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单词 Opaque
1. The jargon in his talk was opaque to me.
2. The windows were nearly opaque with grime.
3. The report was written in long, opaque sentences.
4. I felt his report was deliberately opaque.
5. I find her poetry rather opaque.
6. The glasses looked slightly opaque.
7. You can always use opaque glass if you need to block a street view.
8. The story is convoluted and opaque, often to the point of total obscurity.
9. As the liquid cools it becomes cloudy and opaque.
10. Aristoc black opaque tights, £1.89.
11. Unfortunately, the red lacquer is slightly too opaque to do the maple much justice.
12. The bottle was made of opaque glass so that the contents could not be seen.
13. Behind the opaque glass screen Franklin D. Hauser mopped his sweating forehead.
14. If I had my way it would be opaque Lycra tights every day of the week.
15. The Fluid Foundation comes in a little opaque beige plastic container, and is labelled, in gold lettering, Teint Naturel.
16. Manescu had the impression the apparition behind the opaque glass wall was drinking from an absurdly shaped vessel.
17. Cats aren't so easy - more opaque, you could say.
18. And they were glazed with opaque white glass so that the patients couldn't see out either, nor passers-by see in.
19. The lens may go opaque from cataracts, or it may darken so that it needs more light.
20. Wullschlager tackles the crucial but opaque question of Andersen's sexuality with tact, resisting psychoanalytic facilities.
21. Add the rice to the pan and cook until it becomes opaque.
22. The once clear mountain stream is now polluted and opaque.
23. The complex administrative arrangements render the decision - making process somewhat opaque.
24. This is partly a humid, faintly Graham Greene-like love story, partly a conundrum about opaque and enigmatic behaviour.
25. Yet when written language is imperfectly identified and not fully understood it will tend to seem opaque in any case.
26. But there was a figure at the window, looking silently out at the opaque sky.
27. This blown vessel has a body of translucent cobalt blue glass, with a casing of opaque white glass.
28. The rain was now pelting down, covering the windows with a coat of water as thick and opaque as glycerine.
29. It grows to be a small dark cloud of purpose, opaque with life.
30. At this stage nothing remains but that each should present an opaque front to the other.
1. Add the rice to the pan and cook until it becomes opaque.
2. The once clear mountain stream is now polluted and opaque.
3. The report was written in long, opaque sentences.
4. The complex administrative arrangements render the decision - making process somewhat opaque.
31. But in infant monkeys wearing an opaque contact lens, this changes.
32. A row of curtainless windows punctuated the wall behind the sink, all of them opaque with ancient grime.
33. However in this context the opaque crystals could be applied as a paint in areas defined by sharp lines.
34. Why this should be our only or even our overriding concern remains as opaque as ever.
35. You weren't aware of the sky, just a thick layer of opaque cloud.
36. The opaque glasses used for making the beads provide us with a somewhat different level of inference.
37. There was a separate shower to my immediate left with an opaque glass door, bathtub adjacent.
38. Stone was my last name, opaque to me in meaning.
39. Never quite abstract, never entirely candid, always at a tangent to the world, Hodgkin is a strangely opaque painter.
40. Virtually all the large bottles here are of thick, opaque blue glass.
41. However, for slinky evening wear, black, be it opaque or sheer, is still the right choice.
42. Keep herbs and spices in opaque glass bottles to protect them from sunlight.
43. A faint glow came through an opaque window which must belong to one of the cloakrooms.
44. Then his vision blanked out completely, as the whole windscreen went suddenly opaque.
45. By late afternoon the sky was completely opaque and a thick gloom hung over the ocean as if night had fallen prematurely.
46. Actual blindness occurs only after years and years, and is caused by infestation of the cornea - which eventually becomes opaque.
47. The managers spoke in cryptic, allusive utterances, using technical jargon that was opaque to her.
48. The windows are opaque, and the curtains you can see on the second floor are light gray.
49. The acrylic is not effective to use in the traditional opaque sense, it must be treated as a watercolour.
50. Boxes are available made of clear polycarbonate, opaque polypropylene or metal.
51. The vegetation heaped up again, swatches and feathers, thunderheads and inky lace, opaque on the screen of night sky.
52. The black paint of the door was flaking, the number was askew; the windows were opaque with greyish net curtains.
53. It was a foggy, chilly day, without sunshine so the sea was murky and opaque.
54. Constant wetting makes nails soft and opaque, and chemical detergents and varnish removers decrease levels of moisture in the nail.
55. The moonless sky was overcast, and gliding into an opaque blackness we might have been in outer space.
56. It is the density of crystals which renders the glass opaque to wavelengths of light.
57. One of the tables, set behind an opaque frosted glass screen, is semi-private.
58. But there's no sky, no stars, just the opaque blank wall next door.
59. He used his X-Acto knife to cut a new signature strip from a sheet of opaque paper.
60. The film of steam combined with the patina of dirt on the glass made them almost opaque.
61. It should turn opaque (non-transparent) in color.
62. It is a typically opaque semiofficial organization.
63. Adopt opaque materials, for using, many colors for choice.
64. The method applies to both opaque and transparent objects.
65. A dark green, round biconvex tablet with opaque coating.
66. Shaded watermark: watermark with opaque rather than tranaparent appearance.
67. Positive line work and letterpress must be opaque.
68. Organisations become more Ruritanian.The job market becomes more opaque.
69. An opaque watercolor bound with gum.
70. It is a typically opaque semiofficial organization. Mr.
71. All the OPEC opal in the Opel is opaque.
72. The opaque, mad look came into his eyes again.
73. Cyclopes Available on opaque Cream.
74. A standing opaque beacon may be useful in addition.
75. Known as saltpeter, nitrite, a white opaque crystalloid like salt, is consisted of Sodium nitrite and potassium nitrite.
76. Then a blend method has been developed for rendering the opaque body and translucent body.
77. A method to measure thermal diffusivity of opaque materials by a laser photothermal radiometry technique is introduced in this paper.
78. He interposed an opaque body between a light and the eye.
79. India paper: Very thin opaque rag paper often used for high quality books.
80. Prevent oily recipe brand-newly, prevent skin excretive grease and opaque particle to condense, avoid needless awkwardness .
81. Note that the tokens are opaque binary data(), and only the underlying security mechanism needs to be able to interpret them.
82. Results:We found some signs are of great importance:opaque glass sign, alveolar nodular sign, pathologic air bronchogram sign.
83. Gouache is opaque watercolour, known also as poster paint and designer's colour.
84. Objective To study the accurate methods to predict the post operative visual acuity of cataractous patients with different degrees of opaque lenses.
85. When the animals die, they turn opaque and lose color as their proteins and DNA break down.
86. ABS acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, for a light-yellow granular or bead-like resin opaque, non-toxic, tasteless , low water absorption.
87. "Financial conglomerates have become more and more opaque, especially about their massive off-balance-sheet activities," he said.
88. Small businesses are typically informationally opaque and managerially costly, and these exist some obstacles for banks to extend credits to small businesses.
89. In September when the ice comes, pleasure craft are hauled ashore, fishermen move north into the warmer Barents Sea, and another flotilla steams under the opaque ice.
90. Good flatness, opaque surface and luminance, suitable for single - firing floor tiles.
91. And some minutely crystalline varieties, such as flint, may be opaque and of a maxy luster.
92. In practice, using an 8-bit byte, the alpha value ranges from 0-255 instead of 0-1, where zero is transparent and 255 is opaque.
93. Exactly the same size and shape as a conventional snack machine, the fresh produce on its shelves was packaged in small, opaque, crinkly bags similar to the sort of bags crisps come in.
94. The high far infrared radiativity, stable radiation coefficient and obviously low electricity consumption of the produced opaque silica glass elements have been experimentally verified.
95. When off, the screen is completely transparent and the keyboard goes opaque.
96. Ruby Sapphire balls are opaque red in color and frequently used in gauging devices.
97. In advanced stages the opaque corneas may ulcerate and even perforate.
98. Bombed-out bank valuations, on the other hand, look less tempting, given the root cause of their problems: opaque, potentially toxic balance sheets.
99. A blue overlay opaque white glass jar with lid , Qing Dynasty.
100. Possible tokens include start/end element, switch code page, entity, processing instruction, tokenized string, literal string, various extension tokens, and opaque data.
101. Since the thermal radiation largely stopped by ordinary opaque materials(), buildings and clothing can provide protection.
102. A water- reducible , opaque, matte-finish paint in which an albuminous or colloidal medium (as egg yolk) is employed as a vehicle instead of oil or varnish.
103. Fluoride is usually used as opacifier for opaque glass, but fluoride brings about pollution of environment.
104. The solar absorptance is automatically calculated as the complimentary part, which is always the case for opaque samples.
105. A cry, a very loud cry, as of infinite desolation, soared slowly in the opaque air.
106. The Lujiang meteorite, a chondrite whose petrochemical type is LL6, contains the following opaque minerals: kamacite, taenite, disordered taenite, troilite, chromite, hematite, ilmenite.
107. Opaque regulations and a recent government price freeze on public utilities, including water, are also red flags.
108. And some minutely crystalline varieties, such as flint, may be opaque and of a waxy luster.
109. It has the same "ending" as daggard and poniard, but the root, though opaque, is still spelled with an h.
110. Perfectly cooked fish should flake easily and be opaque the faintest amount of translucency the middle.
111. An input value of 40, for example, will correspond to a low-medium fade style, whereas a value of 80 or greater will correspond to the most opaque fade setting.
112. Aim : To prevent the fixed - orthodontic etching from acid - eroded enamel opaque spot.
113. Intralipos 10% is a white opaque fat emulsion for intravenous injection, containing 10 W/V % of purified soybean oil.
114. Goldenrod paper : Opaque orange paper on which film negative is assembled for plate - making.
115. The human brain has evolved to find patterns, which is useful when avoiding saber-toothed tigers but less so when confronted with opaque and complex events.
116. As the closely serried leaves bent , a tide of opaque emerald could be glimpsed.
117. A chemical agent added to a material, such as rocket propellant, to make it opaque.
118. The opaque nature of a Web service method combined with the descriptive power of XML documents for data are perfect for integrating any number of remote operations.
119. The balloons clear panels (left) transmit sunlight to heat-absorbing opaque panels opposite, heating the air inside and keeping the balloon aloft.
120. Masking paper: Black or red opaque paper used for masks. For example: goldenrod paper.
121. But this hand - mirror of milk under my nose is sluggishly opaque.
122. You can cover your eyes with an opaque eye mask.
123. Various opaque diagnostic minerals, formed by the leakage of hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon, exist commonly in the overlying formations of oil and gas pools in western Chaidamu basin.
124. If optional parameters are not specified the text defaults to Gold color, Full Opaque, and NON - wrapped.
125. Fluoride is usually used a opacifier for opaque glass, but fluoride brings about pollution of environment.
126. A vitreous, usually opaque, protective or decorative coating baked on metal, glass, or ceramic ware.
127. Conclusion: Fluoridizing treatment of etching can reduce the incidence of enamal opaque spot after orthodontic etching.
128. The color may change from translucent to yellowed and opaque.
129. The horse-head feature is dark because it is really an opaque dust cloud which lies in front of the bright red emission nebula.
130. Nevertheless, none of us is very worried that on the moment it's likely to suddenly, spontaneously turn into a crystal and be opaque and scatter light and do all that sort of stuff.
131. Characteristically, metals are opaque, ductile, and good conductors of heat and electricity.
132. It may even die out altogether, as in opaque materials.
133. Look at the psychological moment the domestic public charity, in fact, and the Global Fund is fully fit for China charity faces unprecedented crisis, it is the financial result of opaque and corrupt.
134. It is mainly applicable for all kinds of opaque rigid or soft products of PVC such as hypertension pipe, hypertension board, thin board, plastic film, cable, leatherette etc.
135. At the neck of jhe wrecs d deck , the reckoner z checked the opaque cheque.
136. The color range of body porcelain is larger the opaque, cervical and incisor translucent.
137. At the neck of the wrecked the reckoner checked the opaque cheque.
138. This would cause the button's background to fade in and out of view, while leaving its text fully opaque.
139. Their ametropia and anisometropia were rectified by wearing glasses upon examination and they were also subject to opaque(method), family refined performance, coordination training and laser therapy.
140. West Point is the oldest contionusiouly opaque military continuously occupied military post in the United States.
141. The moving current is white and opaque due to the use of a bentonite solution.
142. He puts the toll, by a rough estimate, in the tens of billions of dollars, saying that electronic trading would remove much of this "economic rent the dealers enjoy from a market that is so opaque.
143. Results are of great importance: opaque glass sign , alveolar nodular sign , pathologic air bronchogram sign.
144. During these tests she was able to read a newspaper through an opaque screen.
145. The thermally physical characteristics of opaque Anisotropic Materials were studied by using photothermal radiation.
146. Because of their short wavelength, x - rays can pass through objects which are opaque to ordinary light.
147. But banks are opaque and markets prone to panics, so CDS prices could easily be wrong.
148. The major complications of operation were uveitis and optic axis opaque.
149. All this has thrown an uncomfortable spotlight on the insular and opaque JSA.
150. Barovier went on to develop lattimo, or milk glass, which imitated the pure opaque whiteness of porcelain, and calcedonio, which reproduced the effects of chalcedony, agate and malachite.
151. It is also suitable for the high opaque reflecting material.
152. Asas the contracting cloud becomes opaque to its own infrared radiation, its luminosity will drop abruptly.
153. The gauger can be used to measure the opaque, suspended and corrosive liquid medium. It has the features such as high measuring accuracy, good stability, complete function and easy operation.
154. As the plane descends to the Indian capital on an ordinary November day, it is immersed in air so polluted as to be opaque, a brownish sludge that scatters any sunlight.
155. The magnetically - coupled follower design allows operation to 6000 PSIG and use with opaque liquids.
156. Magnetic materials, most of them being opaque to visible light, seemed to be irrelative to the light scattering for a long time.
157. A technique for measuring the parallelism of opaque object based on the principle of spherical wave interference is discussed.
158. The UN climate-change panel's new report is an opaque, conservative and nonpolitical document with a stark message: quick, deep cuts in fossil-fuel emissions are needed immediately.
159. Even so, debenture systems are opaque debenture - holders and accepted students is unknown.
160. Materials through which no radiation is propagated are called opaque.
161. Using an opaque surface hid unnecessary graph that is produced by the indefiniteness.
162. The windows were nearly opaque, with a scrim of some sort of pale fluff or dander.
163. It is no use employing a polariscope to identify an opaque gemstone.
164. Recent experience suggests, as Kaufman foresaw, that are opaque, unmanageable and riddled with conflicts of interest.
165. To cover ( a part of a photographic film ) by the application of an opaque border.
166. Luminosity glows through pale velum walls. Watered neutrals and translucent colors converge in this opaque - defiant palette.
167. Based on non-Fouriers law of heat conduction, by using the expansion method of wave functions, the thermal wave scattering by subsurface cylinders in the opaque body is investigated.
168. But what if a low - tax OFC is shoddily regulated or its rules are opaque?
169. Assignment expressions are shown with opaque actions, where the name of the action contains an assignment expression that references variables, parameters, and structural features in scope.
170. At the neck of the wrecked deck, the reckoner checked the opaque cheque . 240?
171. The opaque oil film reduces the quality of light and affects the sea-air exchange so that the sea reduce the oxygen yield which cause marine lives death of suffocation.
172. Stir in shrimp and scallops; cook until just opaque, 4 to 6 minutes. Remove from heat, add cilantro, and serve over Israeli couscous pilaf.
173. A method to measure thermal diffusivity of opaque materials by a laser photothermal scattering technique is introduced in this paper.
174. Fourthly, opaque trades ( imperfectly marketizing ) is the sponsor of the industry anti - subsidy investigation.
175. This is directed through an opaque glass plate on which is etched an aiming mark, or graticule .




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