialized set of tiny support proteins (protamines) pack the DNA down to about one-sixth the volume of a mitotic chromosome.
155. Knurling . knurling is the process of producing a roughened surface by means of a specialized forming tool called a knurl .
156. Xinwei Products Factory specialized in producing various kinds of LED lamps LED pens, plastic ball-point pen.
157. The technique of determining city land values has developed into a highly specialized and well - paid profession.
158. Most Ada compilers were either slow or ran on specialized hardware, such as Rational's RS/6000 with its APEX environment designed for Ada development.
159. There are four specialized radio channels, which broadcast different kinds of programmes.
160. In the lab, Hodgins tells Cam about the specialized twine used to tie together Ed's hands.
161. The specialized training plan is the blueprint for talent training.
162. This upward compatibility is useful when you want to combine sets of documentation from two sources, each of which has specialized differently.
163. IVA -GmbH established in 1991 is specialized in plant design, equipment delivery and technical service of industrial material processing. Mr.
164. Cestodes, or tapeworms, are gut parasites of vertebrates. They are structurally more specialized than flukes , having a scolex with attachment organs, a neck region, and a strobila.
165. In 1856, Thomas Burberry scarf his own store that specialized in outdoors wear in England.
166. GUANGZHOUSHI HUANGPU YONGXIN QIPEI CO. , LTD was established in 1998, which is specialized in parts for heavy duty trailer, semi-trailer and truck.
167. Specialized hydraulic equipments and so on production, hydraulic ram, screw swinging cylinder, drill jumbo.
168. In the meanwhile, a specialized and stable group of teachers in needed.
169. Our company was established in 1952 , specialized in toys and craftworks, now it has become one of the largest inport and export companies in China.
170. I was founded in 1994, is a specialized in cast iron, cast steel, alloy cast iron, ductile iron casting processing units.
171. Objective To union bio - medical engineering specialized characteristic, discusses the anatomy teaching method.
172. Insulin is secreted by beta cells, specialized cells in the pancreas.
173. We are a company specialized in manufacturing brake calipers, master brake cylinder, wheel cylinder and other chassis parts.
174. The tunica albuginea surrounds the corpora cavernosa, specialized spongy tissue in the core of the penis that fills up with blood during an erection.
175. Another view of this type of component is as a specialized form of the selection component.
176. Specialized in shipments from China to Mexico, with door to door service as well as LCL and FCL service.
177. The factory is Tappet car engine and hydraulic piston pin the specialized production enterprises.
178. The specialized information exchange of Iching and the landscape architecture and geomancy.
179. The specialized production vanity mirror, the health care combs, picture frame, pen container, bamboo wooden handicrafts and so on hanging scroll.
180. The specialized production requirements of the special assets investment will increase transaction costs, market risk and uncertainty.
181. Our factory is specialized in producing garden tool series such as all specifications of garden shears, and pruning shears and so on.
182. A highly localized, specialized piece of substrate is densely overgrown.
183. Government needs an appropriate orientation to exercise in the process of specialized towns' economic growth, -actively intervenes at the initial stages and fades out as occasion serves .
184. In this process, we should give the reasonable position to the social worker professionalization, then we could draw into the social work specialized i...
185. The history takes the foundational long-line discipline, its employment prospect relatively so-called popular specialized is facing the major difficulty without doubt.
186. These are conceptually similar to silanes and titanates and find limited use in highly specialized applications.
187. Our company is a state-owned Co specialized in handling saddle, pedal, brake set , axle, brake cable, Basket, children bike , freewheel and some other products.
188. We are a comprehensive company, specialized in the design, production and sales of shoes, and set a shoes wholesales booth and an office building in Guangzhou.
189. Examples of complicated graphs include specialized bar-and-whiskers plots, time-series with sophisticated error bars, color encodings and density plots, and many other possibilities.
190. Let specialized people do specialized job accords with social division of labors.
191. A helical antenna is a specialized antenna that emits and responds to electromagnetic fields with rotating (circular)polarization.
192. Chara has also specialized in offbeat roles, from a manic-depressive brat who dresses like a crow in Picnic to a Chinese hooker who becomes a nightclub singer in Iwai's Swallowtail.
193. Specialized chips significantly increase the speed of a computer system by offloading work from the main processor .
194. Shangraoxian Tegu, Ltd is specialized in video film and television pre-shooting aids development and marketing of technology-based companies.
195. The single minded, all-encompassing applications of today will begin dying off in favor of multi-celled, specialized solutions.
196. Specialise offer special edition car , specialized field hot-rod , special purpose cars...
197. Our company is the specialized manufacturer of steroid hormones. Xianle mainly product the series of Betamethasone, Cyproterone, Acetate, Dexamethasone and its intermediates more than 20 products.
198. At here, we will provide you with expansive development space, specialized training opportunity and top-grade welfare competitively in the national industry.
199. A specialized supplier of special timepiece tools an mechanical and quartz movements from Japan and Switzerland.
200. Among the many specialized degree programs in this field are digital media production, illustration, commercial art, typographic design, and 3D animation.
201. Changzhou Yixingda Ultrasonics Equipment Co. , Ltd. is specialized in manufacturing ultrasonics equipments. It integrates itself with research, design, production, sales and service.
202. Each specialized chess player can think that loses the chess is a very painful matter.
203. At present, in is engaged in the foreign trade in the enterprise, the specialized customs broker, the agent customs broker, our country specialized declarants only have 74600 people! ! !
204. Stem cells from embryonic tissue can differentiate to become many different types of specialized tissue.
205. Guard cell A specialized kidney-shaped epidermal cell, located to the side of a STOMA.
206. Advanced EHS testing company in China, specialized in EHS testing and evaluation service.
207. Eukaryote --- A unicellular or multicellular organism in which the cells have a nucleus with a nuclear membrane and other specialized characteristics. See also prokaryote.
208. Based on this strengthens this tripartite specialized operation the rate of accuracy.
209. Shanghai Bangde Auto Parts Manufacturing Co. , Ltd is a group company, which is specialized in manufacturing parts of auto air conditionor, house-hold air conditionor and central air conditionor.
210. Objective To explore the nursing service mode for specialized nurses in diabetes and its application effect.
211. Specialized in operating high - end office supplies and computer supplies and office equipment, direct - oriented companies and enterprises.
212. Our company specialized production each kind of welding wire and welds the auxiliary material.
213. The company's marketing service covering the whole country, can more quickly provide users with more specialized and comprehensive pre-sale, sale, after-sales service.
214. Both an RF power analyzer and a spectrum analyzer are essentially specialized superheterodyne receivers.
215. Trainer troop scientific research ability is very weak. 4th, lacks the specialized training unit, the specialized athlete and the specialized trainer.
216. A specialized coffee grower, who now owns four washing stations across the country, Nkubili began his career investing in a trucking company, before diversifying.
217. This specialized technique specifically illuminates sample with evanescent wave created by total internal reflection, and only a few hundred nanometers depth of sample surface should be excited.
218. Our company is the specialized factory manufacturing mud pump liner metric and British system chrome –plated liner, hardened steel liner and ceramic liner.
219. For many years, the trend was to embed text in specialized application file formats.
220. A marshaling library creates specialized classes for sender, recipient, date, product lines, product identification, price, total, and any other elements that appeared in the document.
221. Jiangxi KENT Driveline CO. , Ltd. is manufacturer specialized in producing C. V. Joint and Driveshaft. The products are exported to many countries around the world.
222. Knurling . knurling is the process of producing a roughened suce by means of a specialized forming tool called a knurl .
223. The squeezed transportation pump is specialized equipment used for transporting fill in backfill mining.
224. IEE needs to be specialized, having more independent IEE courses, and paying more attention to the special feature of IEE when compared with general moral education.Sentence dictionary
225. My factory may provide various color the dice cup as well as each Variety design dice cup. has the need to invite relation this factory Specialized manufacture Quality guarantee!
226. Northern Pipeline was widely regarded as potentially applicable to administrative agencies as well as specialized courts.
227. His contemporaries had begun to confine themselves to specialized investigations.
228. In higher animals, contraction became the specialized function of muscle cells.
229. Wellborn Enterprise (International) Ltd. is a foreign-owned who is specialized in design, manufacturing and Sales for high-end stainless steel kitchenware and household products.
230. Birko manufactures more than 250 cleaning, sanitation and production process chemicals, as well as specialized delivery equipment for meat, poultry, food and beverage plants.
231. Certainly, elects specialized also to choose segmentations as far as possible, the type of chiasma, the practical specialty.
232. On the basis of improved the testing principle, a specialized and automatic data processing peeling strength tester has been developed by using single -chip computer technology.
233. Our company is specialized in series of diesel engine, electric fuel pump, oil injection nozzle, start machine and accessories used for cars and light duty trucks.
234. On the other, family production was increasingly specialized, with some professional households that engaged in farming and its sideline industries, handicraft production, and the service industry.
235. Handan Tonghe Fastener Manufacturing Co. Ltd. is a company specialized in manufacturing fittings for spark plug , inner expansion bolts, drop-in anchor, socket wrench, nuts and screws.
236. All sections of the whole production line are strictly operated by our specialized technicians thus ensuring the superior quality of our Longyi products.
237. In specialized production upscale stunt kite, tumbling kite, four kites, software kite.
238. We specialized in making tool case and helmet, such as ATV helmet, cross helmet, street helmet, full face helmet, half helmet, open face helmet, kids helmet.
239. The steel and iron structure chain is service steel and iron structure industry chain specialized ministrant, the commerce website.
240. American Residential generally designed specialized ceremonial area for guests and the family PAR- TY.
241. "Problem-Solving Research in School Mathematics" is a new specialized basic course in the Department of Mathematics.
242. The company has specialized in manufacturing, computer peripherals networking products, telecommunication products etc.
243. A specialized respiratory root structure in certain aquatic plants, such as the bald cypress.
244. The majority of other books on plant taxonomy are either less concise or more specialized.
245. Does the curriculum, each specialized tests the subject after the preliminary test qualified notice.
246. Chongqing Foreign Trade Limited Company - is a specialized company operating various glasses.
247. Community health workers should be aware of the specialized issues around infant feeding.
248. The retail industry is eager to see if Wal-Mart, which has specialized in running stores three times the size of a U.S. football field, can replicate that success on a small scale.
249. The rise of fish culture gradually became the stone rows of specialized agriculture.
250. The appropriable specialized quasi rents of Japanese managers' specific human assets increase by the absence of the external managers market.
251. This provides a callback mechanism to surround generated data access code with specialized processing.
252. It has long been proposed that stem cells function by dividing to generate an identical daughter cell and a cell that becomes more specialized.
253. Specialized courses in quantitative analysis, often described as courses in'sanitary Chemistry ".
254. Below market economy condition, how is aggrandizement salt specialized in?




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