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单词 Mealy
1. These apples are kind of mealy.
2. Don't be so mealy - mouthed, say what you mean!
3. It was gray, mealy, and small.
4. Or dining mealy parrots drop fruit in your path.
5. Beador had lent her a magnificent five-year-old mealy bay gelding, called Fontana.
6. The berries are red now, but they are mealy and tasteless.
7. However, like the newly decorated glasshouse toad, the mealy bugs, being white, found it difficult to remain unseen.
7. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
8. It left a mealy residue.
9. Don't is so mealy mouthed, say what you mean!
10. He was tired of those mealy - mouthed politicians.
11. Aphids, mealy bug and thrips cause deformity in new growth. Treat with a diluted pesticide or remove pests by hand. Never use a soap-based insecticide.
12. A mealy bug on a cassava stem, from an affected plantation in north-eastern Thailand.
13. Disease: Aphids, mealy bugs, powdery mildew, fungal leaf spot, stem and root rot if over watered.
14. But if you don't, they say you are mealy mouthed forever!
15. Some people criticize the boss, but they're too mealy mouthed to say so in her presence.
16. Control of root mealy bugs is accomplished with soil drenches with an insecticide.
17. She's a pale - faced , mealy - mouthed ninny. And I hate her.
18. The most common problem is the Mealy bug , which feeds on plant sap.
19. SCARLETT: Melanie Hamilton! She's a pale - faced mealy - mouthed ninny and I hate her.
20. The crevices where the spurs were cut back each year were particularly attractive hiding places for mealy bugs.
21. Coconut Shell Charcoal is fired by the shell of coco, its form is lumpish or mealy .
22. Cotton growers in Pakistan generally have a sound understanding of cotton production technology, but yields are limited due to the cotton leaf curl virus and mealy bug.
23. Perhaps this may lay to rest the suspicion surrounding the Aardens of red or mealy plumage.
24. Try the friar. Fried, it's drier. - No, the clergy is really too coarse and too mealy.
25. A common weed ( Chenopodium album ) having lance - shaped leaves with a mealy surface and small green flowers.
26. Leaves opposite, simple, sometimes lobed , usually with large gland patches near base, often abaxially gray mealy.
27. I never feel that that fellow is really sincere; he's too mealy - mouthed.




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